Feature Channels: Marine Science

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Released: 10-Aug-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Non-Native Marine Species’ Spread, Impact Explained by Time Since Introduction
University of Georgia

The time since the introduction of a non-native marine species best explains its global range, according to new research by an international team of scientists led by University of Georgia ecologist James E. Byers. The study also contains a warning: The vast majority of marine invaders have not yet finished spreading.

Released: 7-Aug-2015 1:05 PM EDT
UGA Researcher Calls for More Natural Baseline Data Collection in World’s Oceans
University of Georgia

According to University of Georgia’s Samantha Joye, one of the biggest challenges in evaluating the environmental impacts of the Macondo blowout was the lack of baseline data. She argues in a new article in the journal Science that environmental monitoring data is desperately needed to establish natural baselines.

Released: 5-Aug-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Nova Southeastern University Researcher Discovers a New Deep-Sea Fish Species
Nova Southeastern University

NSU researcher working in the deep Gulf of Mexico finds new species of anglerfish.

Released: 4-Aug-2015 1:05 PM EDT
New Fish Genus and Species Named for Its Red, Fingerlike Fins
University of Washington

University of Washington scientists recently announced the name of a new genus and species of frogfish, which are small, stocky creatures found in most tropical and subtropical oceans around the world.

Released: 23-Jul-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Are Fish Getting High on Cocaine?
McGill University

Both prescription and illegal drugs such as morphine, cocaine and oxycodone have been found in surface waters in Canadian rivers. New research from McGill shows that wastewater discharged from wastewater treatment plants in the Grand River watershed of southern Ontario has the potential to contaminate sources of drinking water with these drugs.

Released: 23-Jul-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Ocean Acidification, Fighting Wildfires, the Mediterranean Diet and more Top Stories 23 July 2015
Newswise Trends

Other topics include editing genes, cellular switchboards, treating menopause and more...

Released: 21-Jul-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Ocean Acidification to Lead the Way for Food Chain Changes
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB research shows that phytoplankton, the foundation of all marine life, will experience varied growth rates due to ocean acidification levels during the next century.

Released: 20-Jul-2015 6:05 AM EDT
Marine Travellers Best Able to Adapt to Warming Waters
University of Southampton

Marine species that already roam far and wide throughout our oceans are extending their territories further and faster in response to climate change, according to new research involving the University of Southampton and an international team of biodiversity experts.

Released: 17-Jul-2015 5:05 PM EDT
How Clouds Get Their Brightness
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

How clouds form and how they help set the temperature of the earth are two of the big remaining questions in climate research. Now, a study of clouds over the world's remotest ocean shows that ocean life is responsible for up to half the cloud droplets that pop in and out of existence during summer.

Released: 15-Jul-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Attention Beachgoers: Fecal Contamination Affects Sand More Than Water
American Chemical Society (ACS)

"No swimming" signs have already popped up this summer along coastlines where fecal bacteria have invaded otherwise inviting waters. Some vacationers ignore the signs while others resign themselves to tanning and playing on the beach. But should those avoiding the water be wary of the sand, too? New research in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology investigates reasons why the answer could be "yes."

13-Jul-2015 4:00 PM EDT
Climate Change Threatens One of Lake Erie’s Most Popular Fish
Ohio State University

Research has suggested yellow perch grow more rapidly during the short winters resulting from climate change, but a new study shows warmer water temperatures can lead to the production of less hardy eggs and larvae that have trouble surviving these early stages of life in Lake Erie.

Released: 13-Jul-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Public-Private Partnership Seeks to Expand Underwater Acoustic Arrays Off Florida and Texas
Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System-Regional Association (GCOOS-RA)

A half-dozen groups are coming together to try to expand the number of underwater receivers that are in the Gulf and develop arrays in key areas to provide a better regional view of animals and their habitat use...

Released: 9-Jul-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Stony Brook University’s Demian Chapman Leads Global Shark Data Initiative
Stony Brook University

About one quarter of the world’s sharks, rays and skates are threatened with extinction. The lack of comprehensive and up-to-date data on species abundance and distribution hinders efforts to protect and replenish these important and dynamic marine animals. Demian Chapman, PhD, assistant professor at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, and a multi-institutional team have kicked off the Global FinPrint initiative, the first-ever global survey to inform shark and ray conservation. The largest of its kind, FinPrint is a three-year survey of sharks and rays in coral reef ecosystems designed to provide fundamental data essential to building effective conservation programs. FinPrint is funded by Vulcan Inc. which was founded by Paul G. Allen.

Released: 2-Jul-2015 5:05 AM EDT
Southampton Researchers Go with the Flow to Help Protect Endangered European Eel
University of Southampton

New research led by the University of Southampton is paving the way to protect the endangered European eel as they migrate through rivers to the ocean.

Released: 1-Jul-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Caribbean Spiny Lobsters Create Safe Havens to Avoid Disease
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

The lobsters create "behavioral immunity" that prevents them from contracting a deadly disease, a key finding for the $50 million a year Florida business, according to a new study co-authored by a UF/IFAS scientist.

Released: 30-Jun-2015 2:05 PM EDT
New Study Reveals Mechanism Regulating Methane Emissions in Freshwater Wetlands
University of Georgia

Though they occupy a small fraction of the Earth’s surface, freshwater wetlands are the largest natural source of methane going into the atmosphere. New research from the University of Georgia identifies an unexpected process that acts as a key gatekeeper regulating methane emissions from these freshwater environments.

Released: 30-Jun-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Go Back in the Water, “Shark Week” Tells Us Otherwise, Says IU Media School Professor
Indiana University

Research by Indiana University Media School researcher Jessica Gall Myrick examines how clips from the Discovery Channel's popular “Shark Week” programs influence our fear of Great Whites and other sharks.

Released: 30-Jun-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Recreational Fish-Catch Data Can Help Save Money in Monitoring Invasive Largemouth Bass
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

UF/IFAS fisheries Professor Mike Allen says officials could save $1 million a year in monitoring for invasive fish, knowing they can use tournament fish-catch data.

Released: 25-Jun-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Seven-Year Study Indicates Steady and Upward Trends for Blue and Fin Whales in Southern California
University of California San Diego

A new study led by researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego indicates a steady population trend for blue whales and an upward population trend for fin whales in Southern California.

Released: 24-Jun-2015 2:00 PM EDT
Rainbow of Glowing Corals Discovered in Depths of the Red Sea
University of Southampton

Glowing corals that display a surprising array of colours have been discovered in the deep water reefs of the Red Sea by scientists from the University of Southampton, UK, Tel Aviv University and the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences (IUI), Israel, together with an international team of researchers.

17-Jun-2015 10:05 AM EDT
The Physics of Swimming Fish
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Fish may seem to glide effortlessly through the water, but the tiny ripples they leave behind are evidence of a constant give-and-take of energy between the swimmer and its aqueous environment -- a momentum exchange that propels the fish forward but is devilishly tricky to quantify. Now, new research shows that a fish's propulsion can be understood by studying vortices in the surrounding water as individual units instead of examining the flow as a whole.

Released: 23-Jun-2015 11:00 AM EDT
Below-Average 'Dead Zone' Predicted for Chesapeake Bay in 2015
University of Michigan

A University of Michigan researcher and his colleagues are forecasting a slightly below-average but still significant "dead zone" this summer in the Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest estuary.

Released: 17-Jun-2015 11:00 AM EDT
Average 'Dead Zone' for Gulf of Mexico in 2015, U-M and Partners Predict
University of Michigan

A University of Michigan researcher and his colleagues are forecasting an average but still large "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico this year.

Released: 15-Jun-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Genetic Switch Lets Marine Diatoms Do Less Work at Higher CO2
University of Washington

Researchers have found the genetic ‘needles in a haystack’ to gain the first hints at how diatoms — tiny drifting algae that carry out a large part of Earth’s photosynthesis — detect and respond to increasing carbon dioxide in the world's oceans.

Released: 11-Jun-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Scientists Studying Blue Whale DNA Uncover an Epic Journey by “Isabela” and First Link to Breeding Ground for Chilean Blue Whales
Wildlife Conservation Society

Scientists studying blue whales in the waters of Chile through DNA profiling and photo-identification may have solved the mystery of where these huge animals go to breed, as revealed by a single female blue whale named “Isabela,” according to a recent study by the Chile’s Blue Whale Center/Universidad Austral de Chile, NOAA and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Released: 10-Jun-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 10 June 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: anxiety and fermented foods, glucose transport, research reproducibility, new MRI approach, enterprise transformation, prostate cancer, oceanography, HPV vaccine, probiotics, clinical research.

Released: 4-Jun-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 4 June 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: Newswise staff picks, schizophrenia, new MRI technology, marine biology, space, diabetes, healthcare, new leadership.

Released: 4-Jun-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Warmer, Lower-Oxygen Oceans Will Shift Marine Habitats
University of Washington

Warming temperatures and decreasing levels of dissolved oxygen will act together to create metabolic stress for marine animals. Habitats will shift to places in the ocean where the oxygen supply can meet the animals' increasing future needs.

Released: 3-Jun-2015 8:00 AM EDT
Scientists Use New 'Tool Sled' to Collect Sea Sponges that Have Potential to Combat Various Diseases
Florida Atlantic University

Sea sponges appeared more than 600 million years ago, and many of the genes they have are the same as those involved in cancer. Scientists have developed a new 'tool sled' to collect these sponges to take advantage of the similarity in human and sponge genomes to develop medicines for the treatment of human diseases.

Released: 2-Jun-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 2 June 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: melanoma, relationships, color blindness, kidney replacement, oceanography, supercomputers, awards/honors.

Released: 1-Jun-2015 4:05 PM EDT
UGA’s Sea Turtle Genetic Fingerprinting Research Project Featured in World Report
University of Georgia

Sea turtle researchers in the University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources are using new technologies to unlock the mysteries of the ancient mariners: genetic fingerprinting.

29-May-2015 3:00 PM EDT
Hitchhiking to Caribbean Coral
University of Delaware

PNAS Article reports new evidence that microbial algae in Caribbean came from the Pacific likely via the Panama Canal. Algae offers short term benefits to coral communities but could do long-term damage.

27-May-2015 2:00 PM EDT
Critically Endangered Ocean Giant is Reproducing Without Sex in the Wild
Stony Brook University

Are males truly essential for reproduction? Female birds, reptiles and sharks living in captivity have sometimes surprised their keepers by giving birth even though, as far as anyone can remember, they have never been housed with a male. Scientists used DNA analysis to solve this mystery some time ago, showing that these offspring were produced by asexual reproduction, a process called parthenogenesis, or “virgin birth.” Although these events have captured tremendous public interest, it was unknown if this ever occurred in wild populations of these animals.

Released: 27-May-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Invisible Helpers of the Sea: Marine Bacteria Boost Growth of Tiny Ocean Algae
University of Washington

Just as with plants on land, a common species of ocean diatom grows faster in the presence of helpful bacteria.

27-May-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Global Climate on Verge of Multi-Decadal Change
University of Southampton

A new study, by scientists from the University of Southampton and National Oceanography Centre (NOC), implies that the global climate is on the verge of broad-scale change that could last for a number of decades.

19-May-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Surviving Harsh Environments Becomes a Death-Trap for Specialist Corals
University of Southampton

The success of corals that adapt to survive in the world’s hottest sea could contribute to their demise through global warming, according to new research.

Released: 18-May-2015 11:05 AM EDT
New Link Between Ocean Microbes and Atmosphere Uncovered
University of California San Diego

A factor that determines the properties of clouds that help moderate the planet’s temperature may be decided in the oceans.

Released: 18-May-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Requiem for a Shortfin Mako Shark
Nova Southeastern University

After nearly a year of transmitting incredible data, tagged mako shark has been caught

12-May-2015 11:05 AM EDT
I Knew It Was You by the Sound of Your (Whale) Voice
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

The same theory that explains individual differences in human speech has recently been applied to other members of the animal kingdom, including dogs and deer. Now researchers from Syracuse University in New York are working to understand whether individually distinctive vocal characteristics of North Atlantic right whales could be used to identify and track individuals -- a potentially useful tool for studying an endangered species that spends much of its life hidden under the water.

Released: 15-May-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Chemical Tags in Ear Bones Track Alaska's Bristol Bay Salmon
University of Washington

A chemical signature recorded on the ear bones of Chinook salmon from Alaska’s Bristol Bay region could tell scientists and resource managers where they are born and how they spend their first year of life.

Released: 14-May-2015 4:05 AM EDT
Iconic Indian Fish on the Brink of Extinction
Bournemouth University

The legendary humpback Mahseer, one of the world’s most iconic freshwater fish, is on the brink of extinction according to scientists from Bournemouth University in the UK and St. Albert’s College in Kochi, India.

Released: 6-May-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Infographic: Dive Deep Into the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Brookhaven National Laboratory

To put the massive range of the electromagnetic spectrum into perspective, this image links wavelengths to the ocean, from blue whales to water molecules.

Released: 6-May-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Fishermen, Communities Need More Than Healthy Fish Stocks
University of Washington

The Fishery Performance Indicators are the most comprehensive, global tool that considers social factors in addition to the usual biological measures when gauging a fishery's health. The new tool is described in a paper published May 6 in PLOS ONE.

Released: 6-May-2015 10:00 AM EDT
Could a Short Video Inspire Quicker Cures?
Global Biological Standards Institute (GBSI)

The Global Biological Standards Institute (GBSI) has launched a video competition as part of its #authenticate campaign, which is designed to raise awareness in the life science community about the powerful role cell authentication can play in improving research reproducibility and fidelity.

Released: 5-May-2015 9:00 AM EDT
Just Like Humans, Dolphins Have Social Networks
Florida Atlantic University

They may not be on Facebook or Twitter, but dolphins do, in fact, form highly complex and dynamic networks of friends, according to a recent study by scientists at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University. Dolphins are known for being highly social animals, and a team of researchers at HBOI took a closer look at the interactions between bottlenose dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) and discovered how they mingle and with whom they spend their time.

Released: 4-May-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Puget Sound’s Clingfish Could Inspire Better Medical Devices, Whale Tags
University of Washington

Researchers at the University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Laboratories are looking at how the biomechanics of clingfish could be helpful in designing devices and instruments to be used in surgery and even to tag and track whales in the ocean.

Released: 1-May-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Sustainability Progress Should Precede Seafood Market Access, Researchers Urge
Wildlife Conservation Society

A team of researchers from the University of California, Davis, the Wildlife Conservation Society, and other groups has focused its attention on fishery improvement projects (FIPs), which are designed to bring seafood from wild fisheries to the certified market, with only a promise of sustainability in the future. They conclude that FIPs need to be fine-tuned to ensure that fisheries are delivering on their promises.
