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Released: 11-Dec-2014 11:00 AM EST
Putin Falters Using Yeltsin's Playbook
Saint Joseph's University

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the first (contemporary) Russian invasion of Chechnya. While made by the Yeltsin administration, that decision has had an enormous impact on current Russian identity and now President Vladimir Putin's power. Moreover, this strategy of two decades ago has a familiar ring: promote popular approval during hard times by turning to violence against some undesirable “other” — Chechen terrorists in 1994 and Ukrainian fascists today.

Released: 27-Aug-2014 4:00 PM EDT
NATO Summit’s Agenda Bigger Than Anticipated; Resurgent Russia, ISIS Add Complexities
American University

American University School of International Service experts are available to discuss the Wales NATO summit.

Released: 5-Aug-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Professor Mines Social Media for Insight on Ukraine
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

A UALR assistant professor has received military grant funding that could provide insight into the crisis in Ukraine, using social media tracking tools

Released: 24-Jun-2014 8:30 AM EDT
Cathy Campbell’s Science Op Ed Calls for Scientists to Lead in U.S.-Russian Science Diplomacy
CRDF Global

In the most recent issue of Science magazine, published by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), CRDF Global President and CEO Cathy Campbell discussed the importance of continued scientific collaborations between U.S. and Russia, and shared recommendations for how scientists can lead the way to a reversal in this tense situation.

Released: 7-May-2014 7:35 PM EDT
Q&A on the Ukraine Crisis with Eric Posner and Stanislav Markus
University of Chicago

The recent crisis in Ukraine has spurred a new round of thinking about the region’s political and economic situation by UChicago scholars Eric Posner and Stanislav Markus.

Released: 2-Apr-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Expert on Russian Politics Talks Putin, Ukraine and the Future of Transnistria
University of Vermont

Not that she likes saying it, but “well played” is Michele Commercio’s assessment of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s suspiciously quick and successful takeover of the Crimean peninsula in late March. “He’s pulled off quite a stunt,” she says. Here she discusses his motivations, likely plans and how the West can respond.
