Feature Channels: Cardiovascular Health

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Newswise:Video Embedded detecting-predicting-and-preventing-aortic-ruptures-with-computational-modeling
30-Mar-2023 2:00 PM EDT
Detecting, Predicting, and Preventing Aortic Ruptures with Computational Modeling
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

According to some estimates, up to 80% of patients who experience a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm will die before they reach the hospital or during surgery. But early intervention can prevent rupture and improve outcomes. In Physics of Fluids, researchers make a computational model of the cardiovascular system in order to predict early AAA rupture and monitor patients’ blood vessel conditions. They mimicked specific health conditions and investigated various hemodynamic parameters using image-based computational blood dynamics.

Released: 3-Apr-2023 6:25 PM EDT
Smart watches could predict higher risk of heart failure
University College London

The peer-reviewed study, published in The European Heart Journal – Digital Health, looked at data from 83,000 people who had undergone a 15-second electrocardiogram (ECG) comparable to the kind carried out using smart watches and phone devices.

Newswise: Use of racially concordant educational video did not affect acceptance of heart implant devices among Black patients
Released: 3-Apr-2023 6:05 PM EDT
Use of racially concordant educational video did not affect acceptance of heart implant devices among Black patients
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Multiple studies have demonstrated that Black patients are significantly less likely than white patients to undergo invasive cardiovascular procedures. Prior research also has demonstrated substantial racial disparities in the use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) that can be lifesaving for those at high risk for sudden cardiac death.

Released: 3-Apr-2023 3:55 PM EDT
Small proteins in heart play big role
Washington University in St. Louis

A heartbeat is a carefully coordinated series of electrical signals led by sodium ion channels, which tell the heart when to contract and to relax. Any disruption to these signals may lead to cardiac diseases such as an irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia. Two researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have taken a closer look at this process at the molecular level and have found what may provide new insights into different heart conditions and how to develop better therapies.

Newswise: March Research Highlights
Released: 31-Mar-2023 7:25 PM EDT
March Research Highlights

A roundup of the latest medical discoveries and faculty news happening at Cedars-Sinai in March 2023.

Newswise: Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Rises Sharply in Ventura County
Released: 31-Mar-2023 5:45 PM EDT
Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Rises Sharply in Ventura County

In a study among residents of Ventura County, California, rates of sudden cardiac arrest rose sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Released: 30-Mar-2023 3:50 PM EDT
Mediterranean and low fat diet programmes lower risk of death and heart attack in patients at risk of cardiovascular disease

Mediterranean and low fat dietary programmes reduce the likelihood of death and heart attack in patients at heightened risk of cardiovascular disease, finds the first comparative review based on randomised trials of seven popular dietary programmes published by The BMJ today.

Released: 30-Mar-2023 3:35 PM EDT
Exercise may reduce negative effects of unhealthy sleep duration on longevity
European Society of Cardiology

Sleeping too little or too long is linked with a shorter life, but scientists have found that physical activity counteracts some of these negative effects.

Released: 30-Mar-2023 2:10 PM EDT
Children with high blood pressure often become adults with high blood pressure
American Heart Association (AHA)

High blood pressure in children is not uncommon, and research shows it may lead to high blood pressure in adulthood, as well as problems with the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.

Newswise: TCT 2023 Career Achievement Award to be Presented to Stuart J. Pocock, PhD
Released: 30-Mar-2023 1:00 PM EDT
TCT 2023 Career Achievement Award to be Presented to Stuart J. Pocock, PhD
Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF)

The TCT 2023 Career Achievement Award will be presented to Stuart J. Pocock, PhD, during Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), the annual scientific symposium of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF). TCT will take place October 23-26, 2023, in San Francisco at the Moscone Center. The award is given each year to an outstanding individual who has made significant contributions to the field of interventional cardiology and transformed patient care through their career endeavors, research pursuits, and mentorship.

Newswise: University Hospitals Research Published in New England Journal of Medicine Shows Minimally Invasive Procedure Saves Most Patients with Severe Vascular Disease from Amputation
Released: 30-Mar-2023 7:05 AM EDT
University Hospitals Research Published in New England Journal of Medicine Shows Minimally Invasive Procedure Saves Most Patients with Severe Vascular Disease from Amputation
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

A study, co-led by University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, could lead to the first FDA approval of a therapy giving thousands of patients hope for an alternative to amputation.

Released: 29-Mar-2023 6:10 PM EDT
AI shows the need for healthier diets in long-term care homes
University of Waterloo

A detailed analysis of consumed food showed there is a need to improve diets in long-term care (LTC) homes to make them healthier for residents.

Newswise: Heart attack study could change the game in regenerative medicine
Released: 29-Mar-2023 3:50 PM EDT
Heart attack study could change the game in regenerative medicine
Sanford Burnham Prebys

Sanford Burnham Prebys researchers have identified a group of proteins that could be the secret to cellular reprogramming, an emerging approach in regenerative medicine in which scientists transform cells to repair damaged or injured body tissues.

Newswise: The Shape of Your Heart Matters
Released: 29-Mar-2023 12:35 PM EDT
The Shape of Your Heart Matters

Curious to know if you’re at risk for two common heart conditions? Your doctor may want to check the shape of your heart.

Released: 28-Mar-2023 2:20 PM EDT
From the doctor's office to the operating room: Keep up with the latest in healthcare here

From septic shock to sticker shock. Keep up with this ever-growing, changing sector. Below are some of the latest stories on healthcare on Newswise.

Newswise: RNA Biomarkers May One Day Help Diagnose Heart Disease, Study Finds
Released: 28-Mar-2023 1:20 PM EDT
RNA Biomarkers May One Day Help Diagnose Heart Disease, Study Finds
George Washington University

A new study published today in the Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Plus by Timothy A. McCaffrey, professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences and INOVA Fairfax Hospitals demonstrates how RNA biomarkers may be used to confirm heart disease. The study, which involves the largest analysis of blood RNA from patients with angiographically confirmed CAD, adds several novel dimensions to the current understanding of heart disease and could one day lead to a simple blood test that would help doctors diagnose heart disease in the physician’s office.

Released: 28-Mar-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Shedding pounds may benefit your heart — even if some weight is regained
American Heart Association (AHA)

Weight loss was associated with decreased risk factors for cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes for at least five years — even if some weight was regained, according to a review of research on behavioral weight loss programs.

Released: 28-Mar-2023 6:00 AM EDT
A obesidade dificulta o diagnóstico e o tratamento de doenças cardíacas
Mayo Clinic

Estar acima do peso afeta saúde mais do que você imagina. Um novo artigo de revisão para a revista médica Journal of the American College of Cardiology da Mayo Clinic descreve como a obesidade afeta os exames comuns usados para diagnosticar doenças cardíacas e afeta os tratamentos.

Released: 28-Mar-2023 6:00 AM EDT
La obesidad dificulta el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad cardíaca
Mayo Clinic

Tener sobrepeso afecta salud cardíaca de más formas que las que podría imaginar. Un nuevo artículo de revisión de la Revista del Colegio Americano de Cardiología de Mayo Clinic describe cómo la obesidad afecta las pruebas comunes que se usan para diagnosticar la enfermedad cardíaca e impacta en los tratamientos.

Released: 28-Mar-2023 6:00 AM EDT
السُمنة تجعل من الصعب تشخيص مرض القلب وعلاجه
Mayo Clinic

يؤثر الوزن الزائد على صحة قلبك من نواحٍ قد لا تخطر على بالك. توضح ورقة المراجعة المنشورة في مجلة الكلية الأمريكية لأمراض القلب من مايو كلينك كيف تؤثر السُمنة في الاختبارات الشائعة المُستخدمة في تشخيص مرض القلب وتأثيرها على العلاجات.

Not for public release

This news release is embargoed until 27-Mar-2023 5:00 PM EDT Released to reporters: 21-Mar-2023 2:00 PM EDT

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Released: 27-Mar-2023 11:55 AM EDT
Genetic tests unexpectedly find genes linked to heart disease — now what?
American Heart Association (AHA)

As health care professionals, researchers and consumers increasingly use genetic testing, they are uncovering incidental genetic abnormalities, or variants, that are associated with cardiovascular diseases.

20-Mar-2023 9:00 AM EDT
The heart benefits of walnuts likely come from the gut
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

A new study examining the gene expression of gut microbes suggests that the heart-healthy benefits of walnuts may be linked to beneficial changes in the mix of microbes found in our gut.

Newswise: Where there’s smoke, there’s thiocyanate: McMaster researchers find tobacco users in Canada are exposed to higher levels of cyanide than other regions
Released: 24-Mar-2023 11:30 PM EDT
Where there’s smoke, there’s thiocyanate: McMaster researchers find tobacco users in Canada are exposed to higher levels of cyanide than other regions
McMaster University

Tobacco users in Canada are exposed to higher levels of cyanide than smokers in lower-income nations, according to a large-scale population health study from McMaster University.

Newswise: Novel regulatory mechanism of blood clotting discovered
Released: 24-Mar-2023 10:10 AM EDT
Novel regulatory mechanism of blood clotting discovered
University of Würzburg

When our blood vessels are injured by cuts, abrasions, or bruises, it is vital that the bleeding is stopped, and the wound is sealed.

Released: 23-Mar-2023 3:50 PM EDT
Depressed, and aging fast
University of Connecticut

Older adults with depression are actually aging faster than their peers, UConn Center on Aging researchers report.

Released: 23-Mar-2023 2:25 PM EDT
Media Registration for TCT 2023 Now Open
Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF)

Media registration is now open for TCT 2023 (Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics), the annual scientific symposium of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF). TCT is the world’s premier educational meeting specializing in interventional cardiovascular medicine. TCT, which will be held October 23-26, 2023 in San Francisco, California at the Moscone Center, will be celebrating 35 years of leading the field.

Released: 23-Mar-2023 10:20 AM EDT
BIDMC Research Guides FDA Action on Common Medical Device
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

In a retrospective cohort study of Medicare beneficiaries who underwent aortic stent grafting, researchers worked with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to compare the long-term outcomes of a specific endograft device type with comparative devices on the market.

Newswise: The single protein that causes the fibrosis death spiral
Released: 22-Mar-2023 11:05 AM EDT
The single protein that causes the fibrosis death spiral
Kyushu University

Researchers from Kyushu University have found how a single mechanosensitive protein induces the process that thickens and scars tissue, known as fibrosis.

Released: 21-Mar-2023 7:55 PM EDT
Diet and exercise programs alone won’t tackle childhood obesity
University of Sydney

Focusing on immediate fixes such as diet and exercise programs alone won’t curb the tide of childhood obesity, according to a new study that for the first time maps the complex pathways that lead to obesity in childhood.

Released: 21-Mar-2023 7:40 PM EDT
Exercise therapy is safe, may improve quality of life for many people with heart failure
American Heart Association (AHA)

For many people who have heart failure, supervised exercise training is safe and may offer substantial improvement in exercise capacity and quality of life, even more than medications.

Released: 21-Mar-2023 7:00 AM EDT
Cómo controlar su salud durante el ayuno de Ramadán
Mayo Clinic

El ayuno durante el Ramadán consiste en abstenerse de comer y beber desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer. Según el área geográfica y la época del año en que ocurre el Ramadán, el ayuno diario puede variar de tan solo 10 horas en los meses invernales a más de 17 horas durante el verano.

Released: 21-Mar-2023 7:00 AM EDT
إدارة صحتك خلال صيام رمضان
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — يتضمن الصيام خلال شهر رمضان الامتناع عن الطعام والشراب من الفجر حتى غروب الشمس. وقد يتراوح وقت الصيام اليومي ما بين 10 ساعات في أشهر الشتاء إلى أكثر من 17 ساعة في أشهر الصيف حسب الموقع الجغرافي ووقت قدوم شهر رمضان من العام. ينبغي ألا يكون لهذا الصيام اليومي تأثير سلبي على صحة معظم الأفراد.

Released: 21-Mar-2023 7:00 AM EDT
Cuidados com a sua saúde durante o jejum no Ramadã
Mayo Clinic

O jejum no Ramadã envolve a abstinência de alimentos e bebidas do amanhecer até o pôr do sol. Durante o Ramadã, dependendo da localização e do período do ano, o jejum diário pode variar de apenas 10 horas nos meses de inverno a mais de 17 horas durante o verão.

Released: 21-Mar-2023 7:00 AM EDT
Managing your health during Ramadan fasting
Mayo Clinic

Fasting during Ramadan involves abstaining from food and drink from dawn to sunset. Depending on geography and the time of year when Ramadan occurs, daily fasting can range from as little as 10 hours in the winter months to more than 17 hours during the summer.

Released: 20-Mar-2023 1:45 PM EDT
Link between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease explained
Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Chronic kidney disease is linked to the formation of mineral deposits on blood vessel walls, known as “calcification”, causing cardiovascular disease.

Released: 20-Mar-2023 1:40 PM EDT
Fruit and veg supply issues lead to raised blood pressure, study shows
University of Kent

It is recognised that low fruit and vegetable consumption is a major, modifiable, risk factor associated with raised blood pressure.

Newswise: UC San Diego Health Opens New Clinic in Bankers Hill
Released: 20-Mar-2023 11:05 AM EDT
UC San Diego Health Opens New Clinic in Bankers Hill
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego Health expanding care to patients with a multidisciplinary clinic in Bankers Hill that will provide specialized care in a centralized location.

Newswise: Start from the Heart: Cardiac Rehabilitation Helps a Musician Return to His Passion
Released: 20-Mar-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Start from the Heart: Cardiac Rehabilitation Helps a Musician Return to His Passion
Hackensack Meridian Health (Mountainside Medical Center)

In 2020, Charles Dixon experienced a heart attack and was brought to the Mountainside Emergency Department. After his discharge, Charles and his doctors developed a care plan, which included lifestyle changes, medication, and cardiac rehabilitation with Mountainside’s Cardiac Rehab Program

Released: 20-Mar-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem. Learn all about it in the Drug Resistance channel.

Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridioides difficile, Candida auris, Drug-resistant Shigella. These bacteria not only have difficult names to pronounce, but they are also difficult to fight off. These bacteria may infect humans and animals, and the infections they cause are harder to treat than those caused by non-resistant bacteria. Antimicrobial resistance is an urgent global public health threat.

Released: 17-Mar-2023 4:25 PM EDT
Step Forward in Gene Therapy to Treat Cause of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Athletes
University of Utah Health

University of Utah Health scientists have corrected abnormal heart rhythms in mice, suggesting a new strategy for treating arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, the leading cause of cardiac arrest in young athletes.

Newswise: How Are Multiple Sclerosis and Hardening of the Arteries (Atherosclerosis) Linked?
Released: 17-Mar-2023 11:05 AM EDT
How Are Multiple Sclerosis and Hardening of the Arteries (Atherosclerosis) Linked?
Ochsner Health

While the scleroses are of inherently different composition and cause, and the prevalence of each types of scleroses is not breaking news, their linkage is beginning to make headlines with the emergence of new research.

14-Mar-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Research Suggests Connection Between Hair Loss in Women and Other Diseases
American Academy of Dermatology

Hair loss in women can be emotionally devastating and may negatively impact quality of life, and new research suggests that it can also be associated with having other common medical conditions.

Released: 16-Mar-2023 2:30 PM EDT
New Trials Show Promising, Minimally Invasive Procedure to Treat Resistant Hypertension
Ochsner Health

A recent study published in JAMA demonstrates the effectiveness of a procedure done under the skin, similar to placing a stent, to treat uncontrolled hypertension, or blood pressure that cannot be controlled despite the use of blood pressure control drugs and agents.

Released: 16-Mar-2023 10:10 AM EDT
Short night-time sleep linked with nearly doubled risk of clogged leg arteries
European Society of Cardiology

Sleeping less than five hours a night is associated with a 74% raised likelihood of developing peripheral artery disease (PAD) compared with seven to eight hours.

Released: 16-Mar-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Are Low-Carb Diets Best When It Comes to Heart Disease, Stroke and Diabetes?
Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences

New study suggests that limiting carbohydrates is associated with high prevalence of cardiometabolic disease, especially when dietary fat intake is high.
