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28-Apr-2021 1:05 PM EDT
Housing Subsidies Reduce Health Care Costs for Vulnerable Veterans
University of Utah Health

Ensuring that veterans have stable housing not only reduces homelessness but also slashes the cost of providing them with publicly funded health care, according to a national study led by University of Utah Health scientists.

Released: 26-Apr-2021 1:05 PM EDT
Long-term care infrastructure must be re-imagined in a post-pandemic world
University of Waterloo

Protecting long-term care residents from outbreaks requires different infrastructure, proper staffing conditions and a culture of quality assurance, researchers have found.

Released: 19-Apr-2021 9:05 PM EDT
Airbnb Hosts in College Towns Hike up Prices Game Days to Deter Rival Fans
University of California San Diego

Airbnb hosts in college towns increase their listing prices much more than hotels when there are home football games against rival teams. Hosts experience a 78 percent reduction in rental income by listing prices too high, according to a new study by the University of California San Diego’s Rady School of Management.

Released: 19-Apr-2021 9:30 AM EDT
Pandemic Eviction Bans Found to Protect Entire Communities from COVID-19 Spread
Johns Hopkins Medicine

A new study led by researchers at Johns Hopkins and the University of Pennsylvania uses computer modeling to suggest that eviction bans authorized during the COVID-19 pandemic reduced the infection rate and not only protected those who would have lost their housing but also entire communities from the spread of infections.

Released: 16-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Bisphenol A, Metabolic Profiling, and More Featured in April 2021 Toxicological Sciences
Society of Toxicology

Toxicological Sciences features leading research in toxicology in the April 2021issue, including on the topics of organ-specific toxicology as well as regulatory science, risk assessment, and decision-making.

Released: 15-Apr-2021 9:50 AM EDT
Growth in Home Health Care Failing to Keep Up With Surging Demand, Study Finds
University of Virginia Health System

Recent growth in the number of healthcare workers providing home care for Medicare patients is “small and inadequate” compared with the increasing demand in an aging America, a new study suggests.

Released: 12-Apr-2021 2:05 PM EDT
Married same-sex couples more likely to raise kids over cohabiting ones, according to new BGSU research
Bowling Green State University

When it comes to same-sex couples raising children, married couples are more likely to be raising children than cohabiting ones, according to new research by Bowling Green State University.

Released: 12-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Masculine traits linked to better parenting for some dads
Ohio State University

Key is for men to also believe they should nurture, study finds

Released: 5-Apr-2021 2:40 PM EDT
How Can Remote Workers Best Manage Work-Home Conflict?
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, remote workers are still struggling to find an efficient work-life balance. Timothy D. Golden, a professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, offers research-based best practices for managing common issues that impede success while working from home.

Released: 22-Mar-2021 5:40 PM EDT
#YearofCOVID Tip Sheet

One year has passed since stay-at-home orders went into effect across the U.S. and the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives in profound ways. During this dark year, we've witnessed overwhelming loss of life and livelihood, and separation from those we love. But we have also seen courageous patients and heroic healthcare workers battling the disease, as swift breakthroughs have brought us vaccines and hope.

Released: 22-Mar-2021 10:45 AM EDT
"Store Not Décor”: New Campaign Aims to Prevent Accidental Poisonings in Children
American Cleaning Institute

New research from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds nearly 13% of Americans are not storing liquid laundry packets in their original child resistant containers. In response, ACI has launched the #StoreNotDecor Challenge to help families recognize unsafe storage trends and raise awareness of the importance of laundry safety. The #StoreNotDecor Challenge will be powered by a variety of digital influencers across Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Pinterest encouraging followers to participate.

Released: 18-Mar-2021 4:05 PM EDT
Self-compassion can alleviate feelings of loneliness due to remote work, study finds
Indiana University

A new study led by a psychology researcher at IUPUI has found evidence that feelings of 'work loneliness' during the pandemic are associated with greater depression -- and also that self-compassion seems to mitigate these negative effects.

4-Mar-2021 8:05 PM EST
Alexa, do I have an irregular heart rhythm? First AI system for contactless monitoring of heart rhythm using smart speakers
University of Washington

University of Washington researchers have developed a new skill for a smart speaker that for the first time monitors both regular and irregular heartbeats without physical contact.

Released: 2-Mar-2021 10:25 AM EST
Backyard chickens risk pathogen spread
University of Georgia

Keeping backyard chickens was already on the rise, and the hobby has become even more popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, a University of Georgia researcher cautions that the practice has risks not just for chickens, but for wildlife and people as well.

Released: 1-Mar-2021 4:45 PM EST
New Ideas to Solve America’s Housing Affordability Crisis
Sorenson Impact Center, David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah

Today, Ivory Innovations announced the Top 25 finalists for the 2021 Ivory Prize for Housing Affordability . Now in its third year, the Ivory Prize is an annual award recognizing ambitious, feasible, and scalable solutions to housing affordability across three distinct categories: finance, construction and design, and public policy and regulatory reform.

Released: 25-Feb-2021 9:15 AM EST
ACI Unveils ‘How to Read a Cleaning Product Label’ Resource
American Cleaning Institute

The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) unveiled two new online resources aimed at enhancing consumer understanding and access to information about cleaning product ingredients: "How to Read a Product Label" and "Ingredients by Brand and Company."

Released: 17-Feb-2021 11:20 AM EST
Film Professor Discusses COVID's Effect on Streaming Habits
SUNY Buffalo State University

Nielsen’s Streaming Meter noted that Americans spent 142.5 billion cumulative minutes weekly streaming video in the second quarter of 2020, an increase of nearly 75 percent from the second quarter of 2019. Aaron Daniel “AD” Annas, associate professor and director of Buffalo State College’s television and film arts (TFA) program, talks about this phenomenon and other aspects of streaming services, especially in light of the pandemic.

Released: 12-Feb-2021 10:55 AM EST
‘Honey, I’m home – all the time:’ Pandemic life for married couples can lead to sadness, anger
West Virginia University

Kevin Knoster, a third-year doctoral student in the Department of Communication Studies, led a study examining 165 married individuals and how their partners interfered with their daily routines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released: 10-Feb-2021 6:05 PM EST
Survey: Cleaning product use affecting asthma more during COVID-19 measures
University of Illinois Chicago

Those with asthma are experiencing less asthma control related to an increase in using household disinfectants — known asthma triggers — because of COVID-19, according to a survey co-conducted by University of Illinois Chicago researchers.

Released: 8-Feb-2021 6:25 PM EST
Companion Animals Play a Role in Teleworking Experience During Covid
Canisius University

Millions of Americans are working remotely due to Covid-19. Research by anthrozoologist Christy Hoffman, PhD, shows companion animals play a role in this new teleworking experience.

29-Jan-2021 3:35 PM EST
Why Food Sticks to Nonstick Frying Pans
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Foods will sometimes get stuck to a heated surface, even if oil or a nonstick frying pan is used. Scientists have investigated the fluid properties of oil on a flat surface and their work, reported in Physics of Fluids, shows convection may be to blame. When the pan is heated from below, a temperature gradient is established in the oil film, as well as a surface tension gradient. This gradient sets up a type of convection known as thermocapillary convection.

Released: 22-Jan-2021 9:00 AM EST
UCLA Research Suggests COVID-19-related Evictions Will put Californians’ Healthcare at Risk
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

UCLA Research Suggests COVID-19-related Evictions Will put Californians’ Healthcare at Risk The team, made up of researchers from across UCLA and Cedars-Sinai, including Frederick Zimmerman, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health professor of health policy and management, found those who move, even if voluntarily, face reduced access to prescribed drugs and medical services

Released: 20-Jan-2021 7:00 AM EST
Ten suggestions for female faculty and staff during the pandemic
University of California San Diego

“Ten simple rules for women principal investigators during a pandemic” was published recently in PLOS Computational Biology. It’s perhaps important to note that despite its title, the article is careful to say that the cardinal rule is that there are no rules. So all 10 points outlined are in fact suggestions. Also despite its title, Rangamani says most of the 10 points outlined in the publication can apply to all caregivers juggling work and caregiving during the pandemic.

Released: 13-Jan-2021 3:15 PM EST
Families' remote learning experience during lockdown more positive than widely believed
Taylor & Francis

The remote learning experience of parents who had their children at home in Spring 2020, as schools across the US closed during the United States' COVID-19 lockdown, was more positive than widely believed.

Released: 30-Dec-2020 1:55 PM EST
Moving Due to Unaffordable Housing May Jeopardize Healthcare

People who move due to unaffordable housing are at increased risk of failing to receive the medical care they need, according to a new study from Cedars-Sinai and the University of California, Los Angeles. The study, published online in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, concludes that the result could be long-term health problems.

Released: 14-Dec-2020 10:45 AM EST
Study finds pandemic impacts retirement homes differently
McMaster University

The study found that between March 1 and Sept 24, 2020, 92 per cent of resident and staff infections occurred at 10 per cent of retirement homes. During that time there were 172 retirement home outbreaks involving 1,045, or 1.9 per cent, of residents and 548, or 1.5 per cent) of staff. Fifty-one retirement homes had one or more of the 215 resident deaths.

Released: 9-Dec-2020 4:45 PM EST
Recommendations for coping with working and learning remotely and returning to the workplace
IOS Press

WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, published by IOS Press, is committed to helping organizations manage the challenges they face during the COVID-19 pandemic by publishing robust, evidence-based research and commentary. All articles featured here and in the WORK COVID-19 Collection are freely available.

Released: 9-Dec-2020 1:20 PM EST
Engaged Dads Can Reduce Adolescent Behavioral Problems, Improve Well-Being
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

In low-income families, fathers who are engaged in their children’s lives can help to improve their mental health and behavior, according to a Rutgers University-New Brunswick study published in the journal Social Service Review.

Released: 9-Dec-2020 12:35 PM EST
Survey finds pandemic had a major impact on children’s experiences and rights
Queen's University Belfast

A global survey of children’s views and experiences of life under COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has found that the pandemic had wide-ranging impacts on children’s experiences and rights.

Released: 8-Dec-2020 1:15 PM EST
Gardner Institute report identifies best practices for meeting housing affordability challenge in Utah
University of Utah

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute today released a landmark study that identifies five best practices developed by local jurisdictions aimed at meeting the housing affordability challenge in Utah.

Released: 8-Dec-2020 12:50 PM EST
Injury Prevention Experts Offer Safety Tips as Temperatures Drop
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Injury Prevention experts at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt want to raise awareness on the importance of safely heating your home.

Released: 25-Nov-2020 10:30 AM EST
Young people's anxiety levels doubled during first COVID-19 lockdown, says study
University of Bristol

The number of young people with anxiety doubled from 13 per cent to 24 per cent, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown 1, according to new research from the University of Bristol.

Released: 24-Nov-2020 11:40 AM EST
Staying Safe While Home for the Holidays
American Cleaning Institute

COVID-19 cases around the country are on the rise and that trend is expected to continue throughout the holidays. As parents continue to be hypervigilant about keeping their homes as clean as possible during the pandemic, it is likely that there will be an increase in demand for, and use of, household cleaning products, which can lead to an increased poisoning danger for kids if not used and stored properly. To support families during these challenging times, Safe Kids Worldwide has teamed up with the American Cleaning Institute to remind parents and caregivers to be especially attentive about keeping cleaning products out of the reach and sight of children.

23-Nov-2020 4:00 PM EST
Home Health Care Improves COVID-19 Outcomes
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Survivors of COVID-19 are a vulnerable population who often have health ramifications from their illness and hospital stay. Upon returning home from acute care, large proportions of survivors experience functional dependencies, pain, dyspnea, and exhaustion. Until now, no data has been available on the outcomes of COVID-19 patients discharged home after hospitalization and their recovery needs.

Released: 16-Nov-2020 7:05 PM EST
How to Stay Safer as College Students Return Home for Thanksgiving
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

A Rutgers infectious disease expert discusses considerations for families welcoming home college students and how to celebrate Thanksgiving safely

Released: 16-Nov-2020 4:10 PM EST
Keep Moving and Stay Connected: Tips for Taking Care of Older Loved Ones During a Pandemic
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Mask orders. Constant cleaning. Quarantine. The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed how many people live. This can be especially true for older adults. As one of the most at-risk populations for COVID-related complications, many older adults have been forced to isolate themselves, causing decreased physical and mental activity.

Released: 12-Nov-2020 12:10 PM EST
UNC Charlotte Study Finds Success in Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s Efforts to End Homelessness
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

A new comprehensive study from UNC Charlotte’s Urban Institute, College of Health and Human Services and School of Social Work shows an effective approach to ending chronic homelessness that helps those in need and benefits communities.

Released: 11-Nov-2020 4:30 PM EST
Demolishing abandoned houses does not reduce nearby crime, study finds
University of Kansas

Cities across the country have sought ways to improve neighborhood safety and in recent years have pointed to demolishing abandoned housing as a way to achieve the goal.

Released: 10-Nov-2020 2:50 PM EST
Chemicals in your living room cause diabetes
University of California, Riverside

A new UC Riverside study shows flame retardants found in nearly every American home cause mice to give birth to offspring that become diabetic.

Released: 10-Nov-2020 12:40 PM EST
How COVID-19 wastewater research can protect the elderly and vulnerable
University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Wastewater detection of COVID-19 is being used across the US to prevent spread of COVID-19 in college dormitories-now experts are figuring how to use this technology to help another population that lives together in close conditions but at a much greater risk: the elderly residents of nursing homes.

Released: 9-Nov-2020 11:25 AM EST
Study: Remote learning adds pressure for teachers who work second shift as mothers
University at Buffalo

The transition to remote learning coupled with an unequal distribution of second-shift responsibilities has placed teachers who are also mothers under immense stress, according to new University at Buffalo research.
