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Released: 25-Jul-2023 3:50 PM EDT
IT Peer Advice May Diminish the Management Labor Pool
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

It is only natural that, when students consider career options, they ask friends, family, and colleagues in their prospective fields for advice. They may hear about job opportunities, wage expectations, career paths, hiring processes, and more. In the end, that information may inspire and excite, or it may turn students off from the field entirely.

Newswise: Seeing “New India” with Indian Studies Center of Chulalongkorn University, an Expressway to Connect Thailand-India
Released: 14-Jul-2023 8:55 AM EDT
Seeing “New India” with Indian Studies Center of Chulalongkorn University, an Expressway to Connect Thailand-India
Chulalongkorn University

Chulalongkorn University’s Indian Studies Center serves as a hub of connection and cooperation between Indians and Thais. It is also a storehouse of knowledge and information about India, including ancient India, contemporary India, and new India in different dimensions, which encourages Thai people to adjust their views of India, reduce prejudices, and focus on looking for clear opportunities to form collaboration with the “New India.”

Released: 7-Jun-2023 8:05 AM EDT
New book sheds light on adult mortality in India
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

A new book provides an in-depth analysis of adult mortality patterns in India and addresses crucial issues related to public health and policy.

Released: 27-Apr-2023 8:20 PM EDT
Darwinism expunged from India’s school textbooks

Science educators in India are urging the government to restore material on Darwinian evolution which has been removed from science textbooks on the grounds that the study load on schoolchildren needs to be lightened after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Newswise:Video Embedded climate-change-may-keep-india-from-achieving-its-sustainable-development-goals
13-Apr-2023 12:45 PM EDT
Climate change may keep India from achieving its sustainable development goals

Heatwaves in India are increasing in frequency, intensity and lethality, burdening public health, agriculture, and other socio-economic and cultural systems. A study published in PLOS Climate by Ramit Debnath at University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom and colleagues suggests that heatwaves made more likely by climate change may impede India’s progress toward its sustainable development goals.

Newswise: Comment les soins de santé primaires peuvent-ils aider à combler les lacunes dans le traitement de l’épilepsie? Un voyage à travers l’Andhra Pradesh, Inde
Released: 11-Apr-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Comment les soins de santé primaires peuvent-ils aider à combler les lacunes dans le traitement de l’épilepsie? Un voyage à travers l’Andhra Pradesh, Inde
International League Against Epilepsy

Le rôle des soins de santé primaires dans l’identification, le diagnostic et le traitement des personnes atteintes d’épilepsie est de plus en plus important. Cependant, les attitudes sociétales et la stigmatisation entourant l’épilepsie peuvent constituer des obstacles majeurs à l’amélioration des soins.

Newswise: ‘Ragpickers’ of Mumbai use entrepreneurship to find meaning, study shows
Released: 11-Apr-2023 10:20 AM EDT
‘Ragpickers’ of Mumbai use entrepreneurship to find meaning, study shows
University of Notre Dame

A new study from Dean Shepherd, the Ray and Milann Siegfried Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business considers meaning-making in the face of difficult dirty work by examining the “ragpickers” in Mumbai, India. These members of the lowest caste in Indian society live in the slums and dig through trash for food and necessities. And yet, they manage to embrace hope, destiny and survival.

Released: 24-Mar-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Increasing education opportunities for girls could help reduce preventable deaths in children under five
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

An IIASA study shows that maternal education, and particularly secondary education, plays a significant role in reducing deaths in newborns and children under five years of age in both rural and urban areas of India.

Released: 6-Feb-2023 2:05 AM EST
Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in India
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Mumbai to assist patients who wish to make appointments at Mayo Clinic locations worldwide. The office staff, fluent in Hindi and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London.

Newswise: Mistaken fossil rewrites history of Indian subcontinent for second time
Released: 1-Feb-2023 4:20 PM EST
Mistaken fossil rewrites history of Indian subcontinent for second time
University of Florida

Scientists discovered the first-ever Dickinsonia fossil in India two years ago, changing our understanding of how the continent came to be. Now, new research shows the "fossil" was just a beehive all along, changing our understanding for a second time, and the original scientists now support the new findings.

Newswise: Como puede la atencion primaria de salud ayudar a cerrar la brecha en el tratamiento de la epilepsia? Un viaje por Andhra Pradesh, India
Released: 19-Jan-2023 4:20 PM EST
Como puede la atencion primaria de salud ayudar a cerrar la brecha en el tratamiento de la epilepsia? Un viaje por Andhra Pradesh, India
International League Against Epilepsy

Un equipo de investigadores visito dos centros de atencion primaria de salud en Bhimaravam para evaluar la atencion proporcionada a las personas con epilepsia a traves del sistema de atencion primaria de salud.

Released: 11-Jan-2023 8:00 PM EST
Using games to promote women's health and wellbeing in India
Oxford University Press

A new paper in Oxford Open Digital Health, published by Oxford University Press, indicates that it may be possible to use mobile game apps to induce young women to make active decision choices to improve their health and welfare.

Released: 20-Dec-2022 1:45 PM EST
Using deep learning to monitor India’s disappearing forest cover
Ohio State University

Using satellite monitoring data, researchers have developed a deep learning algorithm that could provide real-time monthly land use and land cover maps for parts of India.

Newswise: How can primary health care help to close the epilepsy treatment gap? A journey through Andhra Pradesh, India
Released: 13-Dec-2022 3:10 PM EST
How can primary health care help to close the epilepsy treatment gap? A journey through Andhra Pradesh, India
International League Against Epilepsy

Hours from the nearest city in India, down a pothole-studded road framed by fish farms, primary care centers in Andra Pradesh provide service to tens of thousands of people. How do these centers care for people with epilepsy, and what challenges do they face?

Newswise: Taking Freight Trucks Electric Would Have Big Economic and Environmental Benefits for India
Released: 14-Nov-2022 5:05 PM EST
Taking Freight Trucks Electric Would Have Big Economic and Environmental Benefits for India
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Diesel-fueled freight trucks play an outsized role in producing India’s total greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions. While the country has promoted policies to transition to electric vehicles for public transportation buses and cars, batteries that can power such large trucks have been too heavy and expensive to make their electrification possible. A new study shows that advances in battery technology and dramatically decreased battery costs in recent years have changed that. With the right policies and incentives, battery electric trucks would be more affordable to operate than diesel, and India could become a world leader in producing electric vehicles.

Released: 12-Oct-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Assumptions about the lethality of air pollution in India may be exaggerated
University of Toronto

India has among the highest levels of air pollution in the world, and nearly every Indian lives in areas with fine particulate matter levels well above PM2.5 — the level considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Released: 6-Oct-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Creating ‘political economy of hope’ at Pakistan-India border
Cornell University

Pakistani nationals of the Hindu faith migrate to India based on religion, caste, culture and history – and lately Indian government officials all the way up to the prime minister have been encouraging them to “return,” according to Natasha Raheja, assistant professor of anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S).

Released: 27-Sep-2022 4:40 PM EDT
Selective abortion of girls occurs -- for different reasons -- among Indian and Chinese diaspora
University of Toronto

The study authors, health researcher Catherine Meh and Prof. Prabhat Jha from the Centre for Global Health Research, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, previously established that selective abortion of females in second and third pregnancies was widespread and growing within India.

Newswise: Podcast episode: Creating epilepsy-smart schools in India
Released: 17-Jun-2022 12:25 PM EDT
Podcast episode: Creating epilepsy-smart schools in India
International League Against Epilepsy

Children spend a lot of time in school, and that includes children with epilepsy. But most teachers don’t receive training in what epilepsy is, what seizures look like, or what to do if a student has a seizure.

Newswise: Epilepsy education in India: Teacher training project aims to address stigma, increase inclusion
Released: 17-Jun-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Epilepsy education in India: Teacher training project aims to address stigma, increase inclusion
International League Against Epilepsy

Schools can be important for epilepsy screening, as well as awareness of seizure first aid and basic knowledge. In a rural area of Punjab, a three-year project of surveys and training activities aimed to increase knowledge and dispel myths and misconceptions.

Newswise: La capacitación docente sobre la epilepsia es fácil de usar y también encuentra audiencias bienvenidas entre padres y neurólogos
Released: 17-Jun-2022 11:35 AM EDT
La capacitación docente sobre la epilepsia es fácil de usar y también encuentra audiencias bienvenidas entre padres y neurólogos
International League Against Epilepsy

En Ontario, Canadá, un grupo de psicólogos y miembros de una agencia comunitaria de apoyo a la epilepsia habían discutido durante mucho tiempo la necesidad de educación sobre la epilepsia para los maestros de escuela.

Released: 1-Jun-2022 9:55 AM EDT
India’s relic forests reveal a new species of leopard gecko
Pensoft Publishers

Deep in the forests of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh in India lives a colourful gecko species that only now revealed its true identity. Meet Eublepharis pictus, also known as the Painted Leopard Gecko.

Released: 21-Feb-2022 5:05 PM EST
Innovative chatbot provides safe space for young people to learn about sexual and reproductive health
University at Buffalo

An innovative chatbot designed for sharing critical information about sexual and reproductive health with young people in India is demonstrating how artificial intelligence applications can engage vulnerable and hard-to-reach population segments.

Released: 9-Dec-2021 7:05 AM EST
India's Clean Power Target Will Double Electricity Supply Economically if Low-Cost Storage is Deployed
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Using state-of-the-art computer models and simulations, researchers examined a least-cost investment pathway to reliably meet India’s electricity demand through the year 2030 in the publication, “Least Cost Pathway for India’s Power System Investments.” The study demonstrates that if India achieves its target of installing 500 GW of non-fossil electricity capacity by 2030, it could reduce electricity costs by 8 to 10%, provided the renewable energy and battery storage prices continue to decline. From 2020 levels, the carbon emissions intensity of its electricity supply would reduce by 43 to 50% by 2030.

Released: 22-Nov-2021 9:00 AM EST
Success of ivermectin in preventing COVID-19 in India has not been proven

While cases appear to have fallen in Uttar Pradesh as well as most locations in India, it’s not clear why. Many other factors, including immunity from a previous infection, vaccination, and lockdowns, likely helped reduce the number of cases.

Released: 16-Nov-2021 6:35 PM EST
Air pollution decrease in India during COVID-19 lockdown not as high as originally thought
York University

Observational data shows air pollution in India decreased drastically in the first COVID-19 lockdown when emissions from vehicles naturally declined, but York University researchers say those numbers only tell part of the story – blue skies and an absence of visible smog can be deceiving and hide pollutants that could potentially cause health issues.

Released: 15-Oct-2021 2:30 PM EDT
Delhi outbreak highlights challenge of reaching herd immunity in face of Delta variant
University of Cambridge

The severe outbreak of COVID-19 in Delhi, India, in 2021 showed not only that the Delta variant of SARS-CoV2 is extremely transmissible but that it can infect individuals previously infected by a different variant of the coronavirus, say a team of international scientists writing in Science.

Newswise: A mobile app could save lives in India
Released: 14-Oct-2021 8:35 AM EDT
A mobile app could save lives in India
University of Portsmouth

A mobile app could help turn the tide of a rise in breast cancer in women as young as 30 in India, according to new research.

Released: 6-Aug-2021 5:05 PM EDT
Employment and Wellbeing Often Don’t Correlate in India, Ethiopia, Vietnam and Peru
University of East Anglia

Not all jobs are ‘good jobs’, and new research from the Universities of East Anglia (UEA) and Birmingham finds such work can have a negative impact on wellbeing.

Released: 5-Aug-2021 11:45 AM EDT
Helping India’s Smallholder Farmers
University of Delaware

Instead of simply employing the practice of multiple cropping — producing crops multiple times during the year and not just in one growing season — a new study led by the University of Delaware’s Pinki Mondal shows that smallholder farmers in India should instead look toward different nutrition strategies. These strategies can be on the individual level, such as growing more diverse crops for personal consumption in their home gardens, or on a community-level, where individuals would work with their local communities and arrange to have farmers bring in different vegetables each week to the local markets.

Released: 28-Jul-2021 12:50 PM EDT
Indian Women’s Nutrition Suffered During COVID-19 Lockdown
Cornell University

A new study from Cornell University finds the nationwide lockdown India imposed last year in response to COVID-19 caused disruptions that negatively impacted women’s nutrition.

26-Jul-2021 4:05 AM EDT
Inequity in the Air of India
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Air pollution in India is generated more by the wealthy, while the poor suffer most of the health impact, according to a study by five IIASA researchers published in Nature Sustainability.

Released: 8-Jul-2021 2:05 PM EDT
How a Large Cat Deity Helps People Share Space with Leopards in India
Wildlife Conservation Society

A new study led by WCS-India documents how a big cat deity worshipped by Indigenous Peoples facilitates coexistence between humans and leopards.

30-Jun-2021 5:20 PM EDT
COVID-19 Aggravates Antibiotic Misuse in India
Washington University in St. Louis

Antibiotic sales soared during India’s first surge of COVID-19, suggesting that the drugs were inappropriately used to treat mild and moderate COVID-19 infections, according to research led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The excessive usage is especially concerning because antibiotic overuse increases the risk for drug-resistant infections — not just in India, but worldwide.

Released: 10-Jun-2021 2:05 PM EDT
Endangered blue whales recorded off southwest coast of India
University of Washington

Endangered blue whales are present and singing off the southwest coast of India. The results provide insight into a poorly studied population and suggest conservation measures should include this region.

Released: 2-Jun-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Saving Lives: India’s Technical Textile Revolution Paved Way for COVID-19 Response
Texas Tech University

To help the field grow, Seshadri Ramkumar – now a professor of advanced materials – has partnered with the Indian government and technical textiles organizations around the world to host conferences in India since the early 2000s.

Released: 13-May-2021 10:30 AM EDT
Pandemic stigma: Foreigners, doctors wrongly targeted for COVID-19 spread in India
Monash University

The Indian public blamed foreigners, minority groups and doctors for the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the country during the first wave, due to misinformation, rumour and long-held discriminatory beliefs, according to an international study led by Monash University.

Released: 12-May-2021 2:55 PM EDT
Mental health helplines need human-centered solutions
Cornell University

In India today, dozens of phone numbers are available for people who are having a severe mental health emergency. Oftentimes, however, callers experience difficulty in getting connected with someone who will listen to them; sometimes the phone will just ring and ring.

Released: 13-Apr-2021 4:05 PM EDT
Study: Ag policy in India needs to account for domestic workload
Cornell University

Women’s increased agricultural labor during harvest season, in addition to domestic house care, often comes at the cost of their health, according to new research from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition.

Released: 24-Mar-2021 9:55 AM EDT
Mapping COVID Risk in Urban Areas: A Way to Keep the Economy Open
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

As COVID-19 vaccines slowly roll out across the world, government officials in densely populated countries must still manage vulnerable communities at highest risk of an outbreak. In a new study published in the journal Risk Analysis, researchers in India propose a COVID Risk Assessment and Mapping (CRAM) framework that results in a zoned map that officials can use to place more targeted restrictions on high-risk communities. Successfully used by officials in Jaipur at the peak of the pandemic last spring, their framework could help other vulnerable countries avoid a shutdown of their regional economies.

Released: 9-Mar-2021 11:45 AM EST
Geological engineers create landslide atlas of Kerala, India
Michigan Technological University

The Landslide Atlas of Kerala sets a new standard for determining risk in a landslide-prone region and will help the residents and policymakers of the state make decisions to better mitigate life-threatening disasters.

Showing results 1 – 50 of 114
