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Released: 21-Feb-2013 11:30 AM EST
How To Kill An Asteroid? Get Out A Paint Spray Gun, Says Texas A&M Space Expert
Texas A&M University

There is research that is off the wall, some off the charts and some off the planet, such as what a Texas A&M University aerospace and physics professor is exploring. It’s a plan to deflect a killer asteroid by using paint, and the science behind it is absolutely rock solid, so to speak, so much so that NASA is getting involved and wants to know much more.

Released: 21-Feb-2013 10:00 AM EST
Businesses Not Prepared For Pandemics and Other Disasters, SLU Study Finds
Saint Louis University Medical Center

In light of the recent influenza outbreak, a SLU study finds that majority of businesses are not prepared for a pandemic

Released: 21-Feb-2013 10:00 AM EST
Factoring in the Deadly Math of Cancer
Duke Health

Researchers are building complex mathematical models to understand cancer's evolution and how to treat it

Released: 18-Feb-2013 7:00 AM EST
Virginia Tech Historian Carefully Watching Papal Election
Virginia Tech

As the world awaits white smoke from the Sistine Chapel roof -- the signal that a new pope has been elected -- Virginia Tech historian Frederic Baumgartner speculates about what will happen next.

Released: 15-Feb-2013 1:00 PM EST
Conflict of Interest Rules Must Extend to Government Contractors, Says Ethics Expert
Washington University in St. Louis

The American Bar Association’s House of Delegates recently adopted a resolution recommending that the federal government expand its protections against conflicts of interest among government contractors. The resolution was based in part on a report Kathleen Clark, JD, ethics expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis, wrote for the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS).“In recent decades, the federal government has greatly expanded its use of contractors to perform services, and spends hundreds of billions on services every year,” Clark writes. “While an extensive array of ethics statutes and rules regulate government employees to ensure that they make decisions in the interest of the government rather than a private interest, only a few of these restrictions apply to contractor personnel.”

Released: 14-Feb-2013 10:00 AM EST
Papal Profiling: Who Will Be the Next Pontiff?
Saint Joseph's University

Speculation regarding the profile of the next leader of the Catholic Church is mounting in the days since Pope Benedict XVI’s surprising resignation. William Madges, Ph.D., dean of Saint Joseph’s University’s College of Arts and Sciences and professor of theology, warns that speculation is just that until the conclave actually meets, but notes some obvious considerations.

Released: 13-Feb-2013 1:45 PM EST
Scheduling Annual Appointments with the Dentist and Family Doctor? Don’t Forget the Family Therapist for the Relationship/Family Check-Up
Nova Southeastern University

NSU’s subject matter expert John Miller, Ph.D., is available to speak on the value of family therapy.

Released: 12-Feb-2013 10:40 AM EST
‘Dr. Love’ Presents Pros and Cons on Online Dating
Wichita State University

If you ask a young couple, “Where did you meet?,” don’t be surprised if they say, “We met online.” According to online dating statistics, 40 million people in the United States have tried online dating. Who better to discuss the pros and cons of online dating than someone who was once called “Dr. Love” by a Nevada radio station? Today’s Wichita State University podcast features comments by “Dr. Love,” aka Wichita State University’s Deborah Ballard-Reisch, who has researched the subject of communication and relationships for about 20 years.

Released: 12-Feb-2013 8:00 AM EST
Save Time and Money with 10 Tax Tips From UF Family Finance Expert
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

University of Florida family finance expert is available to talk about helpful tax tips. Here are his recommendations for saving time and money this tax season.

Released: 11-Feb-2013 3:00 PM EST
Valentine’s Day Tips to Keep Intimacy and Sexuality Alive After or During Menopause From Columbia Nursing Expert
Columbia University School of Nursing

Columbia University School of Nursing Menopause expert Nancy Reame, PhD, provides tips for enjoying a great sex life during this stage.

Released: 11-Feb-2013 12:00 PM EST
Valentine’s Lesson From the Sea: Sing to Be King Fish
Cornell University

In honor of Valentine’s Day, Andrew Bass, professor of neurobiology and behavior at Cornell University, is available to discuss the Plainfin Midshipman – a vocalizing fish that hums love songs to attract its female counterpart to den-like nests beneath rocks.

Released: 11-Feb-2013 10:45 AM EST
Keeping The Romance Alive: How to Maintain Long-Term Relationships
National Communication Association

Members of The National Communication Association who study interpersonal communication can provide insight into how couples can navigate through conflicts in their relationships.

Released: 8-Feb-2013 10:45 AM EST
Expert Urges National Dialogue to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
Rutgers University

To help children avoid the physical and mental consequences of sexual abuse, an internationally known child advocate and expert in prevention and treatment provides personal space and privacy messages pediatricians and parents can use.

Released: 8-Feb-2013 9:55 AM EST
Wichita State Researcher, Author Studies Flu Year Round
Wichita State University

The flu is a year-round focus for associate professor Geroge Dehner, who teaches world and environmental history at Wichita State University. Dehner's research has resulted in the writing of two books "Influenza: A Century of Science and Public Health Response" and "Global Flu and You: A History of Influenza."

Released: 7-Feb-2013 7:00 PM EST
The Future of Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis for Acute Stroke Therapy: Fine Tune the Procedure or Go Back to the Drawing Board?

Patrick D. Lyden, MD, chair of Cedars-Sinai’s Department of Neurology and director of the Stroke Program, is available to comment on breaking news from the International Stroke Conference and the New England Journal of Medicine.

Released: 7-Feb-2013 1:50 PM EST
Boston, Providence, Hartford Set for Possible Snow Records
Cornell University

Jessica Rennells, climatologist with the NOAA Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University, discusses potential record-breaking snowfall that could hit New England on Friday and Saturday.

Released: 6-Feb-2013 8:00 AM EST
Wichita State Professor Studies Causes, Prevention of Parkinson's
Wichita State University

Wichita State University biochemistry professor Kandatege Wimalasena believes his studies will identify molecular causes and eventually lead to the development of effective preventive and therapeutic strategies for Parkinson's.

Released: 5-Feb-2013 2:10 PM EST
Work-Life Balance Needed for Recovery From Job Stress
Kansas State University

Detaching from work -- mentally, physically and electronically -- is the key to recovery from job stress during nonwork hours, according to a Kansas State University researcher.

Released: 5-Feb-2013 10:30 AM EST
Nobody Loves Luigi
DePaul University

The year 2013 marks the 30th anniversary of the original “Mario Bros.” arcade game, which introduced Mario’s fraternal twin brother Luigi. In terms of celebration, however, Luigi remains strictly second banana; the Robin to Mario’s Batman, according to Jose Zagal, assistant professor of game development and interactive media at DePaul University.

Released: 5-Feb-2013 10:00 AM EST
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Experts Discuss the Importance of Sexual Health
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

To raise awareness of sexual health, CIHR-funded researchers are available to discuss this important part of our lives and its impact on people’s physical and mental health.
