Feature Channels: Cell Biology

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Released: 15-Feb-2024 3:05 PM EST
Alerta do especialista: saúde e células zumbi durante o envelhecimento
Mayo Clinic

Com o avanço da idade, as células podem sofrer envelhecimento, um estado no qual elas param de crescer, mas continuam liberando moléculas inflamatórias e tecido degradado.

Released: 15-Feb-2024 3:05 PM EST
تحذير خبراء: خلايا الصحة والخلايا الزُومبيّ في الشيخوخة
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا —مع تقدم السن، يمكن أن تتعرض الخلايا للشَيخُوخَة، وهي حالة تتوقف فيها عن النمو ولكنها تستمر في إطلاق جزيئات التهابية وجزيئات مدمرة للأنسجة. عندما يكون الشخص صغيرًا في السن، يستجيب الجهاز المناعي ويطرح الخلايا الهَرِمة، والتي يشار إليها غالبًا باسم الخلايا الزُومبيّ. ومع ذلك، تبقى خلايا الزُومبيّ باقية وتساهم في العديد من المشاكل والأمراض الصحية المرتبطة بالعمر. سلط الباحثون في مايو كلينك، في دراستين، الضوء على بَيولُوجْيا خلايا الشَيخُوخَة.

Released: 15-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
Do sugar-free candy and gum give you gas? Researchers think they know why
UC Davis Health

Scientists at the UC Davis School of Medicine may have figured out why some people have trouble digesting sorbitol, a sugar alcohol used in sugar-free gum, mints, candy and other products.

Newswise: Nanomedicine paves the way for new treatments for spinal cord injury
Released: 14-Feb-2024 10:05 PM EST
Nanomedicine paves the way for new treatments for spinal cord injury
Politecnico di Milano

A Study by Politecnico di Milano and Istituto Mario Negri has been published in Advanced Materials.

Newswise: Wound-homing molecule accelerates tissue repair
Released: 14-Feb-2024 10:05 PM EST
Wound-homing molecule accelerates tissue repair
Tampere University

One of the key goals of medical science is to speed up the healing of tissue injuries in a way that would not enable the forming of less functional scar tissue in the affected areas.

Newswise: Discovery of a subset of human short introns that are spliced out by a novel mechanism
Released: 14-Feb-2024 10:05 PM EST
Discovery of a subset of human short introns that are spliced out by a novel mechanism
Fujita Health University

Researchers confirm that the established pre-mRNA splicing mechanism that appears in textbooks cannot work in a subset of human short introns: A novel SAP30BP–RBM17 complex-dependent splicing has been uncovered.

Newswise: Pancreatic cancer hijacks a brain-building protein
Released: 14-Feb-2024 10:05 PM EST
Pancreatic cancer hijacks a brain-building protein
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) and the University of California, Davis have reached a new breakthrough in pancreatic cancer research—eight years in the making.

Newswise: By growing animal cells in rice grains, scientists dish up hybrid food
Released: 14-Feb-2024 9:05 PM EST
By growing animal cells in rice grains, scientists dish up hybrid food
Cell Press

From lab-grown chicken to cricket-derived protein, these innovative alternatives offer hope for a planet struggling with the environmental and ethical impacts of industrial agriculture.

Newswise: Male fertility gene discovery reveals path to success for sperm
Released: 14-Feb-2024 7:05 PM EST
Male fertility gene discovery reveals path to success for sperm
University of Edinburgh

The discovery of a pair of genes that work in perfect harmony to protect male fertility, could provide new insights into some unexplained cases of the most severe form of infertility, research suggests.

Released: 14-Feb-2024 1:05 PM EST
Key genes linked to DNA damage and human disease uncovered
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

Scientists unveil 145 genes vital for genome health, and possible strategies to curb progression of human genomic disorders.

Newswise: Seminal Study Sheds Light on Cell Mitochondria
Released: 14-Feb-2024 1:05 PM EST
Seminal Study Sheds Light on Cell Mitochondria
Stony Brook University

A collaborative effort led by Stuti Sharma, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Cell Biology at Stony Brook University, resulted in a promising study toward a better understanding of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase.

Newswise: Researchers Characterize the Immune Landscape in Cancer
12-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
Researchers Characterize the Immune Landscape in Cancer
Mount Sinai Health System

Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in collaboration with the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium of the National Institutes of Health, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and others, have unveiled a detailed understanding of immune responses in cancer, marking a significant development in the field. The findings were published in the February 14 online issue of Cell. Utilizing data from more than 1,000 tumors across 10 different cancers, the study is the first to integrate DNA, RNA, and proteomics (the study of proteins), revealing the complex interplay of immune cells in tumors. The data came from the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC), a program under the National Cancer Institute.

Newswise: Drug used for cocaine addiction may pave way for new treatment of advanced colon cancer
Released: 13-Feb-2024 10:05 PM EST
Drug used for cocaine addiction may pave way for new treatment of advanced colon cancer
University of Ottawa

New research from the University of Ottawa proposes using vanoxerine as a safe method for potentially eliminating cancer stem cells in colorectal tumors.

Released: 13-Feb-2024 7:05 PM EST
New assay identifies clinically relevant gene fusions in pediatric tumors more accurately and efficiently

Researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles report in The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics about a new tool that effectively integrates data from four fusion callers and identifies disease-related gene fusions.

Released: 13-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
Life doesn't stop at age 65. Get the latest on seniors and healthy aging in the Seniors channel

Below are some of the latest research and features on this growing population of older adults in the Seniors channel on Newswise.

Released: 12-Feb-2024 11:05 PM EST
Sister cells uncover pre-existing resistant states in cancer
University of Helsinki

Labeling cancer cells with genetic barcodes “In ReSisTrace, we label cancer cells uniquely with genetic barcodes and allow them to divide once, so that we get two identical sister cells that share the same barcode.

Newswise: Nutrients direct intestinal stem cell function and affect ageing
Released: 12-Feb-2024 10:05 PM EST
Nutrients direct intestinal stem cell function and affect ageing
University of Helsinki

The capacity of intestinal stem cells to maintain cellular balance in the gut decreases upon ageing.

Released: 11-Feb-2024 8:05 PM EST
New tumor spatial mapping tool will help clinicians assess aggressiveness of cancer and personalize treatment
University of Bath

Scientists have developed a new AI tool that maps the function of proteins in a cancerous tumour, enabling clinicians to decide how to target treatment in a more precise way.

Newswise: Using Ion Beams to Improve Brain Microscopy
5-Feb-2024 4:25 PM EST
Using Ion Beams to Improve Brain Microscopy
Biophysical Society

Improving the way scientists can see the microscopic structures of the brain can improve our understanding of a host of brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s or multiple sclerosis. Studying these diseases is challenging and has been limited by accuracy of available models.To see the smallest parts of cells, scientists often use a technique called electron microscopy.

Released: 8-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
Pharmacological inhibitor protects nerve cells in ALS disease
Newswise Review

A new pharmacological inhibitor can intervene in a central cell death mechanism that is responsible for the death of motor neurons and hence important for the progression of the motor neuron disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Released: 8-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
Why studying astronauts’ microbiomes is crucial to ensure deep space mission success

Space exploration is a complex and risky mission that requires careful preparation and a thorough understanding of the challenges inherent to life in space

Newswise: How nearly identical RNA helicases drive “mRNA export” via distinct protein complex pathways
Released: 8-Feb-2024 1:05 PM EST
How nearly identical RNA helicases drive “mRNA export” via distinct protein complex pathways
Newswise Review

Genetic expression, often leading to protein synthesis, requires a complex coordination of molecular machinery across several stages.

Released: 8-Feb-2024 10:30 AM EST
Foundation Venture Capital Group Commits $1 Million to Hackensack Meridian Health’s First Spin-out Company, EValuate Diagnostics
Hackensack Meridian Health

The company, based on science from the Hackensack Meridian Center for Discovery and Innovation, promises to capture biomarkers for early detection of disease

Newswise: 1920_cedars-sinai-guerin-childrens-genomic-sequencing-gut.jpg?10000
Released: 6-Feb-2024 7:05 PM EST
RESEARCH ALERT: The New Geography of the Gut

Investigators from Cedars-Sinai; the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF); Harvard University; and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel conducted a study to determine where individual nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine. For the first time, they identified the molecular markers that define five distinct intestinal regions.

Released: 6-Feb-2024 10:05 AM EST
Mechanism of plants obtain nitrogen by supplying iron to symbiotic bacteria
University of Tsukuba

Leguminous plants have a mechanism (rhizobial symbiosis) to efficiently acquire nitrogen, which is an essential macronutrient for growth, through the nitrogen-fixing bacteria rhizobia.

Released: 6-Feb-2024 9:00 AM EST
Discover BMB announces exciting lineup of speakers
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

Reporters are invited to register for a complimentary press pass to attend #DiscoverBMB in San Antonio or access press materials electronically. Discover BMB, the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will be held March 23–26 in San Antonio.

Released: 5-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
The influence of the cellular environment on vision
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

The research team investigated the four extracellular matrix proteins Brevican, Neurocan, Tenascin-C and Tenascin-R, which occur in the cell environment of nerve cells of the retina.

Released: 31-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
RNA Scientist Receives Federal Funding to Commercialize Molecular Tool Against Alzheimer’s Disease
University at Albany, State University of New York

University at Albany scientist Scott Tenenbaum, founder of UAlbany spinoff company sxRNA Technologies, Inc. (sxRNA Tech), has received $500,000 from the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health, to study how aging brain cells shape the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and advance RNA technology that could inform new therapeutics to prevent and treat Alzheimer's and related dementias.

Released: 30-Jan-2024 6:05 PM EST
Using computers to design proteins allows researchers to make tunable hydrogels that can form both inside and outside of cells
University of Washington

New research led by the University of Washington demonstrates a new class of hydrogels that can form not just outside cells, but also inside of them. These hydrogels exhibited similar mechanical properties both inside and outside of cells, providing researchers with a new tool to group proteins together inside of cells.

Released: 30-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
Our winter of discontent: Get the latest news on the flu in the Influenza channel

The latest research and expertise on the flue can be found in the Influenza channel on Newswise.

Released: 29-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Destroying tumor cells with calcium

Activating calcium channels leads to a deadly influx of calcium ions into tumor cells.

Released: 26-Jan-2024 12:00 PM EST
Effects of exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells on functional recovery of a patient with total radial nerve injury: A pilot study
World Journal of Stem Cells

BACKGROUNDPeripheral nerve injury can result in significant clinical complications that have uncertain prognoses. Currently, there is a lack of effective pharmacological interventions for nerve damage, despite the existence of several small

Newswise: Brain drain - nasopharyngeal lymphatics found to be crucial for cerebrospinal fluid outflow
Released: 26-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
Brain drain - nasopharyngeal lymphatics found to be crucial for cerebrospinal fluid outflow
Institute for Basic Science

‘Lymphatic plexus’ behind the nose drains cerebrospinal fluid from the brain, potentially impacting neurodegenerative conditions.

Newswise: Soap bark discovery offers a sustainability booster for the global vaccine market
Released: 26-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
Soap bark discovery offers a sustainability booster for the global vaccine market
John Innes Centre

A valuable molecule sourced from the soapbark tree and used as a key ingredient in vaccines, has been replicated in an alternative plant host for the first time, opening unprecedented opportunities for the vaccine industry.

Newswise: Decoding how the brain manages the appetite for salt and water
Released: 26-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
Decoding how the brain manages the appetite for salt and water
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Staying hydrated and consuming appropriate amounts of salt is essential for the survival of terrestrial animals, including humans. The human brain has several regions constituting neural circuits that regulate thirst and salt appetite, in intriguing ways.

Released: 25-Jan-2024 2:05 PM EST
The underground network: Decoding the dynamics of plant-fungal symbiosis
Boyce Thompson Institute

The intricate dance of nature often unfolds in mysterious ways, hidden from the naked eye. At the heart of this enigmatic tango lies a vital partnership: the symbiosis between plants and a type of fungi known as arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi.

Newswise:Video Embedded novel-immunotherapy-selectively-targets-malignant-t-cells
Released: 24-Jan-2024 3:05 PM EST
Novel Immunotherapy Selectively Targets Malignant T Cells
Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital

One major hurdle in the development of safe and effective immunotherapies has been the risk of depleting healthy T cells during CAR-T treatment that seeks out and kills cancerous T-cells. In a new study published in Nature Communications, Yale Cancer Center researchers have developed a novel CAR-T cell therapy designed to efficiently kill cancerous T cells while leaving most healthy cells intact.

Released: 23-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
CT-based radiomics deep learning to predict lymph node metastasis in tumors
University of Tsukuba

Nonfunctional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, while rare, are primarily treated through surgery. The presence or absence of lymph node metastasis considerably influences the selection of surgical and other treatment approaches.

Released: 22-Jan-2024 4:05 PM EST
How long can menopause be delayed?
University of Utah

New research indicates that it is possible to forestall the onset of menopause, perhaps indefinitely, by implanting a woman’s own previously harvested ovarian tissue back into her body.

Released: 22-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
New Reagent Improves the Process of Making Sulfur-Containing Compounds that May Be Used in Medicines
Moffitt Cancer Center

In a new article published in Nature Chemistry, Moffitt Cancer Center researchers describe their development of a new reagent that allows a more efficient approach to make sulfoximines, sulfonimidoyl fluorides and sulfonimidamides that may be used in medicines.

Released: 22-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Protein discovery could help solve prostate cancer drug resistance
Washington State University

Researchers have identified a receptor protein known as CHRM1 as a key player in prostate cancer cells’ resistance to docetaxel, a commonly used chemotherapy drug to treat advanced cancer that has spread beyond the prostate.

Released: 22-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Kay Macleod named Associate Director for Basic Sciences for the University of Chicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Chicago Medical Center

As AD for Basic Sciences, Macleod will have oversight of basic research activities across the Center and oversee research program infrastructure.

Newswise: Imaging platforms provide deeper look at live cells
Released: 19-Jan-2024 8:05 PM EST
Imaging platforms provide deeper look at live cells
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory - EMSL

Live cell imaging is a foundational part of biological research. A variety of methods of time-lapse, 3-D microscopy platforms allow researchers to visualize and follow the dynamic processes of single cells, whole cell populations, and subcellular activity.

Released: 19-Jan-2024 1:05 PM EST
Stuck in traffic: Researchers identify cellular traffic jams in a rare disease
McGill University

Researchers from McGill University, led by Professor Alanna Watt of the Department of Biology, have identified previously unknown changes in brain cells affected by a neurological disease.

Newswise: Antibiotics highjack bacterial immunity
Released: 19-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Antibiotics highjack bacterial immunity
Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI)

Molecular defense system protects bacteria from viruses and at the same time makes them susceptible to antibiotics.

Released: 19-Jan-2024 12:05 PM EST
Targeting annexin-A1 can halt cancer cell growth
Anglia Ruskin University

New study shows effectiveness of first drug to focus on cancer-causing protein.

18-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
McMaster researchers create instruction manual to detect rare cells that could unlock secrets to allergies
McMaster University

Researchers with McMaster University have created the instruction manual that will help scientists across the globe find hard to detect B cells.

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Released: 18-Jan-2024 4:05 PM EST
Texas A&M AgriLife Research study may lead to novel obesity treatment
Texas A&M AgriLife

New study provides insights on role of ‘hunger hormone’ receptor in obesity-realted chronic inflammation.

Newswise: Monell Center Study: New Gut-Brain Circuits Found for Sugar and Fat Cravings
16-Jan-2024 10:05 AM EST
Monell Center Study: New Gut-Brain Circuits Found for Sugar and Fat Cravings
Monell Chemical Senses Center

A new study in Cell Metabolism by a team from the Monell Chemical Senses Center unravels the internal neural wiring of separate fat and sugar craving pathways in a mouse model. However, combining these pathways overly triggers a desire to eat more than usual.

17-Jan-2024 5:00 AM EST
CD19-targeted CAR NK cell therapy achieves promising one-year results in patients with B-cell malignancies
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Researchers from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center reported promising results in a Phase I/II trial of 37 patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell malignancies who were treated with cord blood-derived chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) natural killer (NK) cell therapy targeting CD19.
