Feature Channels: Alcohol and Alcoholism

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Released: 2-Oct-2019 1:05 PM EDT
Lesbian and bisexual women more likely to smoke while drinking alcohol than heterosexual women
University at Buffalo

Sexual minority women are more likely to smoke cigarettes when drinking alcohol than heterosexual women, according to new University at Buffalo research.

1-Oct-2019 9:40 AM EDT
NIH New Innovator Award Given to Wistar Researcher to Unravel the Metabolic Link Between Diet, Alcohol Consumption and Cancer
Wistar Institute

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) today announced that Zachary T. Schug, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Molecular & Cellular Oncogenesis Program at Wistar, was awarded the prestigious NIH Director’s New Innovator Award in support of his research on the link between a high sugar/fat diet, alcohol use and cancer.

26-Sep-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Tech-delivered CBT shows promise for alcohol treatment
Research Society on Alcoholism

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on challenging and changing unhelpful thoughts and behaviors, and is a proven treatment for alcohol use disorder. However, the training and expert supervision needed to deliver consistent, high-quality face-to-face sessions is costly, limiting the widespread implementation of CBT in clinical practice. Delivering CBT through technology-based platforms, such as web-based programs and mobile apps, has potential to provide widespread and low-cost access to this evidence-based intervention ─ but it’s important to establish that tech-based CBT is as effective for alcohol treatment as the in-person format. A new report published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research systematically examines the evidence for tech-based delivery of CBT for alcohol use by combining data from multiple published studies, using a statistical technique known as meta-analysis.

26-Sep-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Binge-drinking when young could have long-term repercussions for heart health
Research Society on Alcoholism

Moderate drinking has been linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease in several studies. However, the relationship between alcohol and heart disease remains controversial and is challenging to assess. Most available data are from prospective (forward-looking) studies of people in middle age or older, in whom alcohol intake was assessed at the time of study entry.

25-Sep-2019 7:05 PM EDT
Intrusive thoughts link sleep disturbance to problem drinking in veterans
Research Society on Alcoholism

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sleep disturbance and alcohol problems are common among military veterans, and often occur together, with a large toll on physical and mental health. A new study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research examines the interplay of PTSD symptoms and disturbed sleep, and how they affect the risk of alcohol problems over time.

Released: 19-Sep-2019 4:05 PM EDT
Smoking Abstinence Has Little Impact on the Motivation for Food
University at Buffalo

It’s sometimes thought that smokers who can’t light up are likely to reach for food in lieu of cigarettes. But new research from the University at Buffalo suggests that smoking abstinence doesn’t greatly affect the motivation for food. The study, published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, used cues and actual money to learn how much smokers might spend for cigarettes, food and water during abstinence. The results provide new insights for how different systems control motivation and reward.

Released: 18-Sep-2019 8:45 AM EDT
Preference for Fentanyl Higher Among Young, White, Frequent Opioid Users
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A minority of people who use illicit opioids indicated a preference for fentanyl, the super-potent synthetic opioid that accounts for much of the recent rise in U.S. overdose deaths, according to a new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Released: 9-Sep-2019 10:00 AM EDT
Tweets Indicate Nicotine Dependence, Withdrawal Symptoms of JUUL Users
Health Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh

One out of every five tweets mentioning JUUL indentified for a new analysis also references addiction-related themes.

27-Aug-2019 6:05 PM EDT
Wearable Alcohol Monitors Show Promise in Viability Study ─ with Potential to Fill Huge Public Health Gap
Research Society on Alcoholism

Alcohol biosensors suitable for use by everyday drinkers are a step closer, following a positive study of prototype devices published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. Keeping track of alcohol intake can be challenging, given variation in standard drink sizes and impaired awareness as blood alcohol levels rise. Discreet devices that track alcohol levels could help people make more informed decisions about when to stop drinking and could potentially reduce alcohol-related road deaths.

Released: 28-Aug-2019 10:05 AM EDT
Study highlights gaps and opportunities in emergency room care for intoxicated minors
Research Society on Alcoholism

Alcohol and other drug intoxication in minors is a public health challenge. European surveys reveal that schoolchildren start drinking alcohol at an average age of 12, and a third of Spanish 14 to 18 year-olds admit to binge drinking ─ consuming five or more drinks per occasion ─ within the last month. Although alcohol is the most commonly abused substance among minors in Western countries, poly-drug use (often involving cannabis and alcohol) is increasingly common.

27-Aug-2019 6:05 PM EDT
35-year study explores generational differences in problem drinking
Research Society on Alcoholism

Problem drinking has become more common in the US in recent decades. The San Diego Prospective Study (SDPS), which began in 1978, revealed an almost two-fold increase in alcohol problems and alcohol use disorder among the current generation of young-adult drinkers compared to their fathers

Released: 27-Aug-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Surviving gameday: Tips to help you make it through the season
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The boys of fall are back, but how your team fares this season could be the least of your worries.

Released: 22-Aug-2019 10:25 AM EDT
Premium Wine & Spirits Distributor Partners to Prevent Counterfeit Alcohol

Incidents related to methanol and counterfeit alcohol are increasing around the world. A leading international Wine & Spirits distributor is taking proactive steps to promote awareness and insure their popular liquor and wine brands are authentic and safe.

Released: 20-Aug-2019 8:00 AM EDT
What’s Driving More Women to Drink?
Iowa State University

More women are drinking alcohol, but there is little evidence to explain the increase in consumption. New research found variations in the amount and frequency women drink based on age, race, education, marital status and other factors.

15-Aug-2019 11:30 AM EDT
Alzheimer’s Drug Reverses Brain Damage From Adolescent Alcohol Exposure in Rats
Duke Health

-- A drug used to slow cognitive decline in adults with Alzheimer's disease appears to reverse brain inflammation and neuron damage in rats exposed to alcohol during adolescence.

Released: 19-Aug-2019 1:00 PM EDT
Parent-Targeted Interventions in Primary Care Setting Improve Parent-Teen Communication on Alcohol Use, Sexual Behavior
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

New research shows that brief parent-targeted interventions in the primary care setting can increase communication between parents and their teens about sexual and alcohol-related behavior. This method may offer an important strategy for parents to influence adolescent behaviors and health outcomes.

Released: 15-Aug-2019 6:00 AM EDT
Moderate to Heavy Drinking During Pregnancy Alters Genes in Newborns, Mothers
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Mothers who drink moderate to high levels of alcohol during pregnancy may be changing their babies’ DNA, according to a Rutgers-led study.

8-Aug-2019 4:20 AM EDT
Difficulty in identifying angry facial expressions linked to interpersonal problems in recovering heavy drinkers
Research Society on Alcoholism

People in early-stage recovery from alcohol use disorder can struggle to recognize facial expressions of emotion ─ particularly anger ─ according to a study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. The findings build on mounting evidence that long-term alcohol misuse may impair the brain’s ability to process facial emotion. As facial expressions are important for interpersonal and social functioning, this might contribute to the development of interpersonal difficulties, which are common among people with alcohol use disorder and reduce the likelihood of a successful recovery.

Released: 9-Aug-2019 9:30 AM EDT
Low-level Alcohol Use Increases Miscarriage Risk
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Women who consume alcohol during pregnancy — even in small amounts — have a 19% greater risk of miscarriage than women who don’t use alcohol, according to a new study by Vanderbilt researchers.

Released: 8-Aug-2019 2:05 PM EDT
Researchers Seek Culprit in Liver Inflammation
University of Kansas Cancer Center

A research team has been awarded a five-year, $1.8 million grant from the NIH to study chronic inflammation of the liver, a major factor in the development of liver cancer.
