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Released: 9-Apr-2020 2:50 PM EDT
FSU Experts ready to provide perspective on unprecedented unemployment
Florida State University

By: Mark Blackwell Thomas | Published: April 9, 2020 | 2:35 pm | SHARE: As the impact of the COVID-19 grows, the U.S. labor market has been especially hard hit. With an estimated 15 million Americans filing for unemployment benefits in the past three weeks, the rate of job loss in the nation is unprecedented.   Unemployment claims are expected to surge as the pandemic continues and millions of laid-off Americans are wondering if their jobs are ever coming back.

Released: 9-Apr-2020 1:40 PM EDT
Social media can forecast economic impact of disasters including COVID-19 pandemic
University of Bristol

Social media should be used to chart the economic impact and recovery of businesses in countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research published in Nature Communications.

Released: 9-Apr-2020 1:10 PM EDT
Financial stress higher than normal during pandemic
Creighton University

Most people weren't prepared for a financial emergency before the pandemic hit. Financial success expert offers tips on how to alleviate financial stress now.

Released: 8-Apr-2020 11:20 PM EDT
‘Fake News’ Increases Consumer Demands for Corporate Action
North Carolina State University

New research finds that “fake news” inspires consumers to demand corrective action from companies – even if the company is a victim of the fake news story. The study also supports the idea that most people feel they are better at detecting fake news than other people are.

7-Apr-2020 5:40 PM EDT
How Soon Can the Economy Recover From the COVID-19 Recession?
University of Alabama Huntsville

There’s no doubt the COVID-19 pandemic has put the United States into a recession, says an economist who is the associate dean of the College of Business at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), so now the question on everyone’s mind is when business will get back to normal.

Released: 7-Apr-2020 3:45 PM EDT
Cornell Law School offers legal services for New Yorkers during pandemic
Cornell University

Faculty, students and staff at Cornell Law School are responding to the coronavirus pandemic by giving businesses and workers in central New York legal assistance.

Released: 7-Apr-2020 8:15 AM EDT
Sandia stimulates marketplace recovery with free technology licenses
Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories has announced a new, fast-track licensing program to rapidly deploy technology to a marketplace reeling from the effects of COVID-19. The move is designed to support businesses facing widespread, often technical challenges resulting from the pandemic.

Released: 6-Apr-2020 4:20 PM EDT
Four Tips to Interviewing, Landing a New Job During COVID-19
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

As students prepare to graduate this May into a reeling economy and an uncertain employment climate due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have turned to technology to keep recruitment and business afloat.

Released: 6-Apr-2020 3:55 PM EDT
Covid-19 tool allows health leaders to plan for critical care surge
RAND Corporation

Hospitals can prepare for a surge of patients critically ill with COVID-19, but it will require hospital leaders, practitioners and regional officials to adopt drastic measures that challenge the standard way of providing care, according to a new RAND Corporation report.

Released: 3-Apr-2020 10:35 AM EDT
Maryland Smith Waives GRE/GMAT for Fall Enrollment
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business has implemented a GMAT/GRE waiver process for full-time MBA applications for fall 2020.

Released: 2-Apr-2020 4:45 PM EDT
Could Intermittent Lockdown Save Us - and the Economy - From the Coronavirus?
Weizmann Institute of Science

Weizmann Institute scientists present a mathematical model for an exit strategy: how to restart the economy after the crisis

Released: 2-Apr-2020 10:50 AM EDT
New economic tool breaks down COVID-19 vulnerability on the service industry state
Wichita State University

The novel Coronavirus has likely created an indelible mark on the global economy. But understanding how it has affected industries and occupations remains somewhat elusive, although more clarity is revealed daily, according to Jeremy Hill, director of Wichita State University’s Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CEDBR).

Released: 1-Apr-2020 3:10 PM EDT
Leading Mindfully: COVID-19 and the Big Human Pivot, Part I
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

What’s novel about COVID-19 isn’t just the coronavirus. It’s the sheer scale and depth of The Big Human Pivot that this tiny infectious particle has triggered. In unprecedented times, what can you do to lead mindfully through it? In this series, Lili Powell introduces a Leading Mindfully strategy: “see it, name it, tame it and reclaim it.”

Released: 1-Apr-2020 3:05 PM EDT
How to Leverage Virtual Technologies at a Time of Physical Distancing
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Humanity is a social species — yet the coronavirus pandemic requires that we reduce physical contact. Here are actionable suggestions for effective interactions to help balance efficiency and connectedness, as modern technology helps us move our interactions to the virtual world and avoid significant social isolation.

Released: 1-Apr-2020 2:55 PM EDT
What Leaders Need Now More Than Ever: A ‘Team of Rivals’
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Churchill and Lincoln deliberately solicited the opinions of those who were willing to challenge them. Leaders may be best advised to evaluate where loyalty lies: the leader’s self-interest or the organization’s mission? Professor Detert discusses courageous leadership — necessary to get us through COVID-19.

Released: 1-Apr-2020 2:50 PM EDT
Quick Pivot to Distance Learning Brings San Francisco Bay Area Leaders to Reimagined Darden Course
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

A recent highlight of the University of Virginia Darden School of Business Executive MBA academic calendar has been the “Marketing Technology Products” elective delivered every spring in San Francisco. The Second Year course sponsored by the Batten Institute focuses on the influence of technology in business models and marketing, with themes that vary year to year

Released: 1-Apr-2020 1:30 PM EDT
Tulane offers special scholarships to returning Peace Corps volunteers and Fulbright Student Grantees
Tulane University

Tulane University is announcing a special initiative to make graduate study more accessible to U.S. Peace Corps volunteers (PCVs) and Fulbright student grantees called back from international placements because of concerns over the spread of COVID-19.

Released: 31-Mar-2020 4:50 PM EDT
“Phase 4” coronavirus relief package is necessary and must address three points, expert says
University of Notre Dame

Jeffrey Bergstrand, professor of finance, said the just-passed Phase Three package should be sufficient to stabilize the economy and emphasized the need for Phase Four, which he said “will bring some stimulus to aggregate demand if there is a government infrastructure program put in place.”

Released: 31-Mar-2020 12:05 PM EDT
Artificial Intelligence Can Help Some Businesses But May Not Work For Others
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

The temptation for businesses to use artificial intelligence and other technology to improve performance, drive down labor costs, and better the bottom line is understandable. But before pursuing automation that could put the jobs of human employees at risk, it is important that business owners take careful stock of their operations.

Released: 31-Mar-2020 11:10 AM EDT
Medical manufacturers with female directors act more quickly and frequently on product recalls
Indiana University

Medical product companies, such as those that make pharmaceuticals and medical devices, make recall decisions quite differently as women are added to their board of directors, according to a new study by professors at four universities, including Indiana University.

Released: 30-Mar-2020 1:55 PM EDT
Expert Discusses Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Agriculture
Texas Tech University

Darren Hudson says the supply chain for the U.S. is in good shape, and food supply is ample to handle a short-term shutdown.

Released: 30-Mar-2020 12:00 PM EDT
In politics and pandemics, Russian trolls use fear, anger to drive clicks
University of Colorado Boulder

A new analysis of more than 2,500 fake ads posted by the Russian troll factory, the Internet Research Agency, shows fear and anger work remarkably well to draw clicks. With the 2020 election approaching and the COVID-19 pandemic wearing on, the trolls are at it again, the researches say.

26-Mar-2020 6:35 PM EDT
Mandatory Building Energy Audits Alone Do Not Overcome Barriers to Energy Efficiency, NYU Researchers Conclude
New York University

The pioneering requirement may be insufficient to incentivize significant reductions in energy use by owners of residential and office buildings, according to the study.

Released: 30-Mar-2020 9:45 AM EDT
Property under fire: tenants, property owners and older Australians bear the brunt of Covid-19
University of South Australia

Property experts at the University of South Australia are urging the government to implement immediate rental subsidies for tenants as financial hardships continue to wreak havoc for property owners and older Australians.

Released: 30-Mar-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Female directors are quicker to recall dangerous medical products, study shows
University of Notre Dame

Some 4,500 Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs and devices are pulled from shelves annually — decisions greatly influenced by the presence of women on a firm’s board, according to new research from the University of Notre Dame.

Released: 28-Mar-2020 1:00 AM EDT
5 tips for business survival in pandemic
University of South Australia

As CEOs and executives struggle to deal with the fallout from Covid-19, internationally renowned business growth expert, UniSA’s Professor Jana Matthews is encouraging companies to step back and carefully assess their business before making any radical decisions about their future.

Released: 27-Mar-2020 4:40 PM EDT
Kelley School initiative sparks ideas from around world to address problems from coronavirus
Indiana University

Among the millions of Americans working from home, a group of Indiana University Kelley School of Business professors created a worldwide movement to seek solutions for problems arising from the novel coronavirus. Their "Idea Sprint Weekend Against COVID-19" initiative was organized in just three days and led to the development of several new social initiatives addressing issues related to the COVID-19 crisis, including a shortage of surgical masks, grocery stockouts, displaced workers and online educational challenges that students are facing across the country.

Released: 27-Mar-2020 1:50 PM EDT
Even $2 trillion may not be enough: Scholars weigh in on stimulus package, unemployment benefits, small business & industry loans, & individual checks
Washington University in St. Louis

The $2 trillion plan to prop up a pandemic-reeling United States, amid the news that there were 3.3 million unemployment claims lodged in the previous week, is expected to pass the House on March 27.Is it a Band-Aid or sufficient to heal what ails America’s economy?“We do not have this (COVID-19 outbreak) under control, and until we do, even $2 trillion may not be a big enough bailout,” said Anne Marie Knott, the Robert and Barbara Frick Professor of Business at Washington University in St.

Released: 26-Mar-2020 6:30 PM EDT
UW researcher identifies workers most harmed by economic disruption due to COVID-19
University of Washington

The nearly 20% of U.S. workers, or 28.2 million, in occupations where interacting with the public is important, but using a computer is not — such as in food service, retail, personal services and transportation operators — are especially vulnerable to job loss or hours reductions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
