Feature Channels: Environmental Health

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Released: 30-Mar-2023 7:20 PM EDT
New method of monitoring shore ice could improve public safety
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Specialized portable radar could serve as an early warning system to reduce risk for humans working on shorefast sea ice, according to a recently published study.

Newswise: Tick Talk: Facts and Fiction
Released: 30-Mar-2023 4:45 PM EDT
Tick Talk: Facts and Fiction
Tufts University

Given the recent news regarding tickborne illnesses, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine recently posed a question about a mild winter and if that would result in an increase of ticks in the spring. A pair of Cummings School experts shared their advice.

Newswise: Scientists make a breakthrough in the cellular recognition of microplastics
Released: 29-Mar-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Scientists make a breakthrough in the cellular recognition of microplastics
Ritsumeikan University

A large portion of the nearly 200 million tons of single-use plastic produced globally ends up discarded as waste. The eventual breakdown of this plastic into microplastics–0.1–1000 µm-sized particles–is a cause for concern.

Newswise: Rutgers Expert: On Preserving the High Seas and the Life Within
Released: 29-Mar-2023 1:10 PM EDT
Rutgers Expert: On Preserving the High Seas and the Life Within
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Climate change. Overfishing. Seabed floor mining. These are some of the epic challenges that would be addressed by a historic United Nations treaty protecting ocean biodiversity that gained backing in early March when a significant majority of nations agreed on language supporting it. Covering the “high seas,” the enormous belt of brine spanning nearly half of the globe, the U.

20-Mar-2023 11:45 PM EDT
ACS Spring 2023 Media Briefing Schedule
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Recordings of media briefings will be posted by 10 a.m. Eastern Time on each day. Watch recorded media briefings at: www.acs.org/ACSSpring2023briefings.

Released: 28-Mar-2023 2:20 PM EDT
From the doctor's office to the operating room: Keep up with the latest in healthcare here

From septic shock to sticker shock. Keep up with this ever-growing, changing sector. Below are some of the latest stories on healthcare on Newswise.

Released: 28-Mar-2023 11:25 AM EDT
New study finds toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” in Canadian food packaging
University of Toronto

Researchers at the University of Toronto, Indiana University and University of Notre Dame have detected levels of toxic PFAS chemicals—short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances—for the first time in Canadian fast-food packaging, specifically water-and-grease repellent paper alternatives to plastic.

Newswise: Pulsing ultrasound waves could someday remove microplastics from waterways
20-Mar-2023 11:45 PM EDT
Pulsing ultrasound waves could someday remove microplastics from waterways
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Colorful microplastics — less than 5 mm wide — drift along under the surface of most waterways. Now, a team reports a two-stage device made with steel tubes and pulsing sound waves to remove these potentially harmful particles from water samples. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2023.

20-Mar-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Phthalate alternative may harm brain development and health
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

Growing concerns over the potential health effects of exposure to phthalates have led to a search for safer alternatives. Researchers found that the chemical acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) might not be the best replacement.

Newswise: Chicago pollution varies by neighborhood
Released: 27-Mar-2023 7:00 PM EDT
Chicago pollution varies by neighborhood
Northwestern University

If you live along one of the major interstate highways running through Chicago or directly next to Lake Michigan, you are regularly exposed to more air pollution than the rest of the city, a new Northwestern University study has found.

Released: 27-Mar-2023 5:20 PM EDT
Informing policy on mercury and biological diversity
Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI)

Why does the world need so many types of mushrooms, or spiders, or birds, or any other species? The answer is wrapped up in the term biological diversity. Every species on Earth plays an integral part in the health of our planet. When an organism becomes extinct, a wide web of other organisms suffers, and we all suffer in the long run. The study of mushrooms has helped scientists understand the intricate connectedness all species have to the earth and to each other.

Released: 27-Mar-2023 4:50 PM EDT
Seven thousand miles from Portland, Maine
Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI)

In a sparsely furnished office in Kajiado, Kenya, large sheets of white paper cover nearly an entire wall. Quick illustrations, mind maps, color-coded charts, and task lists cram the pages with plans and strategies for grazing management orchestrated by the newly formed Kajiado Rangeland Carbon Project team. In the language of the local Maasai tribe, Kajiado means The Long River; the region is located south of Nairobi and bordering Tanzania. Staff on this project understand what is at stake and are eager to embark on an adventure that will help enhance their local economy while conserving wildlife and precious habitat.

Newswise: Rainy-Day Savings: CSU Studies Stormwater Capture Technology
Released: 27-Mar-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Rainy-Day Savings: CSU Studies Stormwater Capture Technology
California State University (CSU) Chancellor's Office

See how CSU faculty and students are studying ways to capture stormwater and strengthen drought resilience.

Released: 27-Mar-2023 1:20 PM EDT
Dangerous Hitchhikers: Visualizing How We Spread Coronavirus within Our Homes
University of Tsukuba

While COVID-19 can be transmitted via contact with contaminated objects, most studies have focused on airborne droplet transmission.

Released: 27-Mar-2023 12:30 PM EDT
PFF Registry Drives Strides in Pulmonary Fibrosis Research
Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation

In an effort to improve understanding of pulmonary fibrosis (PF) and interstitial lung disease (ILD), data from the PFF Registry is presenting researchers with opportunities to accelerate understanding of PF and ILD to improve patient outcomes.

Newswise: Black, Latinx Californians face highest exposure to oil and gas wells
Released: 24-Mar-2023 4:25 PM EDT
Black, Latinx Californians face highest exposure to oil and gas wells
University of California, Berkeley

More than 1 million Californians live near active oil or gas wells, potentially exposing them to drilling-related pollution that can contribute to asthma, preterm births and a variety of other health problems.

Released: 24-Mar-2023 2:30 PM EDT
Framework helps local planners prepare for climate pressures on food, energy & water systems
Marine Biological Laboratory

As the world faces increasingly extreme and frequent weather events brought on by climate change – such as droughts, floods, heatwaves, and wildfires – critical civic resources such as food, water, and energy will be impacted.

Released: 23-Mar-2023 5:20 PM EDT
Climate change threatens global fisheries
Queensland University of Technology

The diet quality of fish across large parts of the world’s oceans could decline by up to 10 per cent as climate change impacts an integral part of marine food chains, a major study has found.

Released: 23-Mar-2023 3:10 PM EDT
At least 80% of the world’s most important sites for biodiversity on land currently contain human developments, study finds
University of Cambridge

A study has found that infrastructure worldwide is widespread in sites that have been identified as internationally important for biodiversity, and its prevalence is likely to increase.

Newswise: Can artificial intelligence predict spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever outbreaks with remote sensing data? New study finds answers
Released: 23-Mar-2023 2:10 PM EDT
Can artificial intelligence predict spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever outbreaks with remote sensing data? New study finds answers
Sophia University

Outbreaks of zoonotic diseases, which are those transmitted from animals to humans, are globally on the rise owing to climate change.

Released: 23-Mar-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Water for the World: University of Rhode Island researchers available for interview
University of Rhode Island

Access to safe water, proper sanitation and hygiene are essential for human survival. As the United Nations convenes its first major conference on water quality since 1977, researchers at the University of Rhode Island are seeking better ways to provide potable water and stop pollution from contaminating water supplies.

Newswise: New wood-based technology removes 80% of dye pollutants in wastewater
Released: 23-Mar-2023 1:10 PM EDT
New wood-based technology removes 80% of dye pollutants in wastewater
Chalmers University of Technology

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have developed a new method that can easily purify contaminated water using a cellulose-based material.

Released: 23-Mar-2023 11:50 AM EDT
Scientists warn of rise in potentially fatal bacterial infection due to global warming
University of East Anglia

Continued warming of the climate would see a rise in the number and spread of potentially fatal infections caused by bacteria found along parts of the coast of the United States.

Released: 23-Mar-2023 11:45 AM EDT
SLU Research Finds Improved Wastewater Treatment Could Lead to Significant Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Saint Louis University

Research published in Environmental Research Letters has shown that methane emissions from urban areas are underestimated by a factor of three to four and that untreated wastewater may be a contributing factor.

Newswise: Disparities in research effort: combating risk of animal-borne diseases amid climate change
Released: 23-Mar-2023 10:45 AM EDT
Disparities in research effort: combating risk of animal-borne diseases amid climate change
Digital Science and Research Solutions Ltd

Digital Science has released its analysis of the global research response to climate change and animal-borne diseases, in the context of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on climate and health.

Newswise: Mercury emission estimates rarely provide enough data to assess success in eliminating harmful global gold mining practice
Released: 22-Mar-2023 9:55 AM EDT
Mercury emission estimates rarely provide enough data to assess success in eliminating harmful global gold mining practice
Southern Methodist University

A global treaty called the Minamata Convention requires gold-mining countries to regularly report the amount of toxic mercury that miners are using to find and extract gold, designed to help nations gauge success toward at least minimizing a practice that produces the world’s largest amount of manmade mercury pollution.

Released: 22-Mar-2023 9:45 AM EDT
Exacerbated by climate change, pollen season arrives early
University of Miami

Rising temperatures and higher CO₂ levels are fueling longer and more intense pollen seasons, negatively impacting the health of those with allergies. A medical expert and public health scientist both offer strategies to fight back.

Released: 21-Mar-2023 5:10 PM EDT
PNAS honors FSU researchers’ study linking lead exposure to IQ loss
Florida State University

The editorial board of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal is honoring a pair of Florida State University researchers for their 2022 study which found that childhood exposure to lead has robbed Americans an average of 2.6 IQ points per person.

Newswise: Forests reduce health risks, new global report confirms
Released: 21-Mar-2023 2:55 PM EDT
Forests reduce health risks, new global report confirms
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

The global scientific evidence of the multiple types of benefits that forests, trees and green spaces have on human health has now been assessed by an international and interdisciplinary team of scientists.

Newswise: Local manure regulations can help reduce water pollution from dairy farms
Released: 21-Mar-2023 2:50 PM EDT
Local manure regulations can help reduce water pollution from dairy farms
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Animal agriculture is a major source of water pollution in the United States, as manure runoff carries excess nutrients into rivers and lakes. Because of their non-point source nature, most farms are not regulated under the federal Clean Water Act. This leaves pollution control up to the states, resulting in a patchwork of different approaches that are difficult to evaluate.

Newswise: Spotted lanternflies are hitching a ride with humans
Released: 21-Mar-2023 2:30 PM EDT
Spotted lanternflies are hitching a ride with humans
University of Delaware

New study finds that found that the spread of the spotted lanternfly population is largely due to human-mediated dispersal via transportation. In other words, these expert hitchhikers are catching rides on our cars, trucks and trains.

Released: 21-Mar-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Defunding prevention and climate change drive rebound of malaria in Peru
Duke University

Malaria control programs in Amazonian Peru helped reduce the incidence of the deadly parasitic disease by 78 percent. That is, until the programs ceased to operate.

Newswise: Pesticide Contaminants in Water Test Kit, an Innovation from Chula for Safe and Sustainable Agriculture
Released: 21-Mar-2023 8:55 AM EDT
Pesticide Contaminants in Water Test Kit, an Innovation from Chula for Safe and Sustainable Agriculture
Chulalongkorn University

Farmers in Thailand still largely use chemical herbicides, especially paraquat and atrazine, to control weeds on their farms. According to research by the Office of Agricultural Economics, in 2019, Thailand imported almost 10 million kilograms of paraquat and close to 3.5 million kilograms of atrazine. The residues of these herbicides cause harm to the environment, living creatures, and our health.

Newswise: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution helps lead groundbreaking study on the human and ocean health impacts of ocean plastics
Released: 21-Mar-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution helps lead groundbreaking study on the human and ocean health impacts of ocean plastics
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

For the first time, leading researchers from the fields of healthcare, ocean science, and social science have collaborated to quantify plastic's considerable risks to all life on Earth.

Newswise: Solar industry feeling the heat over disposal of 80 million panels
Released: 20-Mar-2023 6:40 PM EDT
Solar industry feeling the heat over disposal of 80 million panels
University of South Australia

Renewable energy experts have come up with an environmentally-friendly plan to dispose of solar panels at the end of their life.

Newswise: How do we make farming better for the planet? Ask women
Released: 20-Mar-2023 1:40 PM EDT
How do we make farming better for the planet? Ask women
Boston University

When a family of five-ton elephants stomps and chomps its way through your crops, there’s only one winner. And in the central African nation of Gabon, farmers are getting fed up with the giant animals trampling their fields—and their livelihoods.

Newswise: Study Confirms Norway-Sized Swath of Mountain Forest Lost Between 2001-2018
Released: 20-Mar-2023 12:15 PM EDT
Study Confirms Norway-Sized Swath of Mountain Forest Lost Between 2001-2018
Wildlife Conservation Society

A WCS-coauthored study reveals that global mountain forests – critically important to wildlife – are vanishing at an accelerating rate with an area twice the size of Norway lost between 2001-2018.

Released: 20-Mar-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem. Learn all about it in the Drug Resistance channel.

Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridioides difficile, Candida auris, Drug-resistant Shigella. These bacteria not only have difficult names to pronounce, but they are also difficult to fight off. These bacteria may infect humans and animals, and the infections they cause are harder to treat than those caused by non-resistant bacteria. Antimicrobial resistance is an urgent global public health threat.

Released: 17-Mar-2023 7:05 PM EDT
Noise harming ocean invertebrates and ecosystems
University of Exeter

Noise from human activities is harming ocean invertebrates and ecosystems, new research shows.

Released: 17-Mar-2023 4:40 PM EDT
River deltas: Valuable and under threat
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

The livelihoods of millions of people who live in river deltas, among the world’s most productive lands, are at risk. Created where large rivers meet the ocean and deposit their natural sediment load, river deltas are often just a few meters above sea level.

14-Mar-2023 9:00 AM EDT
How Climate Change and Wildfire Smoke Can Impact the Skin
American Academy of Dermatology

New research shows that as wildfires are increasing in frequency, intensity and extent, and affecting air quality across the U.S., they are having a detrimental effect on people with and without skin conditions.

Newswise: How active joints in the summer reduce winter pains
Released: 16-Mar-2023 4:10 PM EDT
How active joints in the summer reduce winter pains
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Can your joints predict the weather? Well, actually, maybe, explains a bone specialist at Michigan Medicine.

Newswise: New Study Provides First Comprehensive Look at Oxygen Loss on Coral Reefs
15-Mar-2023 3:55 PM EDT
New Study Provides First Comprehensive Look at Oxygen Loss on Coral Reefs
University of California San Diego

A new study is providing an unprecedented examination of oxygen loss on coral reefs around the globe under ocean warming. Led by researchers at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography and a large team of national and international colleagues, the study captures the current state of hypoxia—or low oxygen levels—at 32 different sites, and reveals that hypoxia is already pervasive on many reefs.

Released: 15-Mar-2023 3:45 PM EDT
Don't keep hitting that snooze button! Get the latest research news and expert commentary on sleep here.

It's sleep awareness week, according to the National Sleep Foundation. It’s important to understand how sleep deprivation can impact your health. Most people recognize that if they don’t get enough sleep, their mood and memory will suffer the next day.

Released: 15-Mar-2023 2:55 PM EDT
March 17 World Sleep Day: Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Probably Not
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

March 17 marks World Sleep Day, an annual call to action from the World Sleep Society to spread awareness of the need to get sufficient sleep to stay healthy.

Released: 14-Mar-2023 3:40 PM EDT
New Study Looks at Community Recovery After Wildfire
Cal Poly Humboldt

When wildfire strikes a community, it can leave a path of destruction, and a chance for renewal. During the fire and in the immediate aftermath, residents and officials focus on protection and stabilization efforts. However, the availability of resources to support community recovery and promote resilience to future fires over the longer-term is less certain.

Newswise: Sandia scientists help enhance advanced nuclear reactor analysis
Released: 14-Mar-2023 10:30 AM EDT
Sandia scientists help enhance advanced nuclear reactor analysis
Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories engineers have developed a standardized screening method to determine the most important radioactive isotopes produced by an advanced nuclear reactor in the unlikely event of an incident.
