Curated News: National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

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Newswise: Behind the Scenes of a Major Genomic Discovery
7-May-2023 11:00 AM EDT
Behind the Scenes of a Major Genomic Discovery
Mount Sinai Health System

Eimear Kenny, PhD, had just completed undergrad and was working in her first computational genomics job more than 20 years ago when scientists announced the first (nearly) complete sequencing of the human genome—what was considered at the time to be the fundamental blueprint for all humans. The Human Genome Project aimed to map the entire genome in an effort to accelerate the diagnosis and eventual treatment of common and rare diseases.

Newswise: Survivors of Utah’s Eugenic Sterilization Program Still Alive in 2023
7-Feb-2023 11:00 AM EST
Survivors of Utah’s Eugenic Sterilization Program Still Alive in 2023
University of Utah

At least 830 men, women and children were coercively sterilized in Utah, approximately 54 of whom may still be alive. They were victims of a sterilization program that lasted for fifty years in the state and targeted people confined to state institutions. Many were teenagers or younger when operated upon; at least one child was under the age of ten.

Newswise: Your dog’s behavior is a product of their genes
Released: 8-Dec-2022 7:45 PM EST
Your dog’s behavior is a product of their genes
Cell Press

From the excitable sheep dog to the aloof Shiba Inu, and all breeds in between, dogs have unique and diverse behavioral traits.

Newswise: Human evolution wasn’t just the sheet music, but how it was played
Released: 23-Nov-2022 4:30 PM EST
Human evolution wasn’t just the sheet music, but how it was played
Duke University

A team of Duke researchers has identified a group of human DNA sequences driving changes in brain development, digestion and immunity that seem to have evolved rapidly after our family line split from that of the chimpanzees, but before we split with the Neanderthals.

Released: 13-Oct-2021 9:00 AM EDT
High Molecular Weight DNA Now Available from NIGMS and NHGRI Collections
Coriell Institute for Medical Research

The NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository (HGCR) and NHGRI Sample Repository for Human Genetic Research (SRHGR) now offer high molecular weight (HMW) DNA samples isolated from cell lines in the collections. HMW DNA is useful for long-read next-generation sequencing and studies that investigate large-scale genomic variation such as structural variation.

Released: 30-Aug-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Coriell Institute Awarded $4.6 Million from National Human Genome Research Institute to Maintain Biobank
Coriell Institute for Medical Research

The National Human Genome Research Institute has renewed its collaborative agreement with the Coriell Institute for Medical Research. For another five years, Coriell will continue to manage the NHGRI Sample Repository for Human Genetic Research, a collection of cell lines and DNA for use in research around the world.

Released: 22-Jun-2020 10:35 AM EDT
VUMC Faculty Receive Grant to Expand LGBTQ Voices in Biomedical Research
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s (VUMC) Center for Biomedical Ethics & Society were recently awarded a grant from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) of the National Institutes for Health (NIH) to explore LGBTQ+ perspectives on a range of issues related to biomedical research.

Released: 3-Mar-2020 8:35 AM EST
Cancer researcher identifies new areas in human genomes linked to skin cancer risk
Indiana University

An Indiana University scientist has identified eight new genomic regions that increase a person’s risk for skin cancer.

Released: 24-Feb-2020 9:00 AM EST
CRISPR Gene Cuts May Offer New Way to Chart Human Genome
Johns Hopkins Medicine

In search of new ways to sequence human genomes and read critical alterations in DNA, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have successfully used the gene cutting tool CRISPR to make cuts in DNA around lengthy tumor genes, which can be used to collect sequence information.

Released: 11-Feb-2020 2:05 PM EST
Utah Researchers Discover a Key Protein in Endometrial Cancer Growth
Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah

New research, published today in the journal Cancer Research, outlines findings scientists hope will advance our understanding of endometrial cancer and lead to more effective treatments.

Released: 2-Dec-2019 3:40 PM EST
Model probes possible treatments for neonatal infection, a common cause of infant death
University of Alabama at Birmingham

In a new model for neonatal late-onset sepsis, or LOS, researchers show that disrupting the normal maturation of gut microbes can make newborn mouse pups highly susceptible to LOS. Giving the pups specific protective bacteria before a challenge with invasive bacteria prevented the deadly infection.
