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Released: 22-Dec-2008 10:45 AM EST
War-Crime Expert Assists in "Killing Fields" Trials in Cambodia
Case Western Reserve University

In just a few months, five leaders of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime will go on trial before the U.N.-established war crimes Tribunal in Cambodia (known as the ECCC). Case Western Reserve University School of Law's globe-trotting professor Michael Scharf and two of his students recently traveled to Phnom Penh to help the ECCC prepare for the historic "Killing Fields Trials."

Released: 22-Dec-2008 10:30 AM EST
Q & A with Clinical Psychologist on Helping Families be Less Materialistic While Celebrating the Holidays
American Psychological Association (APA)

With the economy in freefall and people worried about their dwindling assets, clinical psychologist Mary Gresham says parents can turn the holidays into a non-materialistic, joyous celebration by working to change their "“ and their children's "“ buying habits.

Released: 22-Dec-2008 9:00 AM EST
Winter Health Tips
LifeBridge Health

Medical experts share advice on how to remain healthy during the winter. Topics include: preventing weight gain, avoiding the cold and flu through hygiene, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and how to safely shovel snow.

Released: 22-Dec-2008 12:00 AM EST
Scientists/Professors Create Multidisciplinary Approach to Environmental Education
Middle Tennessee State University

Environmental research at colleges and universities isn't just scientific anymore. Increasingly, scientists are taking an approach to their work that includes more than laboratory analysis. That is the concept behind CLEAR, or Collaborative Education and Research, the brainchild of three professors at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro.

Released: 21-Dec-2008 5:00 PM EST
Church-State Studies Expert on Obama Choice of Warren
Baylor University

Obama's choice of Warren to lead prayer not surprising, says Baylor University history/church-state studies professor; the decision to include Warren in inauguration is "natural exercise in tolerance."

Released: 19-Dec-2008 11:50 AM EST
Miller Center Offers Nixon/Deep Throat Tapes, Transcripts, Expert
University of Virginia

The Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia has a repository of presidential tapes and transcripts featuring Nixon and Haldeman discussing Mark Felts.

Released: 19-Dec-2008 9:00 AM EST
How President-elect Obama and CEOs Can Deliver Change Via the Internet
Washington University in St. Louis

Weekly YouTube videos posted by President-elect Obama are missing their mark if change is the goal according to Jackson Nickerson, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis. Nickerson, a professor of organization and strategy at the Olin Business School, has developed a set of web-based techniques that allow executives to lead and accelerate change within their organizations.

Released: 19-Dec-2008 9:00 AM EST
Experts on the Holiday Retail Market
University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business

Faculty experts at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business are available to comment. on topics relating to holiday shopping, the retail market and consumer trends.

Released: 19-Dec-2008 9:00 AM EST
Presidential Scholar Can Discuss Bush Legacy, Obama Transition, Appointments
Virginia Tech

Charles E. Walcott, Virginia Tech professor of political science, can provide background on the presidential transition process, presidential appointments, George W. Bush's legacy, and the organization and operation of the presidency.

Released: 18-Dec-2008 9:00 AM EST
Burger King at Forefront of Viral Marketing with New Men’s Fragrance ‘Flame’
University of New Hampshire

Burger King's marketing campaign of a new men's fragrance "Flame" that has a partially clad "King" looking seductively while laying on a fur rug in front of a fireplace may be a bit on the creepy side but it shows that the hamburger chain is at the forefront of viral marketing, according to a University of New Hampshire communication professor.

Released: 17-Dec-2008 4:15 PM EST
Faculty Offer Expertise on Climate Change
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

Faculty experts at The University of Texas at Austin are available to discuss climate change.

Released: 17-Dec-2008 4:00 PM EST
Santa Urged to Give Seaweed Instead of Coal to Bad Kids
Dick Jones Communications

A Tennessee professor is calling on Santa Claus this year to give seaweed instead of coal to children who have been naughty and not nice. Doing so could save delivery of up to 5,000 tons of coal to children's stockings worldwide, estimates Gerald Smith, professor of religion and environmental studies at Sewanee: The University of the South in Sewanee, TN.

Released: 17-Dec-2008 1:40 PM EST
Educated Guesses: Experts Offer Predictions for 2009
University of Alabama

What's ahead for 2009? Anxiety and depression will threaten Americans' mental health, the U.S. will pull out of Iraq, 100 more banks will fail and healthy eating will fall by the wayside, according to the 28th edition of "Educated Guesses," a series of annual predictions offered by University of Alabama faculty.

Released: 17-Dec-2008 11:50 AM EST
Experts Comment on Federal Funds Rate Cut
Indiana University

Indiana University Kelley School of Business faculty members are available to comment on Tuesday's reduction of the benchmark federal funds rate to historic low levels.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 8:30 PM EST
Source Alert: Experts Weigh in on Education Secretary Appointment
University of Southern California (USC)

President-elect Barack Obama's naming of Arne Duncan - chief executive officer of Chicago Public Schools - as the nation's next Education Secretary appears to signify a shift towards more innovative methods to improve the nation's urban education districts, according to several education experts at the University of Southern California.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 3:25 PM EST
Is Your Child Ready for a Cell Phone?
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Your 8-year-old child wants a cell phone for Christmas, but is he or she really ready for the responsibility? University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) pediatric psychologist David Schwebel, Ph.D., says that whether a child is ready for a cell phone depends on the child and the family.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 1:35 PM EST
’Fessing Up About Santa. When? How?
Ithaca College

Developmental psychologist advises parents when and how to discuss Santa with children. ReadyCam Satellite Uplink available.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 12:10 PM EST
What Does It Take to Make New Year's Resolutions a Reality?
University of Washington

Researchers have devised a new planning tool to help people keep track of day-to-day information that's parked in too many places -- multiple phones, multiple computers, multiple Web applications.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 11:40 AM EST
Education Dean Pianta Can Comment on Obama Education Secretary Pick, to be Announced Today
University of Virginia

Robert Pianta, dean of the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education and an adviser to President-elect Barack Obama's transition team, is available to comment on Obama's nomination today of Chicago schools executive Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 9:35 AM EST
Tips for Beating the Seasonal Blues
Colgate University

An expert from Colgate University offers advice to beat seasonal "blahs".

Released: 16-Dec-2008 8:00 AM EST
Nine Smart Ways to Downsize and Five Things to Avoid
University of Alabama Huntsville

Companies considering downsizing as a strategy for surviving the current economic recession should know one thing about the experience that many companies had with downsizing: It didn't work. Cutting payroll without a plan to improve productivity and efficiency dooms many companies.

Released: 15-Dec-2008 4:10 PM EST
Physicians Give Toys Safety Tips for Christmas
Loyola Medicine

Loyola doctors warn some toys contain dangerous lead, magnets; could pose choking, injury hazard.

Released: 15-Dec-2008 3:45 PM EST
Republicans Need to Find Their Clinton, Says Expert
Ithaca College

Republicans need to find candidates more acceptable to middle America. "The question for a defeated party is "˜what, if anything should we change?...It often takes two or three elections for a party to figure out a new strategy," says Donald Beachler, associate professor of politics at Ithaca College. ReadyCam Satellite Uplink available.

Released: 15-Dec-2008 12:05 AM EST
Expert Offers Five Tips for Getting Health Care After Losing Your Health Insurance
University of North Carolina Health Care System

As a result of the current economic slow down, many people have lost their jobs -- and their health insurance. Dr. Adam Goldstein of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explains how people in this situation can continue getting the health care they need.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 4:25 PM EST
Bailout Collapse Signals Demise of U.S. Manufacturing Sector
Missouri University of Science and Technology

Congress's failure to pass a $14 billion emergency bailout proposal for the U.S. auto industry could mean the end of manufacturing in America, according to Dr. Kenneth Ragsdell, a professor of engineering management at Missouri University of Science and Technology who has worked with U.S. and foreign car companies for 40 years.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:30 PM EST
New Party Talk: Potluck
Saint Louis University Medical Center

A Saint Louis University dietetics instructor answers this year's holiday question: What can I bring to your party?

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
Genocide Scholar Can Speak About Human Rights From the Holocaust to Darfur
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

In his 20 years as a genocide scholar, Samuel Totten of the University of Arkansas has moved beyond cataloging and commemorating past genocides to working to intervene and prevent future genocides.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
Civil Rights Laws Offer Hope for Cyber Attack Victims
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Online threats and attacks in the virtual realm often have real consequences in the flesh-and-blood world. Danielle Citron, JD, associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Law, says federal law must address this dangerous problem.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
Law Professor Advocates Fair Housing Policies
Tulane University

A lack of affordable housing for low income people in post-Katrina New Orleans has led to controversy over the decision to demolish several public housing complexes within the city. Stacy Seicshnaydre, William K. Christovich Associate Professor of Law at Tulane University School of Law and director of Tulane Law School's Civil Litigation Clinic, says New Orleans authorities have yet to produce a fair plan to address its dire housing needs.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
Criminal Justice Collapse: The Constitution after Hurricane Katrina
Tulane University

The criminal justice system in New Orleans was in complete disarray following Hurricane Katrina, precipitating a constitutional crisis.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
"Obama Generation" Clergy Set New Agenda for Social Justice, Religious Liberty
Wake Forest University

The new, diverse generation of ministers are forging new relationships, developing a new style of ministry and setting agendas that are parallel to and distinct from that of the Civil Rights-era generation of clergy, according to Bill Leonard, dean of the School of Divinity at Wake Forest University.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
Marriage Vs. Civil Union: Let Churches Handle Marriage, Suggests Expert
Washington University in St. Louis

In November, California citizens passed Proposition 8 upholding the idea that marriage is defined as and limited to the union of one man with one woman. The vote has given encouragement to many in other states who want to pass similar legislation. The United States is about to enter a period of legal upheaval on the question of marriage in the civil law, suggest Frank K. Flinn, Ph.D., adjunct professor of religious studies in Arts & Sciences. His proposal? Give marriage to the churches and let the state define civil unions.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
Experts for Civil Liberties and Social Justice Wire
Grinnell College

Grinnell College experts available on civil libertis and social justice topics.

Released: 11-Dec-2008 8:40 PM EST
Home for the Holidays: Helping Our Troops Readjust
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Returning servicemen and women at the end of their deployment may face challenges as they readjust to life with their families. "It's important that returning troops have realistic expectations when they come home," said Robert Marietta, M.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry at Saint Louis University and former Navy psychiatrist.

Released: 11-Dec-2008 1:15 PM EST
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month
Rutgers Cancer Institute

Nearly 4,000 women nationwide will die of cervical cancer by the end of this year. The spotlight shines on this topic for the month of January. Experts are available to discuss overall cervical health awareness including cancer risk factors and prevention options.

Released: 11-Dec-2008 10:30 AM EST
Make a Healthy and Lasting Impression with Toys this Holiday Season
University of the Sciences

Instead of shopping for the hottest pricey toy this holiday season, Dr. Paula Kramer, chair and professor of occupational therapy at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, encourages parents to buy their children toys that promote healthy childhood development.

Released: 10-Dec-2008 3:00 PM EST
Expert Commentary: “Greenest” Christmas Tree Recycling Options
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Natural Christmas tree recycling and the most environmentally friendly options for tree buyers to consider.

Released: 10-Dec-2008 1:20 PM EST
Accounting Students Revisit 1998 Hedge Fund Collapse
Wake Forest University

Terry Baker, associate professor of accounting at Wake Forest, asked graduate students in his class, "Accounting for Derivatives," to examine the 1998 collapse of the hedge fund, Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM). As they prepare to embark on careers in finance and accounting, the students gained valuable insight into the lessons learned, and especially those not learned.

Released: 9-Dec-2008 10:00 PM EST
Expert Offers Prescription for Holiday Blues: Focus on the Joy, Not the Toy

With so many families struggling with economic uncertainty this year, the seasonal blues can be threatening. Many have coped with the loss of a job or financial instability in the past year, and that monetary strain is bound to affect gift- buying, party-hosting and other holiday activities. Focusing on the meaning of the holidays can help ward off depression and anxiety brought on by the season's fiscal demands.

Released: 9-Dec-2008 9:00 PM EST
Monetary Policy, Taxes, Economic Justice Expert Available
Virginia Tech

Restore the economy with loans to all taxpayers, proposes T. Nicolaus Tideman, professor of economics at Virginia Tech.

Released: 9-Dec-2008 4:40 PM EST
Expert Available to Discuss Various Finance, Automotive Bailout Pros and Cons
Virginia Tech

The financial system rescue package necessary; but think twice about politicians running the auto industry. "There are a number of significant misconceptions about the economic crisis," said George Morgan, the SunTrust Professor of Finance in the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech.

Released: 9-Dec-2008 3:25 PM EST
Expert Says Modern Pirates Same As Those in Blackbeard’s Day
Wake Forest University

"In many ways, the Somali pirates bear a striking resemblance to those of the so-called "˜Golden Age' of pirates in the late 17th and early 18th centuries," says Eric Bowne, a visiting assistant professor of anthropology at Wake Forest University who taught the class "Under the Black Flag: the Anthropology of Piracy."

Released: 9-Dec-2008 2:20 PM EST
India and Pakistan Relations - Experts for Analysis and Comment
George Washington University

The following GW experts are available to discuss India - Pakistan relations.

Released: 9-Dec-2008 12:00 AM EST
The Odor of Sanctity: Poetry Rising Up From Sadness
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

In his newest volume of poetry, Michael Heffernan, creative writing professor at the University of Arkansas, often mixes the lofty and the wacky. The resulting "mildly irreverent" poems rise up from the sometimes-sad circumstances of life.

Released: 8-Dec-2008 4:30 PM EST
This New Year, Ditch the Gym for a Healthy Outdoor Workout
University of the Sciences

If getting into shape is on your New Year's resolution list, but you're not interested in navigating jam-packed gyms, the answer is simple: take your exercise regime out of the gym and into the great outdoors. To be sure you're safely working toward your goals and getting the most out of your outdoor exercise this winter, Professor Richards has provided simple tips.

Released: 8-Dec-2008 4:30 PM EST
DC Think Tanks Too Predictable on Public Issues, Suggests New Book
Washington University in St. Louis

As President-elect Barack Obama continues to fill key cabinet positions from the ranks of Washington, D.C.-based public policy think tanks, a new book by longtime policy adviser Murray Weidenbaum examines how the nation's top think tanks came to play such critical roles in U.S. politics.

Released: 8-Dec-2008 11:00 AM EST
400 Years Later, Milton Still Meaningful
Temple University

Many people may not know that this year marks the 400th anniversary of John Milton's birth (he was born on December 9th, 1608). "But Milton remains incredibly relevant to us today," says Shannon Miller, professor and chair of the English department at Temple University.

Released: 8-Dec-2008 5:00 AM EST
Science of Santa: How Santa Delivers All His Presents in One Night
North Carolina State University

If you're skeptical of Santa's abilities to deliver presents to millions of homes and children in just one night, NC State University engineering professor Dr. Larry Silverberg can explain the scientific principles that allow the Jolly Old Elf to pull off the magical feat year after year.

Released: 7-Dec-2008 7:25 PM EST
Naughty Or Nice? Online Shopping at Work
Saint Joseph's University

Cyber Monday and the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays of online shopping that follow can be frustrating "” and expensive "” for some employers. But Claire Simmers, Ph.D., co-author of "The Internet and Workplace Transformation," says she has seen a recent shift in corporate attitudes concerning employees who shop online at work.

Released: 7-Dec-2008 7:20 PM EST
Managing Financial Anxieties During the Holidays
Saint Joseph's University

With news of a recession, it's no wonder that many Americans are feeling anxious about their financial situation this holiday season. According to Saint Joseph's University Psychologist Phyllis Anastasio, Ph.D., these anxieties are amplified by constant media reminders.
