Latest News from: NYU Langone Health

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Released: 11-Apr-2006 9:00 AM EDT
Center Honors Jean-Pierre Changeux, Charles Weissmann and Eric Kandel
NYU Langone Health

The Biotechnology Study Center of NYU School of Medicine will hold its annual awards symposium on April 24 to honor three outstanding pioneers in neurobiology and cognition. The awards honor those scientists whose work has led to major advances at the bedside.

Released: 22-Mar-2006 3:30 PM EST
Karen Duff Receives Prestigious Prize for Alzheimer’s Research
NYU Langone Health

Karen Duff, a research scientist at the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, will receive the 2006 Potamkin Prize from the American Academy of Neurology. The prize recognizes outstanding research in Alzheimer's and related neurodegenerative brain diseases.

Released: 6-Mar-2006 12:00 AM EST
Students Raise Funds for Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Clinic in Ghana
NYU Langone Health

Four medical students at New York University are launching a fundraising campaign by selling custom-made calendars to support reconstructive plastic surgery in West Africa and increase awareness of the vital need for reconstructive plastic surgery resources in developing nations.

15-Feb-2006 1:35 PM EST
A Cancer Promoting Protein Shows Up in an Unexpected Place in the Cell
NYU Langone Health

Researchers have discovered a protein widely known to cause the out-of-control growth of cells can actually be manipulated to induce those cells to commit suicide, providing a novel target for the development of anti-cancer drugs, according to the results of a new study.

Released: 6-Feb-2006 2:20 PM EST
Home Paper Shredders Pose Serious Injury Risk to Toddlers
NYU Langone Health

As our environments change over time with technology, pediatric emergency specialists are continuously challenged to observe possible trends and prevent more injuries by educating the public.

31-Jan-2006 9:45 AM EST
NYU Medical Experts Analyze Subway Injuries
NYU Langone Health

A new survey of subway injuries provides a rare glimpse into what happens to people who are hit by oncoming trains. In New York City, where the Metropolitan Transportation Authority reports that 7 million passengers ride the transit system daily, there is no publicly available record of such tragedies.

5-Jan-2006 2:35 PM EST
Drug Slows Severe Alzheimer’s Symptoms for One Year
NYU Langone Health

A drug used to treat symptoms of moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease appears to be effective for one year, according to the results of a new multicenter study that provides additional support for the continuing effectiveness of the treatment, called Namenda(r), for patients in the later stages of the disease.

19-Dec-2005 2:40 PM EST
Researchers Show How Air Pollution Causes Heart Disease
NYU Langone Health

Researchers provide some of the most compelling evidence yet that long-term exposure to air pollution"”even at levels within federal standards"”causes heart disease. Previous studies have linked air pollution to cardiovascular disease but until now it was poorly understood how pollution damaged the body's blood vessels.

12-Dec-2005 1:45 PM EST
Depression and Anxiety Improve After Epilepsy Surgery
NYU Langone Health

Depression and anxiety are common problems for people whose epilepsy cannot be controlled by medication. A new study found that depression and anxiety improve significantly after epilepsy surgery.

16-Nov-2005 4:00 PM EST
How a Close Bond Activates the Immune System
NYU Langone Health

The communication between T cells and dendritic cells hasn't been well understood. In a new study scientists report that they have observed the exchange of information between these immune cells required to spark a body wide response to infection.

Released: 10-Nov-2005 10:05 AM EST
Forum Provides Update on Air Pollution, Asthma in South Bronx
NYU Langone Health

Asthma rates in the South Bronx are among the highest in the nation, and the respiratory disease is especially widespread among school-aged children there. Surveys have found that asthma levels among children at some schools in the South Bronx are at least three times the national average.

Released: 20-Oct-2005 12:25 PM EDT
Catherine Zeta-Jones Loses Voice to Overuse: Expert Comment Available
NYU Langone Health

Dr. Milan Amin, Director of NYU Voice Center and Chief of Laryngology at NYU Medical Center is available to talk about Catherine Zeta-Jones losing her voice while on a promotional tour for her new film. Dr. Amin often treats patients who abuse their voice on the job and can speak to who is at risk, symptoms, and treatments of voice hoarseness.

7-Oct-2005 3:30 PM EDT
Elevated Blood Levels of a Protein are Linked to Asbestos-Induced Cancers
NYU Langone Health

Researchers have found a molecule that reveals the early stages of pleural mesothelioma, a chest cancer caused by asbestos. The finding opens the way to a blood test for the disease, according to a new study.

30-Sep-2005 12:00 PM EDT
Standard Brain Test May Help Predict Dementia
NYU Langone Health

A new study demonstrates that the earliest manifestations of Alzheimer's, when the first signs of memory loss appear, can be screened with a relatively inexpensive, painless, and easy-to-use tool called an EEG. Projected publication date October 5.

13-Sep-2005 2:55 PM EDT
Mutation Rate Holds Promise for Testing Cancer Risk
NYU Langone Health

A new study to detect an elevated rate of mutations in a gene on the X chromosome holds promise for developing a test that could identify individuals at risk for developing cancer.

29-Aug-2005 12:50 PM EDT
Molecular Switch for Nerve Cells’ Insulating Jelly Rolls
NYU Langone Health

Scientists identify the switch that turns on the production of myelin, the fatty insulation around nerve cells that ensures swift and efficient communication in the nervous system. The finding may provide new ways to treat diseases such as multiple sclerosis, which are associated with damage to myelin.

Released: 3-Aug-2005 1:10 PM EDT
FDA Approval to Study Safety of Gastric Banding Surgery on Teens
NYU Langone Health

NYU Medical Center received approval from the Food an Drug Administration to perform a clinical trial to examine the safety and efficacy of gastric banding surgery on adolescents.

11-Jul-2005 11:40 AM EDT
Sensory Deprivation Affects Brain’s Nerve Connections
NYU Langone Health

Scientists at New York University School of Medicine reveal the important role of early experience in shaping neuronal development and brain plasticity in a new study.

20-Jun-2005 11:50 AM EDT
Cause of Bedsores and Other Chronic Wounds
NYU Langone Health

New findings may help clinicians predict which wounds are likely to become chronic -- a key bit of information, since the sooner treatment is started, the better the outcome. The research also raises the hope for new treatments for chronic wounds by identifying targets for intervention.

15-Jun-2005 2:35 PM EDT
Computer Program Uses Brain Scans to Assess Risk of Alzheimer’s
NYU Langone Health

Using a new brain scan-based computer program, researchers demonstrate that reductions in brain metabolism in healthy individuals are associated with the later development of Alzheimer's disease.

Released: 23-May-2005 7:30 PM EDT
Gift Establishes Helen L. & Martin S. Kimmel Center for Stem Cell Biology
NYU Langone Health

A new Center for Stem Cell Biology has been established at NYU Medical Center. Named in honor of two NYU Medical Center trustees, Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel, whose generous $10 million donation made it possible, the new center will establish a world-class, multidisciplinary research center focusing on the basic biology of stem cells.

Released: 12-May-2005 1:45 PM EDT
Active Vaccine Prevents Mice from Developing Prion Disease
NYU Langone Health

Scientists have created the first active vaccine that can delay and possibly prevent the onset of a fatal brain disease in mice. The findings could provide a platform for a vaccine to prevent a group of fatal brain diseases caused by unusual infectious particles called prions.

Released: 6-May-2005 2:10 PM EDT
Breast Cancer Conference: Prestigious Panel Line-Up
NYU Langone Health

The Annual Breast Cancer Conference at NYU Cancer Institute will present "Breast Cancer Advocacy: Revolution, Evolution...Change", an event that will discuss the history and future of breast cancer advocacy, give the opportunity to meet pioneers in the field and hear about their accomplishments.

Released: 6-Apr-2005 6:00 PM EDT
NYU Biotechnology Study Center Honors Three Outstanding Pioneers
NYU Langone Health

The Biotechnology Study Center of NYU School of Medicine will hold its annual awards symposium to honor three outstanding pioneers in molecular biology, biotechnology and translational medicine at its annual awards symposium.

4-Apr-2005 4:30 PM EDT
Immune Cells in the Liver Take a Ride
NYU Langone Health

Scientists at New York University School of Medicine viewing the actual journey of immune cells in the liver have found that these cells travel in the liver's blood vessels with surprising speed and agility.

Released: 31-Mar-2005 4:10 PM EST
Hospital Compare Launch -- NYU Medical Center CMO Available for Interview
NYU Langone Health

Max Cohen, M.D., Chief Medical Officer at NYU Medical Center, is available to be interviewed concerning Hospital Compare, the outcome of a landmark public-private partnership between hospitals, government, and other health care agencies known as the Hospital Quality Alliance.

Released: 11-Mar-2005 12:50 PM EST
Afghani Girl with Heart Defect to Get Treatment Through Project Kids
NYU Langone Health

Vasila, an 11-year-old Afghani girl, has a beaming smile, a bold singing voice, five brothers and sisters, a house they and their parents share with six other families. Vasila also has a congenital heart defect that could take her life if it is not treated within six months.

Released: 4-Mar-2005 11:10 AM EST
New Trials for Counseling Caregivers and Patients with Alzheimer’s Begin
NYU Langone Health

Three studies are underway at the NYU School of Medicine to find out whether short-term counseling can ease the psychological stress and depression of people with Alzheimer's disease and their family members.

Released: 14-Dec-2004 11:20 AM EST
$1.6 Million to NYU to Treat Hep B in Asian Community
NYU Langone Health

New York City Council will launch the Asian American Hepatitis B Program, which addresses the disproportionately high prevalence of hepatitis B within the Asian American community in New York City.

1-Dec-2004 4:30 PM EST
Add an “E” to the Alphabet for Identifying Melanoma
NYU Langone Health

One more letter should be added to the alphabetic list of warning signs of melanoma, a potentially deadly skin cancer, according to a group of NYU School of Medicine dermatologists and their Australian colleagues.

Released: 18-Nov-2004 4:20 PM EST
Proposed Addiction Treatment Successful, Safe in Second Small Trial
NYU Langone Health

A second, small clinical trial of a proposed addiction treatment has produced favorable results in the treatment of long-term addiction to methamphetamine and/or cocaine, with no visual side effects in any of the 30 patients enrolled.

Released: 18-Oct-2004 9:20 AM EDT
The Long Road to a Promising Malaria Vaccine Started at NYU
NYU Langone Health

The malaria vaccine reported today to reduce life-threatening cases of the parasitic disease among children in Mozambique is based on the pioneering research of Drs. Ruth and Victor Nussenzweig and their colleagues at NYU School of Medicine.

Released: 11-Oct-2004 1:00 PM EDT
Spinal Cord Expert Who Has Worked with Christopher Reeve Available for Comment
NYU Langone Health

Moses Chao, PhD, Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology and Neuroscience at New York University School of Medicine is available to comment on the spinal cord research efforts of Christopher Reeve. He is currently the Chair of the New York State Spinal Cord Injury Board.

Released: 28-Sep-2004 12:40 PM EDT
Torture: A Global Update and the Need for Assistance
NYU Langone Health

The goal of the briefing is to increase attention on the global problem of torture and the need for increased funding to assist torture victims both domestically and internationally. Torture is documented to occur in more than 100 countries around the world.

Released: 24-Sep-2004 10:20 AM EDT
Psychiatrist Summoned to Moscow to Help Ease Suffering in Breslan, Russia
NYU Langone Health

Robert Cancro has been invited to bring a team of psychiatrists to Moscow to assist the members of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry in coping with the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the people of Beslan.

Released: 23-Sep-2004 10:30 AM EDT
Medical Center Named One of Best Employers for Workers Over Fifty
NYU Langone Health

AARP has named NYU Medical Center as a Best Employer for Workers Over 50. The honor was given to just 35 employers nationwide who have demonstrated exemplary practices with regard to recruitment, retention and promotion of older workers.

Released: 10-Sep-2004 4:50 PM EDT
Epilepsy Center Hosts International Latin-american Neurosciences Symposium
NYU Langone Health

The International Epilepsy Program at NYU Medical Center will conduct its first International Latin-American Neurosciences Symposium September 13th and 14th.

Released: 28-Jul-2004 5:00 PM EDT
16th Annual Conference: Intl. Society for Environmental Epidemiology
NYU Langone Health

Over 500 environmental scientists from around the world will gather to discuss cutting edge issues regarding environment and health. Original research reports and case studies will be presented in the areas of water and air quality, climate change, urbanization and cancer, etc.

Released: 23-Jul-2004 5:40 AM EDT
New York Area’s First Comprehensive Adolescent Obesity Treatment Progam
NYU Langone Health

To help combat the significant problem of childhood obesity, NYU Medical Center is opening the NYU Pediatric Weight Loss Program, the first comprehensive adolescent obesity treatment program in the New York area.

Released: 21-Jul-2004 6:30 AM EDT
Dr. Barry Reisberg Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
NYU Langone Health

Barry Reisberg, M.D., whose pioneering research led to a greater understanding of the progressive symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and to the development of treatment approaches for the disease, received an Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Alzheimer's Association.

Released: 19-Jul-2004 6:40 AM EDT
Iraqi Child Undergoes Life-saving Heart Surgery
NYU Langone Health

A four-year old Iraqi girl from Baghdad underwent heart surgery at NYU Medical Center to correct a highly complex congenital heart condition called tetralogy of fallot. Dr. Stephen Colvin,Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, performed the five-hour surgery.

Released: 10-Jun-2004 6:20 AM EDT
World Renowned Expert in Gynecologic Oncology Joins NYU
NYU Langone Health

New York University School of Medicine has appointed David A. Fishman, M.D, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of Gynecologic Oncology. Dr. Fishman is a world-renowned expert in gynecologic oncology who has helped to advance the understanding of how ovarian cancer spreads.

29-Apr-2004 1:10 PM EDT
Could Vitamins Raise Levels of Bad Cholesterol?
NYU Langone Health

Instead of protecting the heart, a new study suggests that antioxidant vitamins, such as E, C, and beta carotene, raise the production by the liver of the so-called bad form of cholesterol, which transports cholesterol into the artery walls.

27-Apr-2004 2:20 PM EDT
Enhanced Counseling Eases Depression among Alzheimer's Caregivers
NYU Langone Health

The spouses of Alzheimer's patients often experience extraordinary psychological stress, but a new study shows that a six-session counseling and long-term support program substantially eases the depression of people caring for a loved one with the devastating brain disease.

Released: 9-Apr-2004 4:20 PM EDT
Patients Enrolled in Alternative Heart Disease Treatment Study
NYU Langone Health

NYU Medical Center has begun enrolling patients in the first large-scale clinical trial of chelation therapy, a controversial treatment for heart disease widely practiced by complementary and alternative medicine physicians.

Released: 9-Apr-2004 4:10 PM EDT
Annual Awards Symposium to Honor Leaders in Biotechnology
NYU Langone Health

The Biotechnology Study Center will hold its annual awards symposium to honor three leaders in the biotechnology industry who have made outstanding contributions to molecular biology, biotechnology, and translational medicine.

Released: 7-Apr-2004 4:40 PM EDT
PTSD Increases in Children with Extended ICU Stays Post Cardiac Surgery
NYU Langone Health

A study shows that the occurrence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) increases significantly in school-age children who experience extended stays in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) following cardiac surgery.

Released: 15-Mar-2004 4:30 PM EST
Bacteria Live in the Esophagus!
NYU Langone Health

The esophagus isn't merely a tube for food traveling from the mouth to the stomach, it also provides an environment for bacteria to live, according to a new study by scientists that overturns the general belief that the esophagus is free of bacteria.

Released: 10-Mar-2004 4:20 PM EST
Promising New Trial To Fight Colorectal Cancer
NYU Langone Health

Investigators are leading a national study, called TREE-2, which will evaluate the safety and efficacy of three regimens of Eloxatin as first-line treatment of patients with advanced colorectal cancer.

8-Mar-2004 4:20 PM EST
Researchers Find a Protein That Controls Cell Growth
NYU Langone Health

Researchers have found that a protein called APC plays a role in controlling a web of molecular interactions that can transform normal cells into cancerous ones. The finding may provide new possibilities for devising cancer therapies that target this protein.
