Feature Channels: Weight Loss

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Released: 16-Aug-2018 1:45 PM EDT
More Protein after Weight Loss May Reduce Fatty Liver Disease
American Physiological Society (APS)

Increasing the amount of protein in the diet may reduce the liver’s fat content and lower the risk of diabetes in people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The study is published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology—Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Released: 14-Aug-2018 10:35 AM EDT
Research Shows Surprising Scale of Health Benefits for Biggest Losers
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

When it comes to shedding pounds, it pays to think big, according to new research by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

Released: 9-Aug-2018 6:05 PM EDT
Five Simple Tips to Follow for Dieting Success
Houston Methodist

For many, just the idea of losing weight can be discouraging. With the endless advice and trends that exist today, configuring a nutritious diet to lose weight and maintain it can be challenging.

Released: 9-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Americans May Have Outgrown Traditional Advice of Having a Varied Diet
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

When it comes to diet in the Western world of overconsumption where cheap convenience food rules, the age-old adage “everything in moderation” has been put to the test, prompting the American Heart Association (AHA) to issue a science advisory led by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

Released: 7-Aug-2018 10:05 AM EDT
أشارت دراسة صادرة عن Mayo Clinic إلى أن بنية بكتيريا الأمعاء لدى الفرد قد تلعب دورًا في إنقاص الوزن
Mayo Clinic

روتشستر، مينيسوتا. – أشارت دراسة أولية نُشرت في عدد أغسطس الصادر من Mayo Clinic Proceedings أن بكتيريا الأمعاء قد تكون مسؤولة لدى بعض الأشخاص عن عدم قدرتهم على إنقاص الوزن، على الرغم من التزامهم باتباع نظام غذائي صارم وتمارين رياضية منتظمة Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Released: 3-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Mayo Clinic

八月份的Mayo Clinic Proceedings杂志上发表的一项初步研究显示,对于一些人来说,尽管他们坚持严格的饮食和锻炼方案,其肠道细菌可能是他们无法成功减肥的原因。

Released: 1-Aug-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Composición de la flora intestinal de cada uno puede desempeñar una función en la reducción de peso, plantea estudio de Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic

Un estudio preliminar y publicado en la edición de agosto de Mayo Clinic Proceedings plantea que en algunas personas, la actividad específica de la flora intestinal podría ser la razón por la que son incapaces de bajar de peso, aunque se adhieran estrictamente a la dieta y a un programa de ejercicios.

26-Jul-2018 1:00 PM EDT
Makeup of an Individual’s Gut Bacteria May Play Role in Weight Loss, Mayo Study Suggests
Mayo Clinic

A preliminary study published in the August issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that, for some people, specific activities of gut bacteria may be responsible for their inability to lose weight, despite adherence to strict diet and exercise regimens.

Released: 27-Jul-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Why Bariatric Surgery Wait Times Have Nearly Doubled in 10 Years
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Eligible patients are increasingly facing longer waits for operations proven to help them safely lose weight that endangers their health. And waiting longer doesn’t improve safety, according to a new study by Michigan Medicine.

Released: 17-Jul-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Bariatric Surgery Is Effective Under the Right Circumstances
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Obesity is a medical problem that can have wide-ranging mental and physical effects on a person. Pamela Bass knows that firsthand, but thanks to University of Alabama at Birmingham surgeons, she has a new lifestyle and a new state of mind. For years, Bass struggled with weight gain and the adverse health effects that come with obesity, such as high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Released: 20-Jun-2018 1:05 AM EDT
Weight Loss Reverses Heart Condition in Obesity Sufferers
University of Adelaide

Australian research shows for the first time that obese people who are suffering from atrial fibrillation can reduce or reverse the effects of the condition by losing weight.

Released: 18-Jun-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Daily Fasting Works for Weight Loss
University of Illinois Chicago

A new study shows that daily fasting is an effective tool to reduce weight and lower blood pressure. The study is the first to examine the effect of time-restricted eating — a form of fasting that limits food consumption to select hours each day — on weight loss in obese individuals.

Released: 11-Jun-2018 8:05 AM EDT
Anorexia or Teenage Quirks? 5 Warning Signs of Food and Body Issues
Family Institute at Northwestern University

It's not unusual for teens to skip breakfast or announce, "I'm trying to be more healthy." And so unhealthy food-related behaviors can fly under parents' radar. Here are the signs to look for:

4-Jun-2018 8:00 AM EDT
New Research Reveals Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
American Society for Nutrition (ASN)

Eating a vegetarian or primarily plant-based diet is associated with a variety of health benefits. But simply being vegetarian is not enough to reap those benefits—the quality of the food matters, too. The Nutrition 2018 meeting will feature new research into the health impacts of eating a plant-based diet and how dietary quality influences those impacts.

Released: 8-Jun-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Carbon Dioxide Reduces Belly Fat
Northwestern University

The first randomized, controlled trial testing carbon dioxide gas injections (carboxytherapy) to reduce belly fat found the new technique eliminates fat around the stomach. However, the changes were modest and did not result in long-term fat reduction, according to the Northwestern Medicine study.

Released: 17-May-2018 3:25 PM EDT
Study Launched to See if Weight Loss Surgery Before Knee Replacement Improves Outcomes
Hospital for Special Surgery

A study at Hospital for Special Surgery aims to find out if weight loss surgery before knee replacement could improve outcomes or even eliminate the need for joint replacement in severely overweight patients?

Released: 14-May-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Healthy Octogenarians Have High Cholesterol Efflux Capacity, MicroRNAs Promote Fat Cell Apoptosis, and More From the Journal of Lipid Research
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

Recent articles in the Journal of Lipid Research found a surprising insight into healthy octogenarians’ arteries; a microRNA key to the puzzle of killing fat cells; and a change in cultured cell signaling that may affect experimental outcomes.

Released: 2-May-2018 2:05 PM EDT
Planning a Juice Cleanse to Prep for Beach Season? Do This Instead.
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Juice cleanses, sometimes called juicing, have become hugely popular for their supposed ability to help people shed weight quickly – particularly in preparation for a summer vacation or special event. But is juicing actually effective?

1-May-2018 11:00 AM EDT
Hormone From Fat Boosts Metabolism in Both Exercise and Cold
Joslin Diabetes Center

Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center have uncovered a new kind of clue to an individual's variable response to exercise--a hormone whose levels in the bloodstream rise sharply in exercise as well as in cold.Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center have uncovered a new kind of clue to an individual's variable response to exercise--a hormone whose levels in the bloodstream rise sharply in exercise as well as in cold.

16-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Report Four New Insights Into Diet and Health
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

What we eat plays a significant role in our health. The Experimental Biology 2018 meeting (EB 2018) will showcase new research into how diet could be used to fight cancer and how specific eating patterns can encourage weight loss.

Released: 28-Mar-2018 2:05 PM EDT
Fad Diets or Lifestyle Changes — Where Do Three Popular Weight-Reduction Plans Fit In?
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Ketogenic, Whole30 and paleo diets aren’t convenience diets — they can cause challenges for eating out and cause a strain on your wallet — but they do provide whole food solutions.

18-Mar-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Few Young Patients with Severe Obesity Undergo Weight Loss Surgery
Endocrine Society

Among U.S. teenagers and young adults with severe obesity, a new study finds that only a small percentage undergo weight loss surgery, even though it is broadly considered the most effective long-term weight loss therapy. The study results, from high-volume surgical centers across five states, will be presented Monday at ENDO 2018, the Endocrine Society’s 100th annual meeting in Chicago, Ill.

Released: 19-Mar-2018 10:00 AM EDT
Study Finds Changes in Intestines Leads to Reversal of Diabetes After Weight-Loss Surgery
Endocrine Society

A new study helps explain changes in the intestines that may be responsible for the reversal of diabetes in people who undergo a type of bariatric surgery known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB). The research will be presented Sunday, March 18, at ENDO 2018, the Endocrine Society’s 100th annual meeting in Chicago, Ill.

Released: 19-Mar-2018 10:00 AM EDT
In Children with Obesity, Impulsivity May Be Linked with Greater Weight Loss When Treated
Endocrine Society

Children with obesity may be more impulsive than those with normal weight, but during family-based behavioral treatment (FBT), the more impulsive of children with obesity may lose more weight, a new study suggests. The results of the study will be presented in a poster on Sunday, March 18, at ENDO 2018, the 100th annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in Chicago, Ill.

15-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EDT
When It Comes to Cardio vs Resistance TrainingNew Research Shows, You Can’t Judge the Calorie Burn by Its Number
Les Mills

Setting out to establish whether burning calories doing cardiovascular exercise was the same as burning calories doing resistance training, the study looked at physiological and hormonal responses to the two different workouts, when the number of calories burned and the duration of the two sessions was exactly the same. The study showed that resistance training triggers far greater fat-burning responses in the body than simple calorie counting suggests.

16-Mar-2018 1:05 PM EDT
New Diabetes Drug May Help People with Obesity Lose Weight
Endocrine Society

A compound that mimics a naturally occurring hormone that regulates appetite may help people who have obesity but not diabetes to lose weight, a new study suggests. The research will be presented Sunday, March 18, at ENDO 2018, the Endocrine Society’s 100th annual meeting in Chicago, Ill.

Released: 18-Mar-2018 11:00 AM EDT
High-Energy Breakfast Promotes Weight Loss, Helps Reduce Total Daily Insulin Dose for Type 2 Diabetes
Endocrine Society

In patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes, a meal schedule that includes a high-energy breakfast promotes weight loss, improves diabetes and decreases the need for insulin, new research from Israel reports. The study results will be presented Saturday, March 17, at ENDO 2018, the 100th annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in Chicago, Ill.

Released: 12-Mar-2018 10:05 AM EDT
ENDO 2018 News Conferences to Feature Breakthroughs in Diabetes, Obesity, Diet, Reproductive Health and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical Exposure
Endocrine Society

Researchers will explore efforts to develop a male birth control pill, the link between e-cigarettes and fat accumulation, and other emerging science during news conferences at ENDO 2018, the Endocrine Society’s 100th Annual Meeting & Expo. The meeting will take place March 17-20 in Chicago, Ill.

19-Feb-2018 9:00 AM EST
Clues to Obesity’s Roots Found in Brain’s Quality Control Process
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Around the clock, cells deep in the brain produces a “grandfather” form of several hormones that help us regulate our appetite and eating. Now, a new discovery sheds new light on how that grandfather molecule gets produced – and more important, what can go wrong and raise the risk of overeating and obesity. The findings could pave the way for new approaches to treating forms of obesity, especially those with genetic roots.

Released: 8-Feb-2018 3:00 PM EST
Study Led By Virginia Mason Physician Links Fruit Juice Consumption With Weight Gain
Virginia Mason Medical Center

A new study that analyzed data from more than 49,000 women concludes that drinking 100 percent fruit juice leads to weight gain, while consumption of fresh whole fruit results in weight loss.

1-Feb-2018 6:00 PM EST
Patients Who Achieve Short-Term Weight Loss Before Bariatric Surgery Have Better Outcomes
American College of Surgeons (ACS)

Patients who lose some excess weight prior to weight loss surgery achieve greater weight loss after surgery, and also experience shorter hospital stays and shorter procedures, according to Journal of American College of Surgeons study findings.

Released: 1-Feb-2018 11:00 AM EST
Hunger Overrides Sense of Fullness After Weight Loss
American Physiological Society (APS)

Bethesda, Md. (February 1, 2018)—The levels of hormones that control hunger and fullness(satiety) both rise after weight loss, but individuals may only experience an increase in hunger, according to a new study. The study is published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology—Endocrinology and Metabolism.

29-Jan-2018 11:00 AM EST
Standing Several Hours a Day Could Help You Lose Weight, Mayo Clinic Research Finds
Mayo Clinic

ROCHESTER, Minn. – Standing instead of sitting for six hours a day could help people lose weight over the long term, according to a Mayo Clinic study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

Released: 31-Jan-2018 9:05 AM EST
Mount Sinai Researchers Discover Possible Link between Diet and Back Injuries
Mount Sinai Health System

Healthy Eating Could Decrease Risk of Vertebral Fractures, Especially in Women

Released: 22-Jan-2018 5:30 AM EST
Study: Weight Loss Reduces Pain Far Beyond Load-Bearing Joints
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A small new study examining widespread pain relief after weight loss could have new implications for treating pain in people with obesity.

Released: 19-Jan-2018 10:05 AM EST
The Medical Minute: Lifestyle Determines Success After Surgical Weight Loss
Penn State Health

With many people staring down New Year’s resolutions related to losing weight, some may be wondering if surgical weight loss is right for them.

Released: 28-Dec-2017 3:05 PM EST
Are You Metabolically Flexible? Your New Year’s Resolutions May Depend on It
University of Colorado Boulder

CU Boulder researchers have developed a new, non-invasive method for assessing mitochondrial function and a 'metabolic rehab' program to improve it

Released: 21-Dec-2017 6:05 PM EST
4 Ways to Troubleshoot Weight Loss, According to a Physician
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

The question is a logical one. New fad diets and exercise plans make big promises, but progress is never as easy as the hype suggests.

Released: 21-Dec-2017 8:05 AM EST
Why the Y? Older Adults Need Support for Healthy Weight Loss in 2018
Wake Forest University

Researchers at Wake Forest University say adults 60+ whose New Year’s resolution is to lose weight succeed with an inexpensive and accessible solution: classes at community fitness centers such as the YMCA.

Released: 20-Dec-2017 12:05 PM EST
Considering a New Year’s Resolution for 2018? Baylor University Experts Can Help
Baylor University

As 2018 approaches, many Americans are considering ways to improve themselves via New Year’s resolutions. Whether it’s personal, like losing weight or clearing clutter, or it’s professional, such as being a better manager or breaking away from smartphones, the options are wide-ranging. Here is a listing of Baylor University research that might help advise those seeking positive change in the coming year.

Released: 20-Dec-2017 9:00 AM EST
New Year’s Resolution for Older Adults: Lose Weight the Right Way
Wake Forest University

If shedding some of those extra pounds is your goal for the new year, are you sure you’re losing the right kind of weight? Health and exercise science professor Kristen Beavers of Wake Forest University has a challenge for older adults resolving to drop some pounds in 2018: Focus on the fat – don’t shed muscle and bone, too.

Released: 13-Dec-2017 2:05 PM EST
Penn Researchers Link Binge Eating and Weight-Loss Challenges
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Someone who binge eats consumes an objectively large amount of food while feeling a loss of control over eating. When episodes occur weekly for several months, the action moves into the realm of binge-eating disorder. So how does this type of eating affect people with Type 2 diabetes and obesity who are actively working to lose weight?

Released: 7-Dec-2017 4:05 PM EST
McMaster Researchers Find Genes May ‘Snowball’ Obesity
McMaster University

The researchers looked at 37 genes that are well established as modulating the body mass in 75,230 adults with European ancestry and found the nine with the snowball effect.

Released: 28-Nov-2017 11:00 AM EST
New UCI Study Reveals How Social Media Can Help People Lose Weight
University of California, Irvine, Paul Merage School of Business

Sharing the triumphs and tribulations of your weight loss journey with other members of an online virtual support community plays an important role in achieving success, according to a new study from the University of California, Irvine. Entitled “Weight Loss Through Virtual Support Communities: A Role for Identity-based Motivation in Public Commitment,” the study examines the role of virtual communities and public commitment in setting and reaching weight loss goals.

Released: 21-Nov-2017 9:00 AM EST
Cinnamon Turns Up the Heat on Fat Cells
University of Michigan

New research from the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute has determined how a common holiday spice—cinnamon—might be enlisted in the fight against obesity.
