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Released: 14-Oct-2015 5:05 PM EDT
Washu Expert: Time for Tobacco-State Politicians to Make ‘Adult Choice’ on Pacific Trade Agreement
Washington University in St. Louis

If Republican senators from tobacco-growing southern states believe in social responsibility, they would fully explore the TransPacific (TPP) trade agreement’s potential impact on countries around the world — including provisions that influence the ability of American tobacco corporations to flood the globe with cheap, cancer-causing cigarettes — suggests the author of a book on the history, social costs and global politics of the tobacco industry.

Released: 1-Oct-2015 4:05 PM EDT
WashU Expert: Senate criminal justice reform bill falls short of needed changes
Washington University in St. Louis

Article Body 2010 A bipartisan groups of United States senators announced Oct. 1 legislation that would overhaul the country's criminal justice system, giving judges more leeway in sentencing and reducing sentences for some nonviolent offenders. It's a move in the right direction but the bill doesn't go far enough, said an expert on criminal justice system reform at Washington University in St.
