Feature Channels: Evolution and Darwin

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Released: 22-Jul-2013 9:00 AM EDT
From Obscurity to Dominance: Tracking the Rapid Evolutionary Rise of Ray-Finned Fish
University of Michigan

Mass extinctions, like lotteries, result in a multitude of losers and a few lucky winners. This is the story of one of the winners, a small, shell-crushing predatory fish called Fouldenia, which first appears in the fossil record a mere 11 million years after an extinction that wiped out more than 90 percent of the planet's vertebrate species.

16-Jul-2013 12:50 PM EDT
Microbes Can Influence Evolution of Their Hosts
Vanderbilt University

Contrary to current scientific understanding, it appears that our microbial companions play an important role in their hosts' evolution. A new study provides the first direct evidence that these microbes can contribute to the origin of new species by reducing the viability of hybrids produced between males and females of different species.

16-Jul-2013 10:00 AM EDT
High Tooth Replacement Rates in Largest Dinosaurs Contributed to Their Evolutionary Success
Stony Brook University

Rapid tooth replacement by sauropods, the largest dinosaurs in the fossil record, likely contributed to their evolutionary success, according to a research paper by Stony Brook University paleontologist Michael D’Emic, PhD, and colleagues. Published in PLOS ONE, the study also hypothesizes that differences in tooth replacement rates among the giant herbivores likely meant their diets varied, an important factor that allowed multiple species to share the same ecosystems for several million years.

Released: 15-Jul-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Great Exaptations: Most Traits Emerge for No Crucial Reason
Santa Fe Institute

In Nature this week, Santa Fe Institute External Professor Andreas Wagner and University of Zurich colleague Aditya Barve, by simulating changes in an organism’s metabolism, show that most traits may emerge as non-crucial "exaptations" rather than as selection-advantageous adaptations.

7-Jul-2013 7:00 PM EDT
Study Helps Understand How Nature Maintains Diversity
Georgia Institute of Technology

By studying rapidly evolving bacteria as they diversify and compete under varying environmental conditions, researchers have shown that temporal niches are important to maintaining biodiversity in natural systems.

3-Jul-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Could Diet While Growing Up Affect Our Offspring’s Vitality?
University of Alabama Huntsville

You are what you eat – and so are your offspring. And in the title bout featuring protein versus sugar, protein is the winner. That’s what a researcher at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) found while studying the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) as part of a multi-institutional team.

20-Jun-2013 8:30 AM EDT
Chimps or Humans -- Who's the Better Baseball Pitcher?
George Washington University

George Washington University researcher, in upcoming Nature study, collected motion data from baseball players to uncover why humans are such good throwers.

Released: 24-Jun-2013 3:00 AM EDT
New Book Rewrites How Evolution Was Discovered
National University of Singapore (NUS)

Historian from National University of Singapore dispels myths and retraces the story of evolution theory co-founders Darwin and Wallace.

20-Jun-2013 4:45 PM EDT
Airborne Gut Action Primes Wild Chili Pepper Seeds
University of Washington

Seeds gobbled by birds and dispersed across the landscape tend to fare better than those that fall near parent plants. Now it turns out it might not just be the trip through the air that's important, but also the inches-long trip through the bird.

Released: 19-Jun-2013 6:55 AM EDT
New Research Backs Genetic ‘Switches’ in Human Evolution
Cornell University

A Cornell University study offers further proof that the divergence of humans from chimpanzees some 4 million to 6 million years ago was profoundly influenced by mutations to DNA sequences that play roles in turning genes on and off.

Released: 10-Jun-2013 3:40 PM EDT
Bridge Species Drive Tropical Engine of Biodiversity
University of Chicago

New research sheds light on how the tropics came to be teeming with species while the poles harbor relatively few. Furthermore, it confirms that the tropics have been and continue to be the Earth’s engine of biodiversity.

Released: 10-Jun-2013 2:45 PM EDT
How Does Inbreeding Avoidance Evolve in Plants?
McGill University

Case study of Leavenworthia suggests that loss of complex traits may be reversed

4-Jun-2013 3:20 PM EDT
Living Fossils? Actually, Sturgeon Are Evolutionary Speedsters
University of Michigan

Efforts to restore sturgeon in the Great Lakes region have received a lot of attention in recent years, and many of the news stories note that the prehistoric-looking fish are "living fossils" virtually unchanged for millions of years.

Released: 4-Jun-2013 7:00 PM EDT
‘Lizard King’ Fossil Shows Giant Reptiles Coexisted with Mammals in Globally Warm Past
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

U.S. paleontologists led by Jason Head of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln announced fossils of giant lizard Barbaturex morrisoni this week. Their analysis shows that it is one of the biggest known lizards ever to have lived on land. They've named the creature after Doors lead singer Jim Morrison.

Released: 4-Jun-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Tiger Moths: Mother Nature’s Fortune Tellers
Wake Forest University

A new study by researchers at Wake Forest University shows Bertholdia trigona, a species of tiger moth found in the Arizona desert, can tell if an echo-locating bat is going to attack it well before the predator swoops in for the kill – making the intuitive, tiny-winged insect a master of self-preservation.

29-May-2013 2:30 PM EDT
A Grassy Trend in Human Ancestors' Diets
University of Utah

Most apes eat leaves and fruits from trees and shrubs. New studies spearheaded by the University of Utah show that human ancestors expanded their menu 3.5 million years ago, adding tropical grasses and sedges to an ape-like diet and setting the stage for our modern diet of grains, grasses, and meat and dairy from grazing animals.

Released: 30-May-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Team Discover the Origin of the Turtle Shell

Researchers have found that a 260-million-year-old reptile is the earliest known version of the turtle. The discovery fills a large gap in the turtle fossil record and provide clues on how the turtle's unique shell evolved.

28-May-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Evolution in the Blink of an Eye
Cornell University

A novel disease in songbirds has rapidly evolved to become more harmful to its host on at least two separate occasions in just two decades, according to a new study. The research provides a real-life model to help understand how diseases that threaten humans can be expected to change in virulence as they emerge.

14-May-2013 9:50 PM EDT
In Early Earth, Iron Helped RNA Catalyze Electron Transfer
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

A new study shows how complex biochemical transformations may have been possible under conditions that existed when life began on the early Earth. The study shows that RNA is capable of catalyzing electron transfer under conditions similar to those of the early Earth.

Released: 16-May-2013 11:40 AM EDT
Coral Reef Fishes Prove Invaluable in the Study of Evolutionary Ecology
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences

Coral reef fish species have proven invaluable for experimental testing of key concepts in social evolution and already have yielded insights about the ultimate reasons for female reproductive suppression, group living, and bidirectional sex change.
