Feature Channels: Exercise and Fitness

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Newswise: IDEA® Health & Fitness Association and American College of Sports Medicine® (ACSM) Present Data on Current Wages and Trends in the Fitness Industry
Released: 5-Dec-2023 9:30 AM EST
IDEA® Health & Fitness Association and American College of Sports Medicine® (ACSM) Present Data on Current Wages and Trends in the Fitness Industry
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

The survey, conducted in collaboration with leading fitness professionals and organizations, delves into key aspects of compensation trends, shedding light on crucial factors shaping the industry's workforce dynamics.

Newswise: Reliable research and evidence-based recommendations scarce for women who exercise according to menstrual cycle
4-Dec-2023 1:05 PM EST
Reliable research and evidence-based recommendations scarce for women who exercise according to menstrual cycle
McMaster University

There is no shortage of advice for women on what to eat, how to train, or what supplements to take during their menstrual cycles, but a new review by an international team of scientists has found little evidence to support such recommendations. In fact, they found sparse research on women and exercise at all, and even less on the effect of their periods on sports performance, physiology, or physical fitness.

Newswise:Video Embedded ohio-state-survey-finds-americans-struggle-to-maintain-healthy-habits-during-the-holiday-season
Released: 4-Dec-2023 8:05 AM EST
Ohio State survey finds Americans struggle to maintain healthy habits during the holiday season
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

The holiday season is a time for joy and celebration but many Americans admit the endless flurry of activities make it difficult to eat healthy, exercise and get adequate rest, according to a new survey from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Released: 29-Nov-2023 7:00 AM EST
Sit All Day? Periodic Squatting Exercises May Help Preserve Your Brain Power
American Physiological Society (APS)

A new study finds that doing just one minute of squatting exercises periodically during long periods of sitting may help preserve the brain’s cognitive and executive function. The study is published ahead of print in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

Released: 27-Nov-2023 10:05 AM EST
Benefits of running in the cold outweigh warm weather running
Midwest Orthopaedics at RUSH

Running in cold weather has many benefits, including reduced heat stress, boosted metabolism, elevated mood, and burning more calories. Just be sure to dress in layers and take safety precautions.

Released: 23-Nov-2023 5:05 AM EST
20 minutes of exercise can boost your brain after a bad night’s sleep
University of Portsmouth

New research led by the University of Portsmouth in England has revealed moderate intensity exercise can improve cognitive function in people who are sleep deprived and have low levels of oxygen.

Released: 22-Nov-2023 3:05 PM EST
يشارك خبراء مايو كلينك هيلثكير خطوات يمكن اتخاذها لتحسين الخصوبة
Mayo Clinic

تتشابه التهيئة للحمل في بعض الأمور مع الاستعداد لخوض سباق. فالنظام الغذائي وممارسة الرياضة وتجنب العادات غير الصحية كلها أمور مهمة لزيادة فرص حدوث الحمل، وذلك وفقًا لما قالته مي الأعرجي، بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة، خبيرة طب الأسرة في مايو كلينك هيلثكير في لندن.

Released: 22-Nov-2023 3:05 PM EST
Especialista da Mayo Clinic Healthcare compartilha os passos que devem ser adotados para melhorar a fertilidade
Mayo Clinic

A preparação física para a gravidez tem alguns pontos em comum com a preparação física para uma corrida. Dieta, exercícios e evitar hábitos não saudáveis são importantes para criar as condições para a gravidez, explica a Dra. May Al-Araji.

Released: 22-Nov-2023 3:05 PM EST
Una experta de Mayo Clinic Healthcare comparte consejos para aumentar la fertilidad
Mayo Clinic

El acondicionamiento para el embarazo tiene puntos en común con la preparación para correr una carrera. La alimentación, el ejercicio y evitar los hábitos poco saludables son medidas importantes para aumentar las posibilidades de quedar embarazada, según afirma la Licenciada en Medicina y Cirugía, May Al-Araji.

Released: 18-Nov-2023 1:05 PM EST
Benefits of adolescent fitness to future cardiovascular health possibly overestimated
Karolinska Institute

There is a well-known relationship between good physical fitness at a young age and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease later in life.

Released: 10-Nov-2023 4:05 PM EST
Physical fitness since childhood predicts cerebellar volume in adolescence
University of Eastern Finland

Childhood physical fitness boosts adolescent cerebellum size, study finds.

Released: 9-Nov-2023 8:00 AM EST
Vigorous Exercise, Rigorous Science: What Scientists Learned from Firefighters in Training
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

PNNL scientists took thousands of measurements of firefighters in training to learn more about how the body responds to vigorous exercise.

Newswise: Epilepsy and the sports bra: Strange bedfellows
Released: 8-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
Epilepsy and the sports bra: Strange bedfellows
International League Against Epilepsy

Lisa Lindahl’s uncontrolled epilepsy forced her to get creative when it came to employment. In 1977 she invented the sports bra, which changed the lives of billions of women and girls around the world and is now a multi-billion-dollar global market.

Released: 7-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
أسئلة وأجوبة مايو كلينك: إجهاد والتواءات الذراعين العلويين وتمزقهما
Mayo Clinic

أحاول استعادة لياقتي البدنية، وكان الجزء العلوي من ذراعي هو أحد المجالات التي كانت تمثل تحديًا دائمًا. ولكني بدأت مؤخرًا باتباع نظام لممارسة الرياضة، إلا أن أحد أصدقائي حذرني من خطر التعرض للإصابات. هل هناك أي نصائح يمكن أن تسديها لي لتجنب هذه

Released: 7-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
Perguntas e respostas da Mayo Clinic: Distensões, entorses e lacerações nos braços
Mayo Clinic

Estou tentando entrar em forma, e uma área sempre desafiadora são os braços. Comecei a colocar em prática recentemente uma rotina de treino físico, mas um amigo me alertou sobre o risco de lesões. Poderia indicar algum conselho para evitar problemas?

Released: 7-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
Social media giants send mixed signals on muscle-building supplements content
University of Toronto

While social media platforms have strict policies on illegal muscle-building drugs, the policies around legal muscle-building dietary supplements vary

Released: 6-Nov-2023 5:05 PM EST
Preguntas y respuestas de Mayo Clinic: torceduras, esguinces y desgarros en la parte superior de los brazos
Mayo Clinic

Estoy tratando de ponerme en forma, y una zona que siempre ha sido un desafío es la parte superior de los brazos. Sin embargo, recientemente empecé una rutina de ejercicios, pero un amigo me advirtió sobre el riesgo de sufrir lesiones. ¿Podría indicarme algún consejo para evitar problemas?

Newswise: Could fitness tests do more harm than good for Aussie kids?
Released: 5-Nov-2023 7:05 PM EST
Could fitness tests do more harm than good for Aussie kids?
University of South Australia

Beep test or shuttle run - we all remember fitness time trials in school. But did you know that your early experiences of compulsory fitness may have influenced your current views of physical exercise (PE)?

Newswise: Some Benefits of Exercise Stem from the Immune System
1-Nov-2023 8:00 PM EDT
Some Benefits of Exercise Stem from the Immune System
Harvard Medical School

Research in mice shows that the anti-inflammatory properties of exercise may arise from immune cells mobilized to counter exercise-induced inflammation. Immune cells prevent muscle damage by lowering levels of interferon, a key driver of chronic inflammation, inflammatory diseases, and aging.

Newswise: PT Professor Offers Top 5 Tips for Preventing Pickleball Injuries
Released: 1-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EDT
PT Professor Offers Top 5 Tips for Preventing Pickleball Injuries
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Elizabeth Chaffin PT, DPT, an assistant professor and the Director of Clinical Education in the Department of Physical Therapy at PCOM Georgia, offered her top five tips on preventing pickleball injuries and staying on the court longer.

Newswise: Normative values of vertical jump (VJ) and sit-and-reach (SR) for Chinese general population.
Released: 1-Nov-2023 7:30 AM EDT
Normative values of vertical jump (VJ) and sit-and-reach (SR) for Chinese general population.
Chinese Academy of Sciences

This is the first study to explore age- and sex- specific percentile normative values for VJ and SR in an unselected Chinese population across a wide age-spectrum.

Newswise: Risk of viral airborne transmission peaks within 5 seconds of face-to-face encounters
Released: 31-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Risk of viral airborne transmission peaks within 5 seconds of face-to-face encounters
University of Tsukuba

he main transmission routes identified initially for the novel coronavirus infection were droplet and contact transmission. Airborne transmission by aerosol particles was eventually identified as one of the most likely transmission routes.

Released: 30-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Positive messages can mitigate harm from objectified fitness posts
Washington State University

A few words of body appreciation can help counter the negative impact of viewing objectified images of female fitness influencers, according to a Washington State University study.

Released: 26-Oct-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Caminar es dar un paso hacia la salud cardíaca
Mayo Clinic

Caminar es una forma económica de hacer ejercicio que pueden practicar muchas personas con diversas capacidades y edades. ¿Qué se puede decir de los 10 000 pasos diarios que recomiendan muchas aplicaciones para estar en forma?

Released: 26-Oct-2023 10:05 AM EDT
ممارسة المشي خطوة على طريق صحة القلب
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — يُعّد المشي صورة من صور الرياضة لا تقدَّر بثمن حيث يستطيع الكثير من الناس ممارسته على اختلاف قدراتهم وأعمارهم. فماذا عن ضرورة المشي 10000 خطوة في اليوم كما توصي الكثير من تطبيقات اللياقة؟

Released: 26-Oct-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Caminhar é dar passos rumo à saúde do coração
Mayo Clinic

A caminhada é uma forma econômica de fazer exercícios que pode ser praticada por muitas pessoas com diversas habilidades e idades. O que podemos dizer sobre os 10 mil passos diários recomendados pelos aplicativos fitness?

Released: 23-Oct-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Study finds mindfulness training may not be enough to increase eco-friendliness
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Could general well-being practices like meditation encourage eco-friendly behaviors and attitudes? As the climate crisis accelerates ecological disasters around the world, scientists’ investigations into this longstanding question have taken on greater urgency. A new study from the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin–Madison explores the connection between meditation and environmental consciousness and suggests the relationship might not be that simple.

Released: 23-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Heated yoga may reduce depression symptoms, according to recent clinical trial
Massachusetts General Hospital

Findings suggest that sessions of just once a week may provide benefits

Released: 20-Oct-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Steroid-using US high school athletes more likely to sustain concussion, study finds

Higher body mass index and increased aggression caused by steroid use could increase the potential for sustaining a concussion, researchers say.

Newswise: More than 7,500 Daily Steps Prior to Surgery Is Associated with Lower Risk of Postoperative Complications
18-Oct-2023 3:05 PM EDT
More than 7,500 Daily Steps Prior to Surgery Is Associated with Lower Risk of Postoperative Complications
American College of Surgeons (ACS)

Patients who recorded more walking activity prior to surgery, regardless of complexity of the operation or their health status, showed 51% reduced odds for postoperative complications than less active patients, according to research findings being presented at the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Clinical Congress 2023.

Newswise: Comment les médecins peuvent-ils encourager les personnes atteintes d’épilepsie à pratiquer une activité physique ?
Released: 16-Oct-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Comment les médecins peuvent-ils encourager les personnes atteintes d’épilepsie à pratiquer une activité physique ?
International League Against Epilepsy

Des études suggèrent que faire de l’exercice améliore la condition physique, l’humeur, la pensée et la mémoire, ainsi que la qualité de vie globale des personnes atteintes d’épilepsie – autant d'avantages qui s’appliquent également aux personnes non épileptiques.

Released: 12-Oct-2023 5:05 PM EDT
SLU Researchers Enroll Football Coaches in Injury Prevention Study
Saint Louis University

Researchers at Saint Louis University (SLU) are enrolling participants in a clinical trial to increase youth sport coaches' knowledge of musculoskeletal injuries and how to prevent them. Principal investigator Oluwatoyosi Owoeye, Ph.D., assistant professor of physical therapy at SLU, says this is the first study of its kind.

Released: 11-Oct-2023 1:05 PM EDT
UC Irvine Online Esports Symposium Set for Oct. 19
University of California, Irvine

Gamers, scholars and industry professionals will converge online this month for the first UC Esports Initiative Symposium, a free, three-hour conference addressing key aspects of the growing world of competitive gaming. In two panel discussions, experts will tackle the business side of esports and the physical and mental well-being of players.

Released: 11-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
5 Tips to Prevent the Most Common Pickleball Injuries

You can learn more about sports medicine and the Chicago pro pickleball team at the Chicago Sports Summit, hosted by Midwest Orthopaedics at RUSH. It will be held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago on Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and is open to the public. Get your tickets to attend and support orthopedic research at RUSH.

Newswise: CSEP and ACSM Reach Historic Partnership
Released: 11-Oct-2023 7:05 AM EDT
CSEP and ACSM Reach Historic Partnership
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Indianapolis, IN, October 11, 2023 - Two of the world leaders in exercise science, sports medicine and personal training have established a new collaborative partnership.

Released: 5-Oct-2023 10:45 AM EDT
Taylor Swift Is Good for the NFL, Says Virginia Tech Sports Media Expert
Virginia Tech

Taylor Swift’s Swifties and professional football fanatics typically do not rub elbows. But in the past two weeks, they’ve been finding some common ground.   When the pop superstar attended a Sunday night prime time NFL match-up between the Kansas City Chiefs and the New York Jets, her appearance set in motion a frenzy of attention and situated the league in front of a new fan base.

Newswise:Video Embedded these-screen-printed-flexible-sensors-allow-earbuds-to-record-brain-activity-and-exercise-levels
25-Sep-2023 2:05 PM EDT
These Screen-printed, Flexible Sensors Allow Earbuds to Record Brain Activity and Exercise Levels
University of California San Diego

Earbuds can be turned into a tool to record the electrical activity of the brain and levels of lactate in the body with two flexible sensors screen-printed onto a flexible surface.

Released: 27-Sep-2023 12:50 PM EDT
Stay informed on women's health issues in the Women's Health channel

Below are some of the latest headlines in the Women's Health channel on Newswise.

Newswise: Exercise protects astronauts’ hearts during extended space missions
Released: 27-Sep-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Exercise protects astronauts’ hearts during extended space missions
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Astronauts who spent up to six months aboard the International Space Station (ISS) experienced no loss of muscle mass or function in their ventricles – the pumping chambers of the heart – largely due to extensive exercise regimens, a new study led by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers showed.

Released: 27-Sep-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Understanding of mechanisms behind post-exercise lack of appetite can open new paths to obesity treatment
Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)

The complex relationship between physical activity and energy balance – food intake versus energy expenditure – is still a challenge for science, especially in light of the rising worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity.

25-Sep-2023 9:45 AM EDT
Swimming lessons often discourage kids from just having fun in the pool

Researchers rated the teaching style of swimming teachers in the Netherlands, focusing on the degree to which the need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness of children were thwarted or supported on the whole.

Newswise:Video Embedded older-adults-show-greater-increase-in-body-temperature-in-simulated-heatwave-than-previously-reported
Released: 26-Sep-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Older Adults Show Greater Increase in Body Temperature in Simulated Heatwave Than Previously Reported
American Physiological Society (APS)

Under conditions designed to better mirror real-world conditions, a new study finds that adults 65 and older are affected more by heatwave-like temperatures than previously reported. The study included intermittent bouts of light activity and was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

Released: 25-Sep-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Exercise-mimicking drug sheds weight, boosts muscle activity in mice
University of Florida

A new drug encourages weight loss and increases endurance by making the body act like it is exercising.
