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Released: 29-Jan-2015 10:00 AM EST
Food Safety Fumble: Research Finds 90 Percent of Home Chefs Contaminate Food
Kansas State University

New research from Kansas State University finds that despite receiving food safety messaging, a majority of home chefs still contaminate their food because of poor food-handling techniques.

Released: 28-Jan-2015 4:00 PM EST
3D Printing Makes Heart Surgery Safer for Children
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Richard Kim, MD, a cardiac surgeon at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, recently used a 3D printed heart as a model to plan a life-saving procedure for his young patient, Esther Perez.

27-Jan-2015 11:00 AM EST
Study: Former NFL Players Who Played Tackle Football Before Age 12 at Increased Risk of Memory and Thinking Problems Later
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Former National Football League (NFL) players who participated in tackle football before the age of 12 were more likely to have memory and thinking problems in adulthood, according to a new study published in the January 28, 2015, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

21-Jan-2015 2:00 PM EST
Does Getting “Expensive” Drug Affect How Much Patient Benefits?
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People’s perceptions of the cost of a drug may affect how much they benefit from the drug, even when they are receiving only a placebo, according to a new study of people with Parkinson’s disease published in the January 28, 2015 online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

22-Jan-2015 4:00 PM EST
High Cholesterol In 30s, 40s, Increases Later Risk Of Heart Disease
Duke Health

Most young adults might assume they have years before needing to worry about their cholesterol. But new findings from researchers at the Duke Clinical Research Institute suggest that even slightly high cholesterol levels in otherwise healthy adults between the ages of 35 and 55 can have long-term impacts on their heart health, with every decade of high cholesterol increasing their chances of heart disease by 39 percent.

23-Jan-2015 3:00 PM EST
Brain’s On-Off Thirst Switch Identified
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Neurons that trigger our sense of thirst—and neurons that turn it off—have been identified by Columbia University Medical Center neuroscientists. The paper was published today in the online edition of Nature.

Released: 23-Jan-2015 3:00 PM EST
Least Known Chimpanzee Threatened by Climate Change
Wildlife Conservation Society

Human beings are not the only great ape species likely to be severely impacted by climate change in the future. According to a new study by the Drexel University, Wildlife Conservation Society, and other groups, the Nigerian-Cameroon chimpanzee—the most endangered of all chimpanzee subspecies—may lose much of its habitat within the next five years and fully half of it in the next century.

Released: 23-Jan-2015 12:00 PM EST
Experts Recommend Intermediate Physical Activity Goals, Especially for Older Adults
Georgia Institute of Technology

The recommendation that adults should get 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week may be too ambitious for many middle-aged and older adults. That’s one recommendation from physical activity and health experts who published a paper this week in the British Medical Journal.

Released: 22-Jan-2015 5:40 PM EST
Pro-Marijuana ‘Tweets’ Are Sky-High on Twitter
Washington University in St. Louis

Analyzing every marijuana-related Twitter message sent during a one-month period in early 2014, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine have found that the “Twitterverse” is a pot-friendly place. In that time, more than 7 million tweets referenced marijuana, with 15 times as many pro-pot tweets sent as anti-pot tweets.

22-Jan-2015 2:00 PM EST
A First Peek Beneath the Surface of a Comet
University of Massachusetts Amherst

In some of the first research findings to be published from the European Space Agency’s Rosetta Mission to the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, scientists report this week in Science on early measurements of the comet’s subsurface temperature and production of gas from the surface of its nucleus.

21-Jan-2015 6:00 PM EST
Viruses May Play Unexpected Role in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Washington University in St. Louis

Inflammatory bowel diseases are associated with a decrease in the diversity of bacteria in the gut, but a new study led by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has linked the same illnesses to an increase in the diversity of viruses.

Released: 22-Jan-2015 11:00 AM EST
Environmental Scientists Find Antibiotics, Bacteria, Resistance Genes in Dust from Feedlots
Texas Tech University

Researchers beginning to understand how antibiotic-resistant bacteria travel aerially.

Released: 22-Jan-2015 10:20 AM EST
UK Computer Science Professor Leading Major Breakthrough in Reading Ancient Scrolls
University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky Department of Computer Science's Brent Seales is on his way to making history, and uncovering it, with revolutionary software and 2,000-year old Herculaneum scrolls.

14-Jan-2015 3:50 PM EST
Sleeping on Stomach May Increase Risk of Sudden Death in Epilepsy
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

New research shows that stomach sleepers with epilepsy may be at higher risk of sudden unexpected death, drawing parallels to sudden infant death syndrome in babies. The study is published in the January 21, 2015, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

16-Jan-2015 10:00 AM EST
New Laser-Patterning Technique Turns Metals Into Supermaterials
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

By zapping ordinary metals with femtosecond laser pulses researchers from the University of Rochester in New York have created extraordinary new surfaces that efficiently absorb light, repel water and clean themselves. The multifunctional materials could find use in durable, low maintenance solar collectors and sensors.

16-Jan-2015 4:00 PM EST
Study: Melting Glaciers Have Big Carbon Impact
Florida State University

As the earth warms, scientists have been focused on how glaciers melting will affect sea level rise. But, another lurking impact is the amount of carbon that will be released when glaciers melt. This is the first attempt to calculate how much carbon will be released.

Released: 16-Jan-2015 5:00 PM EST
Study Shows How Planetary Building Blocks Evolved From Porous to Hard Objects
University of Chicago

Thinking small has enabled an international team of scientists to gain new insight into the evolution of planetary building blocks in the early solar system.

Released: 15-Jan-2015 4:20 PM EST
Humanity Has Exceeded 4 of 9 ‘Planetary Boundaries,’ According to Researchers
University of Wisconsin–Madison

An international team of researchers says climate change, the loss of biosphere integrity, land-system change, and altered biogeochemical cycles like phosphorus and nitrogen runoff have all passed beyond levels that put humanity in a “safe operating space.” Civilization has crossed four of nine so-called planetary boundaries as the result of human activity, according to a report published today in Science by the 18-member research team.

Released: 15-Jan-2015 3:00 PM EST
Bone Stem Cells Shown to Regenerate Bone and Cartilage in Adult Mice
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

A stem cell capable of regenerating both bone and cartilage has been identified in bone marrow of mice.

Released: 15-Jan-2015 3:00 PM EST
Century-Old Drug Reverses Autism-Like Symptoms in Fragile X Mouse Model
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine previously reported that a drug used for almost a century to treat trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness, reversed environmental autism-like symptoms in mice. Now, a new study published in this week’s online issue of Molecular Autism, suggests that a genetic form of autism-like symptoms in mice are also corrected with the drug, even when treatment was started in young adult mice.

Released: 15-Jan-2015 12:00 PM EST
New Research Unlocks How Melanoma Can Resist Newly Approved Drug Combo Therapy
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

In a new study researchers at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have uncovered how melanoma becomes resistant to a promising new drug combo therapy utilizing BRAF+MEK inhibitors in patients after an initial period of tumor shrinkage.

7-Jan-2015 1:00 PM EST
Depression, Behavior Changes May Start in Alzheimer’s Even Before Memory Changes
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Depression and other behavior changes may show up in people who will later develop Alzheimer’s disease even before they start having memory problems, according to a new study published in the January 14, 2015, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 14-Jan-2015 9:55 AM EST
Yabba Dabba D’OH! Stone Age Man Wasn’t Necessarily More Advanced Than the Neanderthals
Universite de Montreal

A multi-purpose bone tool dating from the Neanderthal era has been discovered by University of Montreal researchers, throwing into question our current understanding of the evolution of human behaviour. It was found at an archaeological site in France.

Released: 14-Jan-2015 7:00 AM EST
Autonomous Tots Have Higher Cognitive Skills
Universite de Montreal

Higher cognitive skills are found in the children of mothers who are consistently able to support the development of their baby’s sense of autonomy, according to a study led by researchers at the University of Montreal. The researchers specifically looked at executive functioning, which refers to a range of cognitive processes that are essential for cognitive, social and psychological functioning.

13-Jan-2015 11:00 AM EST
Researchers Discover New “Trick” Steroids Use To Suppress Inflammation
Georgia State University

A new “trick” steroids use to suppress inflammation, which could be used to make new anti-inflammatory drugs without the harmful side effects of steroids, has been discovered by researchers at Georgia State University.

Released: 12-Jan-2015 9:00 AM EST
They See Flow Signals: Researchers Identify Nature of Fish’s “Sixth Sense”
New York University

A team of scientists has identified how a “sixth sense” in fish allows them to detect flows of water, which helps resolve a long-standing mystery about how these aquatic creatures respond to their environment.

6-Jan-2015 5:00 PM EST
New Recommendation for Cervical Cancer Screening, Using HPV Test Alone
University of Alabama at Birmingham

HPV testing alone is an effective alternative to current cervical cancer screening methods that use a Pap smear, or Pap smear-plus HPV test.

Released: 7-Jan-2015 7:00 PM EST
Researchers Work to Counter a New Class of Coffee Shop Hackers
Georgia Institute of Technology

If you’re sitting in a coffee shop, tapping away on your laptop, feeling safe from hackers because you didn’t connect to the shop’s wifi, think again. Hackers may be able to see what you’re doing just by analyzing the low-power electronic signals your laptop emits even when it’s not connected.

Released: 7-Jan-2015 10:00 AM EST
Sticking to Lifestyle Guidelines May Reduce Risk for Certain Cancers and for Overall Mortality
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

A study of nearly a half-million Americans has found that following cancer prevention guidelines from the American Cancer Society may modestly reduce your overall risk of developing cancer and have a greater impact on reducing your overall risk of dying. Having a healthy body weight and staying active appeared to have the most positive impact.

Released: 6-Jan-2015 2:25 PM EST
Almost Three-Quarters of Parents Turn Car Seats to Face Forward Too Early
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Many parents don’t follow guidelines that call for using rear-facing car seats until age 2, according to National Poll on Children’s Health data

5-Jan-2015 4:00 PM EST
Hubble Discovers that Milky Way Core Drives Wind at 2 Million Miles Per Hour
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

At a time when our earliest human ancestors had recently mastered walking upright, the heart of our Milky Way galaxy underwent a titanic eruption, driving gases and other material outward at 2 million miles per hour. Now, at least 2 million years later, astronomers are witnessing the aftermath of the explosion: billowing clouds of gas towering about 30,000 light-years above and below the plane of our galaxy.

5-Jan-2015 4:00 PM EST
Hubble Goes High Def to Revisit the Iconic ‘Pillars of Creation'
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

In celebration of its 25th anniversary, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has revisited the famous "Pillars of Creation" region of the Eagle Nebula (M16), providing astronomers with a sharper and wider view. As a bonus, the pillars have been photographed in near-infrared light, as well as visible light.

5-Jan-2015 4:00 PM EST
Hubble's High-Definition Panoramic View of the Andromeda Galaxy
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

The largest NASA Hubble Space Telescope image ever assembled, this sweeping view of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) is the sharpest large composite image ever taken of our galactic neighbor. Though the galaxy is over 2 million light-years away, the Hubble telescope is powerful enough to resolve individual stars in a 61,000-light-year-long section of the galaxy's pancake-shaped disk.

Released: 5-Jan-2015 9:55 AM EST
Cancer Prevention Guidelines May Lower Risk of Obesity-Linked Cancers
New York University

Low alcohol consumption and a plant-based diet, both healthy habits aligning with current cancer prevention guidelines, are associated with reducing the risk of obesity-related cancers, a New York University study shows.

30-Dec-2014 2:00 PM EST
Not All Obese People Develop Metabolic Problems Linked to Excess Weight​​​​
Washington University in St. Louis

In a study at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, researchers found that a subset of obese people do not have common metabolic abnormalities associated with obesity, such as insulin resistance, abnormal blood lipids (high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol), high blood pressure and excess liver fat. In addition, obese people who didn’t have these metabolic problems when the study began did not develop them even after they gained more weight.

29-Dec-2014 12:00 PM EST
Fat Isn’t All Bad: Skin Adipocytes Help Protect Against Infections
UC San Diego Health

When it comes to skin infections, a healthy and robust immune response may depend greatly upon what lies beneath. In a new paper published in the January 2, 2015 issue of Science, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report the surprising discovery that fat cells below the skin help protect us from bacteria.

1-Jan-2015 8:00 AM EST
Researchers Target the Cell’s ‘Biological Clock’ in Promising New Therapy to Kill Cancer Cells, Shrink Tumor Growth
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Cell biologists at UT Southwestern Medical Center have targeted telomeres with a small molecule called 6-thiodG that takes advantage of the cell’s ‘biological clock’ to kill cancer cells and shrink tumor growth.

Released: 31-Dec-2014 2:00 PM EST
Mind Over Matter: Can You Think Your Way to Strength?
American Physiological Society (APS)

Ohio University researchers find that regular mental imagery exercises help preserve arm strength during 4 weeks of immobilization. The article is published in the Journal of Neurophysiology and is highlighted as part of the APSselect program.

23-Dec-2014 4:10 PM EST
Can Exercise Help People with Parkinson’s Disease?
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Exercise may help people with Parkinson’s disease improve their balance, ability to move around and quality of life, even if it does not reduce their risk of falling, according to a new study published in the December 31, 2014, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 30-Dec-2014 11:00 AM EST
Resolved to Lose Weight in 2015? Here Are 5 Bad Strategies to Avoid
Loyola Medicine

Is your New Year’s resolution to lose weight? Here are five bad strategies to avoid, according to Dr. Aaron Michelfelder of Loyola University Health System.

Released: 26-Aug-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Study Finds Less Domestic Violence Among Married Couples Who Smoke Pot
University at Buffalo

New research findings from a study of 634 couples found that the more often they smoked marijuana, the less likely they were to engage in domestic violence.

25-Mar-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Brain Differences in College-Aged Occasional Drug Users
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have discovered impaired neuronal activity in the parts of the brain associated with anticipatory functioning among occasional 18- to 24-year-old users of stimulant drugs, such as cocaine, amphetamines and prescription drugs such as Adderall.

20-Mar-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Mars Mimicking Chamber Explores Habitability of Other Planets
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

A research team in Spain has the enviable job of testing out new electromechanical gear for potential use in future missions to the "Red Planet." They do it within their Mars environmental simulation chamber, which is specially designed to mimic conditions on the fourth planet from the sun -- right down to its infamous Martian dust.

21-Mar-2014 9:45 AM EDT
First Stem Cell Study of Bipolar Disorder Yields Promising Results
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

What makes a person bipolar, prone to manic highs and deep, depressed lows? Why does bipolar disorder run so strongly in families, even though no single gene is to blame? And why is it so hard to find new treatments for a condition that affects 200 million people worldwide? New stem cell research may help scientists find answers to these questions.

19-Mar-2014 4:30 PM EDT
Guideline: Medical Marijuana in Pill Form or Oral Spray May Ease Some MS Symptoms; Little Evidence Other Complementary or Alternative Therapies Work
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A new guideline from the American Academy of Neurology suggests that there is little evidence that most complementary or alternative medicine therapies (CAM) treat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the guideline states the CAM therapies oral cannabis, or medical marijuana pills, and oral medical marijuana spray may ease patients’ reported symptoms of spasticity, pain related to spasticity and frequent urination in multiple sclerosis (MS). The guideline, which is published in the March 25, 2014, print issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, states that there is not enough evidence to show whether smoking marijuana is helpful in treating MS symptoms.

Released: 24-Mar-2014 12:15 PM EDT
Research Finds Soda Tax Does Little to Decrease Obesity
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Extra sales taxes on soda may not do anything to improve people’s health, according to new research from health economist Jason Fletcher of the La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Released: 24-Mar-2014 10:25 AM EDT
Microfluidic Device With Artificial Arteries Measures Drugs’ Influence on Blood Clotting
Georgia Institute of Technology

A new microfluidic method for evaluating drugs commonly used for preventing heart attacks has found that while aspirin can prevent dangerous blood clots in some at-risk patients, it may not be effective in all patients with narrowed arteries. The study, which involved 14 human subjects, used a device that simulated blood flowing through narrowed coronary arteries to assess effects of anti-clotting drugs.

21-Mar-2014 5:00 PM EDT
Researcher: Study on Element Could Change Ballgame on Radioactive Waste
Florida State University

Groundbreaking work by a team of chemists on a fringe element of the periodic table could change how the world stores radioactive waste and recycles fuel.

19-Mar-2014 1:00 PM EDT
Bariatric Surgery Decreases Risk of Uterine Cancer
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center report that bariatric surgery resulting in dramatic weight loss in formerly severely obese women reduces the risk of endometrial (uterine) cancer by 71 percent and as much as 81 percent if normal weight is maintained after surgery.

Released: 21-Mar-2014 4:00 PM EDT
Inherited Mutated Gene Raises Lung Cancer Risk for Women and Those Who Never Smoked
UT Southwestern Medical Center

People who have an inherited mutation of a certain gene have a high chance of getting lung cancer — higher, even, than heavy smokers with or without the inherited mutation, according to new findings by cancer researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
