Feature Channels: Religion

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Released: 12-Feb-2013 8:00 AM EST
Rev. Gerald Fogarty Available to Speak to Media on Papal Succession
University of Virginia

The Rev. Gerald P. Fogarty, S.J., William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Religious Studies and History at the University of Virginia, is available to speak with members of the media about issues of papal succession.

Released: 28-Jan-2013 12:00 PM EST
Kansas State University Anthropologist Studies Buddhism in Second Life
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University researcher is studying how religion -- particularly Buddhism -- fits into new forms of virtual reality, such as Second Life.

Released: 23-Jan-2013 1:15 PM EST
Sociologists Find Similarities in Meanings Behind Protestant Work Ethic, Religious Tattoos
Texas Tech University

The reasoning behind getting religious-themed tattoos is strikingly similar to a 100-year-old theory about how the Protestant work ethic powered the Industrial Revolution.

Released: 9-Jan-2013 8:00 AM EST
Who Pays? The Wage-Insurance Trade-Off and Corporate Religious Freedom Claims
Washington University in St. Louis

Corporations’ religious freedom claims against the Affordable Care Act’s contraception coverage mandate miss a “basic fact of health economics: health insurance, like wages, is compensation that belongs to the employee,” says Elizabeth Sepper, JD, health law expert and associate professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. Sepper is featured in the current Harvard Law Bill of Health blog.

Released: 7-Jan-2013 10:30 AM EST
Book Underscores Internet’s Negative Impact on Religion
Indiana University

Religious groups aren’t capturing the hearts of the millennial generation, and the Internet is partly to blame, says the author on a new book on building strong religious communities.

Released: 3-Jan-2013 7:00 AM EST
Generational Changes Cause Drop in U.S. Support for School Prayer
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The study maps a decline in advocacy for school prayer starting in the 1970s and accelerating as skeptical Baby Boomers became ascendant. Support remains markedly lower today among Catholics and mainline Protestants yet unwaveringly high among evangelicals.

Released: 17-Dec-2012 12:55 PM EST
‘Taking Christ Out of Christmas’ Is Nothing New, Historian Says
Washington University in St. Louis

While many may see “taking Christ out of Christmas” as a recent phenomenon, the roots of secular Christmas celebrations and commercialization go deep into American history, says Anne Blankenship, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate at the John C. Danforth Center for Religion & Politics at Washington University in St. Louis.

Released: 17-Dec-2012 12:30 PM EST
A ‘War on Christmas?’ Let’s Talk, Religious Historian Says
Washington University in St. Louis

Ah, the Christmas season. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. A time to celebrate peace, love and the religious beliefs of America’s religious majority – whether you like it or not.

Released: 13-Dec-2012 4:15 PM EST
The Sacred Meets the Profane as Pope Enters World of Twitter
Ithaca College

Rachel Wagner, author of "Godwired" and an expert on the intersections between religion and virtual reality, says that Pope Benedict is entering the profane world of social media by issuing his first tweet.

Released: 11-Dec-2012 10:30 AM EST
Virtue and Vice
Wake Forest University

To better understand virtue and vice and how to define good character, The Character Project at Wake Forest University has granted funding to theologians and philosophers from around the world.

14-Nov-2012 10:00 AM EST
Brazilian Mediums Shed Light on Brain Activity During a Trance State
Thomas Jefferson University

Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University and the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil analyzed the cerebral blood flow (CBF) of Brazilian mediums during the practice of psychography, described as a form of writing whereby a deceased person or spirit is believed to write through the medium’s hand. The new research revealed intriguing findings of decreased brain activity during mediumistic dissociative state which generated complex written content. Their findings will appear in the November 16th edition of the online journal PLOS ONE.

Released: 15-Nov-2012 2:45 PM EST
Seminaries Try Preventive Medicine for Ministerial Burnout
Baylor University

Pastor burnout — a trend that has led many ministers to leave their posts — has in recent years spurred everything from clergy health initiatives to sabbaticals to pastor burnout blogs.

Released: 15-Nov-2012 11:30 AM EST
Family Commitment Blended with Strong Religion Dampens Civic Participation
Baylor University

Blending religion with familism — a strong commitment to lifelong marriage and childbearing — dampens secular civic participation, according to research by a Baylor University sociologist.

Released: 8-Nov-2012 11:00 AM EST
Baylor Scholar Completes First Translation of New Testament from Jesus’ Primary Language into Arabic
Baylor University

A former monk/civil engineer/business manager, who now teaches Arabic at Baylor University, has translated the New Testament for the first time into Arabic — one of the fastest-growing languages on Twitter — directly from what most scholars believe was Jesus’ primary language.

Released: 17-Oct-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Religious Affiliation and Residence in Muslim-Majority Nations Influence Sexual Behavior
American Sociological Association (ASA)

Hindus and Muslims are less likely than Christians and Jews to have premarital sex, and Muslims are the least likely among people of these religious groups to have extramarital sex, according to a new study that analyzed data on premarital and extramarital sexual behaviors in over 30 developing countries around the world.

Released: 11-Oct-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Religious Identify May Be Waning, but It Still Drives Some Voters
Cornell University

Thomas Hirschl, a Cornell University professor of development sociology, is the lead author of a recently published study that examines religious polarization among American voters. He comments on a Pew survey released this week noting a rapid shift in religious identity in the U.S.
