Feature Channels: Winter Holidays

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Released: 21-Dec-2009 11:00 AM EST
K-State Financial Planning Expert Offers Tips on Making Next Holiday Season More Affordable
Kansas State University

The bills now rolling in for the holiday season can be a good incentive to start budgeting for next Christmas, according to a Kansas State University personal financial planning expert.

Released: 18-Dec-2009 12:55 PM EST
Five Ways to Weather Winter Sports
Saint Louis University Medical Center

A Saint Louis University expert offers tips to avoid winter exercise hazards.

Released: 18-Dec-2009 10:30 AM EST
When the Recession Hits Santa
Wake Forest University

Parents hard hit by the recession may wonder how to explain to their children why there aren’t as many presents under the tree this year. Christy Buchanan, professor of psychology, at Wake Forest University offers a few suggestions for families who are cutting back this holiday season.

Released: 17-Dec-2009 7:30 PM EST
Wii Fit May Not Help Families Get Fit
University of Mississippi

The Nintendo Wii Fit many people are considering as Christmas gifts may be great entertainment, but a recent study indicates the console has little effect on family fitness.

Released: 17-Dec-2009 5:00 AM EST
10 Ways to Be Happy and Healthy in 2010
Business School of Happiness

Ten Tips on Staying Health and fit for the new year.

Released: 16-Dec-2009 4:15 PM EST
9 Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center dietitians offer tips to help you enjoy the holiday season while keeping a balanced and healthy diet.

Released: 16-Dec-2009 9:00 AM EST
Unwrapping a Stress-Free Holiday Season
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

CIHR experts discuss the impact of holiday stress on people’s health.

Released: 16-Dec-2009 5:00 AM EST
Heart Attacks Increase During the Holiday Season: Exposes the Need for Quicker Diagnosis

Studies reveal that deaths from heart disease peak in December and January, with spikes on Christmas and New Year's Day. The goal is to diagnose them as quickly as possible.

Released: 15-Dec-2009 4:30 PM EST
Holidays Trigger Domestic Violence
Saint Louis University Medical Center

David Schneider, M.D., chair of family and community medicine at Saint Louis University, says the added stress of the holidays combined with increased alcohol consumption creates a perfect storm for domestic violence.

Released: 15-Dec-2009 2:20 PM EST
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Loyola Medicine

Each year thousands of people are treated in emergency departments across the United States for heart attacks, broken bones and other injuries related to snow shoveling. Loyola University Health System experts give shoveling safety tips.

Released: 15-Dec-2009 2:15 PM EST
As Visions of History Dance in Your … e-Reader: Load Up This Holiday Season with Free, Digitized Books from the Past
Cornell University

Researchers rejoice. Unwrap your new e-reader this holiday season and load it with free digitized books from an era gone by. The Cornell University Library – by way of the Internet Archive, a nonprofit library that provides access to a growing cache of materials to the public – is offering more than 80,000 books in a digital format, all in the public domain and originally printed before 1923 mainly in the United States.

Released: 15-Dec-2009 2:00 PM EST
Nature Offers Relief for Holiday Stress
National Wildlife Federation (NWF)

Holiday madness is in full swing; shopping, cooking, cleaning, parties, out-of-town relatives. Even the kids feel stressed out with all the anticipation and distracted parents, and “Why does Aunt Sara have to stay in my room?” However there is a great antidote when things get hectic and overwhelming, head outdoors. Even if there is a chill in the air, time outside connecting with nature can lower the stress level, revive the spirits, and add to the enchantment of the season.

Released: 15-Dec-2009 10:25 AM EST
Doctors Urge Parents to Preset Volume on Holiday Electronics
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Parents and children giving or receiving an electronic device with music this holiday season should give their ears a gift as well by pre-setting the maximum decibel level to somewhere between one-half and two-thirds maximum volume.

Released: 14-Dec-2009 8:30 PM EST
Blended Families Should Stay Open, Flexible to Reduce Holiday Anxiety, Says Wellness Expert
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Simple strategies can help reduce the discomfort and stress of navigating a stepfamily holiday and help children develop positive memories, says a psychologist and wellness expert. Josh Klapow, Ph.D., says to recognize the holidays will not always go smoothly and be reminded that family, children are worth the effort.

Released: 14-Dec-2009 2:45 PM EST
Student's Award-Winning Toy Receives Design Patent
Virginia Tech

A palm-sized modular toy "makes you want to experiment and learn about the capabilities of magnetism," says the undergraduate student who designed it, and won an international contest with it.

Released: 14-Dec-2009 12:15 PM EST
'Tis the Season for Temporary Hiring
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

Each holiday season, employers traditionally hire temporary staff in preparation for what they hope will be a busy and prosperous Christmas season. This year, though, the sluggish economy has chipped away at seasonal positions.

Released: 14-Dec-2009 11:40 AM EST
Santa Makes Live "Video Chat" Visit with Patients at NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center

Virtual visits with Santa, cookies & milk and a story read by one of Santa's elves for children not able to leave the hospital this holiday season.

Released: 10-Dec-2009 1:00 PM EST
Dr. Hipp’s Simple Tip for Reducing Holiday Stress and Tackling Resolutions — Spend Time in a Park
Washington University in St. Louis

The holiday season, while fun, can be draining. When you add the pressure of New Year’s resolutions, stress levels can rise. Environmental health expert J. Aaron Hipp, Ph.D., says that simply getting out of the house and going to a local park has the potential to lower stress and increase focus. “Parks allow us to physically and psychologically get away from stressful environments,” says Hipp, assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis. “Spending time in a park can recharge your batteries. A resolution to take advantage of local parks can contribute to a healthy, green year. Plus, a walk in the park can help you relax and refocus on New Year’s resolutions that may already have been broken.”

Released: 10-Dec-2009 12:00 PM EST
Evergreen Tips for Making a “Green” Holiday from the American Chemical Society
American Chemical Society (ACS)

American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society, and the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® have provided a few tips that can make your holidays more environmentally friendly.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 8:30 PM EST
‘Is There A Santa Claus?’ Readers Get Credit for Editorial’s Long Life
American University

Most people assume the editorial was an immediate hit when first published in 1897 and that the Sun enthusiastically reprinted it every year at Christmastime until the newspaper folded in 1950. Not true, said W. Joseph Campbell, an expert on media myths at American University.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 3:45 PM EST
For American Children, Hanukkah Has Become a Festival of Fun
Rowan University

Hanukkah isn’t a hugely important holiday on the Jewish calendar, but, over the past few decades, it has become decisively more hip…and fun, says Rowan University Professor Dianne Ashton, an expert on Hanukkah.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 3:35 PM EST
Loyola Physicians Warn Some Toys Contain Lead, Magnets; Pose Choking, Injury Hazard
Loyola Medicine

The right toy can make the Christmas season the most wonderful time of the year for children and their parents.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 11:00 AM EST
Holiday Time Is a Good Time to Share Family Health Histories
University of Virginia

Genetic research has shown that the best family medical history includes specific diagnoses and ages of onset for every disease or condition that appears in first- and second-degree relatives and even in some third-degree relatives. A new Web site in development will help.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 10:00 AM EST
Dropping Consumer Debt Stress is Good News for Holiday Shopping Season
Ohio State University

Retailers have reason for good cheer during the last weeks of this holiday shopping season: Americans continued to feel less stress about their debts in November, according to a new survey.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 12:30 PM EST
Santa's Great Temptation: 787,500,000 Calories in Pennsylvania Alone; Turns to Children for Help
Pennsylvania Medical Society

Santa needs your help to avoid all those calories on Christmas Eve. A poll discovers how many calories might tempt him in Pennsylvania alone. A Santa Snack Plan is offered.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 9:00 AM EST
Santa Is Ready to Ride!
University of North Carolina Health Care System

A team of experts from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine say that Santa is tanned, rested and ready for the big ride he has coming up.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 9:00 AM EST
Grinch Likely Depressed, Suffers from Lack of Love, Joy, Expert Says
University of North Carolina Health Care System

Being irritable, grumpy and seeking social isolation are also hallmarks of depression, and could explain the Grinch’s disdain for the Who – the tall and the small – his mistreatment of his dog Max and, ultimately, why he tried to stop Christmas from coming.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 9:00 AM EST
Beat the Holiday Bulge
University of North Carolina Health Care System

Navigating your way through countless holiday parties can wreak havoc on the person watching his/her waistline. UNC's Dr. Cynthia Bulik offers some key ways to beat the holiday bulge.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 9:00 AM EST
What’s the Best Hangover Cure? Truth be Told, There Isn’t One
University of North Carolina Health Care System

With the holiday party season at hand, UNC's Dr. James C. Garbutt offers these tips about how to enjoy a few drinks responsibly -- while sparing yourself and those around you from the potentially disastrous consequences of overdoing it.

Released: 8-Dec-2009 9:00 AM EST
Navigating Holiday Food Issues for People with an Eating Disorder
University of North Carolina Health Care System

Cynthia Bulik, Ph.D., director of the Eating Disorders Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, explains how the holidays can be fraught with difficulties for people with eating disorders, and offers tips for handling these issues.

Released: 7-Dec-2009 3:00 PM EST
Dietitian Names Top Five Holiday Foods
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Spice up your diet with powerhouse holiday foods, suggests a member of the Saint Louis University nutrition and dietetics faculty.

Released: 7-Dec-2009 12:00 PM EST
Holiday Tip Sheet from the University of Michigan Health System
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Reporters, producers and editors, here is our holiday gift to you: Story ideas that relate to the holidays, and some evergreen ideas that can help you fill the newspaper or broadcast during the slow news month ahead.

Released: 6-Dec-2009 8:00 PM EST
Child Development Expert Says the Magic of Santa Claus Is No Lie
Kansas State University

Should parents let their children believe in Santa Claus? Absolutely, according to a Kansas State University expert in child development. While Santa may not be a flesh-and-blood person, the cultural truth of St. Nicholas is key to a child's developing imagination.

Released: 4-Dec-2009 3:30 PM EST
Tips on Having a Green Christmas
Wake Forest University

It was Bing Crosby who immortalized a white Christmas in his 1942 hit single, but these days more and more eco-conscious consumers are dreaming of a green Christmas instead. If you're looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint this holiday season, consider these tips from Director of Sustainability Dedee DeLongpré Johnston.

Released: 4-Dec-2009 11:20 AM EST
Expert Offers Advice on How to Choose Age Appropriate and Safe Toys for Children During the Holidays
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

With the excitement of the holidays, parents and relatives eagerly purchase the hottest toys and latest items for their children. But it’s during the hustle and bustle of the season that many fail to buy age appropriate gifts and they tend to disregard warnings on these toys and gifts when it comes to ensuring safety.

Released: 3-Dec-2009 4:50 PM EST
Have Yourself a Natural Little Christmas
Baylor University

How to go "green" and save money on holiday decorations.

Released: 3-Dec-2009 4:00 PM EST
We Overestimate How Often We'll Use Holiday Gifts
Dick Jones Communications

Before you add that fancy “it” gadget to your holiday wish list, you should know you’re not going to use it as much as you think you will. For a better estimate of the use you’ll get out of your new toy, ask a stranger.

Released: 3-Dec-2009 4:00 PM EST
Deck The Halls, Not Your Brother-In-Law: Professor Explains Why Families Fight More At The Holidays
University of New Hampshire

Why is it that during the season of joy and peace you’re more likely to deck your brother-in-law than deck the halls?

Released: 3-Dec-2009 3:15 PM EST
Avoiding Holiday Burnout
Toronto Metropolitan University

Holidays should about relaxing and spending time with friends and family. Instead, for most, it's a stressful time filled with parties to plan and last-minute gifts to buy. To avoid holiday burnout, a Ryerson University professor offers these tips.

Released: 3-Dec-2009 11:15 AM EST
Share the Health: M. D. Anderson's Holiday Gift Guide
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

This holiday season, experts at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center encourage shoppers to purchase gifts that offer health benefits for recipients. M. D. Anderson’s 2009 holiday gift guide has healthy options for everyone in the family.

Released: 2-Dec-2009 4:45 PM EST
May All Your Christmas Trees be 'Green'
Saint Joseph's University

Going ‘green’ for the first time this Christmas? Climate change expert Clint Springer, Ph.D., of Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, suggests live trees are a great way to begin.

Released: 2-Dec-2009 1:30 PM EST
Making the Most of the Holidays with Your Family
Toronto Metropolitan University

The holidays are a time to spend with your family, but it can also trigger old misunderstandings and sibling rivalry. To navigate around these potential pitfalls, Ryerson University experts offer these tips.

Released: 2-Dec-2009 9:45 AM EST
Wrap Rage: a Holiday Injury Waiting to Happen
Pennsylvania Medical Society

A study of Pennsylvania adults show that 17 percent have experienced or know someone who has been injured while opening a holiday or birthday gift. Pennsylvania physicians offer tips on wrap rage and how to avoid injuries.

Released: 2-Dec-2009 8:50 AM EST
Santa’s Sleigh: Researcher Explains Science of Christmas Magic
North Carolina State University

Santa skeptics have long considered St. Nick’s ability to deliver toys to the world’s good girls and boys in the course of one night a scientific impossibility. But new research shows that Santa is able to make his appointed rounds through the pioneering use of cutting-edge science and technology.

Released: 1-Dec-2009 3:45 PM EST
Mindful Shopping, Sustainable Consumption Advocated
Virginia Tech

Shopping and consuming can be both delightful and horrible. “Be more mindful about consumption," a Virginia Tech marketing professor advocates.

Released: 1-Dec-2009 1:05 PM EST
Expert Offers Ways to Practice "Safe Stress" During the Holidays
Canisius University

While many associate the holidays with Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" and its theme of sharing the holiday spirit, E. Christine Moll, PhD, notes that the holidays can also be a time of stress, loneliness and anxiety. Says Moll, the opening lines from a "A Tale of Two Cities" may have even more relevance: It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness...It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. Moll offers ways to practice "Safe Stress" during the holiday season.

Released: 1-Dec-2009 12:00 PM EST
Surviving Your Office Party
Toronto Metropolitan University

Does the thought of making small talk at your office holiday party leave you tongue-tied? Here are tips from a Ryerson University expert on how to strike up lively conversations with co-workers and managers while avoiding potentially career-limiting gaffs.

Released: 1-Dec-2009 8:40 AM EST
Professor: The Enduring Appeal of Dickens at Christmastime
University of New Hampshire

This year, another movie based on Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” hit the theaters, the latest in a long list of film, television, and opera adaptations of the popular novel. Why does the Victorian-era author have such enduring appeal, particularly at Christmastime?

Released: 30-Nov-2009 2:30 PM EST
Classic Holiday Song An Enduring Gift To St. Lawrence University
St. Lawrence University

St. Lawrence University graduate Kim Gannon composed "I'll Be Home For Christmas" and left a third of his royalties to the school in his will.

Released: 30-Nov-2009 11:00 AM EST
Helping Kids Deal with Holiday Stress
University of Vermont

While usually a happy time for most, the holidays can be stressful and confusing for some children, especially those with a deployed parent or who have lost a family member.
