Feature Channels: Cognition and Learning

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Released: 29-Oct-2014 4:00 PM EDT
Liberal or Conservative? Brain Responses to Disgusting Images Help Reveal Political Leanings
Virginia Tech

An team of scientists led by Virginia Tech reports that the strength of a person’s reaction to repulsive images can forecast their political ideology. The brain’s response to a single disgusting image was enough to predict an individual’s political ideology.

Released: 29-Oct-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Strong Bonds with Pets May Help Foster Resiliency in Military-Connected Children
Tufts University

Developing resiliency has important benefits for children, especially those from military families faced with significant challenges such as parental deployment and frequent moves. New Tufts University research published online in Applied Developmental Science supports the idea that, along with other key resources, strong attachments to animals may help military-connected children develop resiliency and other positive developmental traits.

Released: 27-Oct-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Whites of Their Eyes: Study Finds Infants Respond to Social Cues From Sclera
University of Virginia

Infants at 7 months old are able to unconsciously pick up on eye cues, based on the size of the whites of a person’s eyes – a vital foundation for the development of social interactive skills, a new U.Va. psychology study shows.

Released: 23-Oct-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Reminiscing Can Help Boost Mental Performance
Cornell University

New research led by Cornell University neuroscientist Nathan Spreng shows for the first time that engaging brain areas linked to so-called “off-task” mental activities (such as mind-wandering and reminiscing) can actually boost performance on some challenging mental tasks. The results advance our understanding of how externally and internally focused neural networks interact to facilitate complex thought, the authors say.

20-Oct-2014 10:30 PM EDT
Mathematical Model Shows How the Brain Remains Stable During Learning
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Complex biochemical signals that coordinate fast and slow changes in neuronal networks keep the brain in balance during learning, according to an international team of scientists from the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan, UC San Francisco (UCSF), and Columbia University in New York.

Released: 21-Oct-2014 10:10 AM EDT
Memory Decline Among Menopausal Women Could Be Next Research Frontier for Hypnotic Relaxation Therapy
Baylor University

Memory decline — a frequent complaint of menopausal women — potentially could be lessened by hypnotic relaxation therapy, say Baylor University researchers, who already have done studies showing that such therapy eases hot flashes, improves sleep and reduces stress in menopausal women.

Released: 9-Oct-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Stony Brook Professor Leads World’s Largest Medical Study on the State of Mind and Consciousness at the Time of Death
Stony Brook University

The results of a four-year international study of 2,060 cardiac arrest cases across 15 hospitals worldwide concluded that there is a unique experience of death for humans that appears far broader than what has been referred to as so called near-death experiences (NDEs). Dr. Sam Parnia, Assistant Professor of Critical Care Medicine and Director of Resuscitation Research at Stony Brook Medicine is lead author of the study, which is published in the journal Resuscitation.

1-Oct-2014 4:20 PM EDT
Deficits in Tactile-Based Learning Linked to Fragile X Syndrome
Children's Hospital Los Angeles Saban Research Institute

Researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) have described for the first time a specific perceptual learning deficit in mice with a mutation of the same gene as found in children with Fragile X Syndrome (FXS).

Released: 7-Oct-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Toddlers Regulate Behavior to Avoid Making Adults Angry
University of Washington

Researchers at the University of Washington have found that children as young as 15 months can detect anger when watching other people's social interactions and then use that emotional information to guide their own behavior.

Released: 2-Oct-2014 5:00 PM EDT
Neuropsychologist Works to Improve Cultural Sensitivity in Cognition Testing

The signs of dementia are the same in any language. And symptoms of traumatic brain injury are similar regardless of socioeconomic status or place of birth. But the tools neuropsychologists use to assess and measure cognitive ability are not necessarily standardized from one country to another – or even from one neighborhood to another nearby. Cedars-Sinai's Enrique Lopez, PsyD, is working to change that.

26-Sep-2014 9:55 AM EDT
Improving Babies’ Language Skills Before They’re Even Old Enough to Speak
Rutgers University

In the first months of life, when babies begin to distinguish sounds that make up language from all the other sounds in the world, they can be trained to more effectively recognize which sounds “might” be language, accelerating the development of the brain maps which are critical to language acquisition and processing, according to new by April Benasich and colleagues of Rutgers University-Newark -- published in the October 1 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.

23-Sep-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Strategic or Random? How the Brain Chooses
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Scientists at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Research Campus have shown that the brain can temporarily disconnect information about past experience from decision-making circuits, thereby triggering random behavior.

Released: 17-Sep-2014 4:25 PM EDT
Novel Mechanism Involved in Memory Discovered by UAB Researchers
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Researchers at UAB report in Nature the discovery of a novel mechanism in the brain involved in the formation of memory and learning. The discovery could have therapeutic ramifications for conditions including dementia, age-related memory loss or even post-traumatic stress disorder.

Released: 16-Sep-2014 10:40 AM EDT
Artworks Are People!
University of Chicago Booth School of Business

We see art more as a person than an object, according to new research from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. And in some cases, we make distinctions between artworks — say, an exact replica of a piece created by the artist, versus one created by a different artist. Art, in other words, is an extension of the creator, write Professor Daniel M. Bartels of Chicago Booth, and Professor George E. Newman and Rosanna K. Smith, a doctoral student, both of Yale University School of Management.

Released: 15-Sep-2014 4:00 PM EDT
Study First to Use Brain Scans to Forecast Early Reading Difficulties
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

UC San Francisco researchers have used brain scans to predict how young children learn to read, giving clinicians a possible tool to spot children with dyslexia and other reading difficulties before they experience reading challenges.

11-Sep-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Slow to Mature, Quick to Distract: ADHD Brain Study Finds Slower Development of Key Connections
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

A peek inside the brains of more than 750 children and teens reveals a key difference in brain architecture between those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and those without.

Released: 15-Sep-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Delay in Age of Walking Can Herald Muscular Dystrophy in Boys with Cognitive Delays
Johns Hopkins Medicine

The timing of a toddler’s first steps is an important developmental milestone, but a slight delay in walking is typically not a cause of concern by itself. Now a duo of Johns Hopkins researchers has found that when walking and cognitive delays occur in concert, the combination could comprise the earliest of signals heralding a rare but devastating disorder known as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).

11-Sep-2014 10:05 AM EDT
Owls Provides Clues on How Humans Focus Attention
 Johns Hopkins University

Research with barn owls reveals how the brain decides what it should pay attention to among competing external events.

Released: 11-Sep-2014 3:15 AM EDT
Babies Born in the Winter Start Crawling Earlier Than Those Born in the Summer
University of Haifa

The season of a baby’s birth influences its motor development during its first year of life.

