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Released: 14-Dec-2020 2:40 PM EST
UVA Darden Dean Scott Beardsley Named Dean of the Year
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Poets & Quants has named University of Virginia Darden School of Business Dean Scott Beardsley its Dean of the Year.

Released: 11-Dec-2020 4:05 PM EST
Company-Investor Working Group Issues Report on Standard Practices for Virtual Shareholder Meetings
Rutgers University

A working group of public company and investor representatives today released a comprehensive report on recommended baseline practices for virtual shareholder meetings. The report also reflects the input of a steering committee comprised of the largest virtual shareholder meeting service providers and prominent corporate governance leaders. With the COVID-19 pandemic likely to curtail many in-person shareholder meetings again in 2021, the report provides valuable guidance for companies planning to host virtual meetings next year and shareholders who want to participate more fully in those meetings.

Released: 10-Dec-2020 8:15 AM EST
Quality suffers for audit offices that emphasize non-audit services, study shows
University of Notre Dame

Regulators have expressed concerns that audit firms’ emphasis on non-audit services (NAS) such as consulting could distract from an audit, and quality does suffer in certain cases, according to new research from the University of Notre Dame.

Released: 9-Dec-2020 10:35 AM EST
Modernizing Financial Data the Focus of Dec. 15 Webinar Hosted by Maryland Smith
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

Experts representing academia and industry will discuss the prospect for improving standards and adopting new technologies to address weaknesses in the financial data that banks, regulators and the public depend on to evaluate financial risks

Released: 8-Dec-2020 1:15 PM EST
Gardner Institute report identifies best practices for meeting housing affordability challenge in Utah
University of Utah

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute today released a landmark study that identifies five best practices developed by local jurisdictions aimed at meeting the housing affordability challenge in Utah.

Released: 4-Dec-2020 9:00 AM EST
Conference on Corporations and Democracy
Stanford Graduate School of Business

Corporations do not vote in elections, but their impact on democratic societies is immense.

Released: 2-Dec-2020 5:05 PM EST
Male-dominated background affects CEOs' decisions, new study finds
Arizona State University (ASU)

Male CEOs who experienced gender imbalance in their formative years are more likely to promote women into peripheral divisions of their companies and give them less capital, according to a recent study by W. P. Carey School of Business Professor Denis Sosyura.

Released: 18-Nov-2020 5:10 PM EST
Faced with competition, companies double down on corporate social responsibility
University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business

When faced with increased competition, one might expect companies to pull back from investments in employee safety training, environmental protections, and their local communities—activities that show them to be good corporate citizens, but might not directly contribute to their financial returns.

Released: 18-Nov-2020 1:15 PM EST
Businesses turn to social networks to build relationships during pandemic
Iowa State University

Networking with clients over dinner and drinks or out on the golf course is not an option for many companies during the pandemic. A new Iowa State University study illustrates how businesses can still maintain and build those relationships using online social networks.

Released: 16-Nov-2020 9:00 AM EST
Corporate fraud may lead to neighborhood financial crimes
Ohio State University

After a major corporate fraud case hits a city, financially motivated neighborhood crimes like robbery and theft increase in the area, a new study suggests. The revelation of corporate accounting misconduct is linked to a 2.3 percent increase in local financially motivated crimes in the following year.

Released: 11-Nov-2020 8:10 AM EST
Family talks about finances impact students’ money views
University of Georgia

Students whose families talked openly about money reported feeling less stress and higher optimism when it came to money management and their future finances.

Released: 9-Nov-2020 12:05 PM EST
You drive like a girl: Study uncovers gender bias in perceptions of ride-sharing performance
University of Notre Dame

While digital brokerages provide a more efficient method for the exchange of goods and services and an improved way for consumers to voice their opinions about the quality of work they receive, bias and discrimination can emerge as part of the review process, according to Notre Dame research. 

Released: 9-Nov-2020 8:15 AM EST
How a foreign market entry fails: the case of Guggenheim Helsinki
Aalto University

Researchers at the Aalto University School of Business followed the Guggenheim Helsinki project closely for several years: they interviewed different parties, observed meetings and analysed news related to the project. According to the researchers, Guggenheim's conquest of Helsinki failed due to a long political struggle that effectively produced stigma.

Released: 5-Nov-2020 10:00 AM EST
Genetic testing: Employee perk or privacy hazard?
University of Michigan

Researchers from the University of Michigan School of Public Health and the Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine will lead an interdisciplinary, multi-institution study of the ethical, legal and social implications of workplace genomic testing in the United States.

Released: 4-Nov-2020 12:45 PM EST
How asymmetrical alliances impact firm performance and risk
American Marketing Association (AMA)

Researchers from University of Georgia, University of South Carolina, and University of Arkansas published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that analyzes how asymmetries in pre-alliance network ties between a firm and its alliance partner affect the focal firm's financial performance and financial performance uncertainty.

Released: 30-Oct-2020 12:00 PM EDT
Cooperation vs. Competition: What Do You Want in Your Mutual Fund?
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Darden Professor Rich Evans’ study of mutual fund managers’ performance demonstrates that significantly different outcomes occur when employees get paid to compete against each other — versus when they are compensated for cooperating.
