Curated News: Nature (journal)

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19-May-2015 3:10 PM EDT
New Class of Swelling Magnets Have the Potential to Energize the World
Temple University

A new class of magnets that expand their volume when placed in a magnetic field and generate negligible amounts of wasteful heat during energy harvesting, has been discovered.

Released: 19-May-2015 7:05 AM EDT
Nanobionics Supercharge Photosynthesis
Department of Energy, Office of Science

A new process has been developed for spontaneously incorporating and assembling carbon nanotubes and oxygen-scavenging nanoparticles into chloroplasts, the part of plant cells that conduct photosynthesis. Incorporation enhanced electron flow associated with photosynthesis.

Released: 18-May-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Exposure of U.S. Population to Extreme Heat Could Quadruple by Mid-Century
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

U.S. residents' exposure to extreme heat could increase four- to six-fold by mid-century, due to both a warming climate and a population that's growing especially fast in the hottest regions of the country, according to new research by NCAR scientists.

15-May-2015 11:00 AM EDT
Computing at the Speed of Light
University of Utah

Utah engineers have developed an ultracompact beamsplitter — the smallest on record — for dividing light waves into two separate channels of information. The device brings researchers closer to producing silicon photonic chips that compute and shuttle data with light instead of electrons.

15-May-2015 9:30 AM EDT
Lend me Your Superior Temporal Sulcus! NYU Researchers ID Part of the Brain for Processing Speech
New York University

A team of NYU neuroscientists has identified a part of the brain exclusively devoted to processing speech, helping settle a long-standing debate about role-specific neurological functions.

15-May-2015 1:45 PM EDT
Climate Change Altering Frequency, Intensity of Hurricanes
Florida State University

Climate change may be the driving force behind fewer, yet more powerful hurricanes and tropical storms, says a Florida State geography professor.

15-May-2015 11:00 AM EDT
Brain Scans Reveal That Birds of a Feather Do Flock Together
Virginia Tech

In a study using functional magnetic resonance imaging, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute scientists found that our inherent risk-taking preferences affect how we view and act on information from other people.

15-May-2015 11:00 AM EDT
Microchip Captures Clusters of Circulating Tumor Cells - NIH Study
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

Researchers have developed a microfluidic chip that can capture rare clusters of circulating tumor cells, which could yield important new insights into how cancer spreads. The work was funded by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), part of the National Institutes of Health.

Released: 18-May-2015 11:00 AM EDT
Research Community Comes Together to Provide New “Gold Standard” for Genomic Data Analysis
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

New results provide an important benchmark for researchers, helping to define the most accurate methods for identifying somatic mutations in cancer genomes.

Released: 18-May-2015 7:05 AM EDT
Bringing Order to Defects: Making Way for Oxygen to Move
Department of Energy, Office of Science

A new metal oxide was discovered whose atomic structure includes highly ordered arrays of missing oxygen atoms. This structure allows oxygen ions to move through the material quickly and easily at low temperatures.

Released: 14-May-2015 7:05 AM EDT
Every Bite You Take, Every Move You Make, Astrocytes Will Be Watching You
Universite de Montreal

Chewing, breathing, and other regular bodily functions that we undertake “without thinking” actually do require the involvement of our brain, but the question of how the brain programs such regular functions intrigues scientists. Arlette Kolta, a professor at the University of Montreal’s Faculty of Dentistry, has shown that astrocytes play a key role. Astrocytes are star-shaped glial cells in our brain. Glial cells are not neurons – they play a supporting role.

Released: 13-May-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Two Large Hadron Collider Experiments First to Observe Rare Subatomic Process
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)

Two experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, have combined their results and observed a previously unseen subatomic process.

11-May-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Brain Compass Keeps Flies on Course, Even in the Dark
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

If you walk into a dark room, you can still find your way to the light switch. That’s because your brain keeps track of landmarks and the direction in which you are moving. Fruit flies also boast an internal compass that works when the lights go out, scientists at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Research Campus have discovered. Their findings suggest that dissecting how fruit flies navigate through the world could help researchers understand how humans and other mammals perform similar tasks.

Released: 13-May-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Faster, Smaller, More Informative
Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT

A new technique invented at MIT can measure the relative positions of tiny particles as they flow through a fluidic channel, potentially offering an easy way to monitor the assembly of nanoparticles, or to study how mass is distributed within a cell. With further advancements, this technology has the potential to resolve the shape of objects in flow as small as viruses, the researchers say.

Released: 11-May-2015 5:05 PM EDT
Ice Core Dating Determines Climate Change Begins in Arctic
South Dakota State University

Scientists at South Dakota State University analyzed a half-mile slice of Western Antarctica ice core to help determine that climate change begins in the Arctic and moves southward, according to chemistry professor Jihong Cole-Dai of the SDSU Ice Core and Environmental Chemistry Lab. Since 2006, the SDSU research team have been part of a National Science Foundation project to uncover the secrets within the 2-mile long Western Antarctica Ice Sheet Divide ice core.

5-May-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Disrupting Cancer Pathway Could Enhance New Immunotherapies
University of Chicago Medical Center

Understanding how to overrule a signaling pathway that can cause treatments to fail in metastatic melanoma patients should help physicians extend the benefits of recently approved immunity-boosting drugs known as checkpoint inhibitors to more patients.

7-May-2015 6:00 PM EDT
Odd Genetic Syndrome Suggests Increased Resistance in Blood Vessels Could Cause High Blood Pressure
University of Utah Health

The culmination of two decades of research, a new study reveals the genetic causes of a curious, rare syndrome that manifests as hypertension (high blood pressure) accompanied by short fingers (brachydactyly type E). Six, unrelated families with the syndrome come from across the globe – United States, Turkey, France, South America, and two from Canada – yet share mutations that cluster in a small region of phosphodiesterase 3A (PDE3A). Functional studies imply the mutations change resistance of blood vessels, an underappreciated mechanism for regulating blood pressure. The findings, published in Nature Genetics, suggest new directions for investigating causes of hypertension in the general population.

8-May-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Repurposed Anti-Cholesterol Drug Could Improve Treatment-Resistant Anemias
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

Diamond Blackfan anemia (DBA), a rare inherited bone marrow failure syndrome is typically treated with glucocorticoids that cause a host of often dangerous side effects. Using a mouse model, Whitehead scientists have determined that combining the drug fenofibrate with glucocorticoids could allow for dramatically lower steroid doses in the treatment of DBA and other erythropoietin-resistant anemias. These promising results are the foundation for a clinical trial that will begin soon.

Released: 11-May-2015 11:00 AM EDT
A Climate Signal in the Global Distribution of Copper Deposits
University of Michigan

Climate helps drive the erosion process that exposes economically valuable copper deposits and shapes the pattern of their global distribution, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Idaho and the University of Michigan.

Released: 11-May-2015 5:05 AM EDT
New Population Genetics Model Could Explain Finn, European Genetic Differences
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

A new population genetics model developed by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health could explain why the genetic composition of Finnish people is so different from that of other European populations.

Released: 7-May-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Alzheimer Protein's Structure May Explain Its Toxicity
University of Illinois Chicago

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have determined the molecular structure of one of the proteins in the fine fibers of the brain plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. This molecule, called amyloid beta-42, is toxic to nerve cells and is believed to provoke the disease cascade.

Released: 7-May-2015 11:55 AM EDT
Smarter, Cheaper Technologies Offer Improved Point-of-Care Medicine
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

New paper and flexible polymer substrates were combined with special sensing devices for rapid and accurate detection of HIV and other pathogens for point-of-care medicine in remote areas, where there is minimal diagnostic infrastructure and a lack of trained medical technicians.

5-May-2015 2:05 PM EDT
New Stem Cell May Overcome Hurdles for Regenerative Medicine
Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Salk Institute scientists discover new type of stem cell that could potentially generate mature, functional tissues

Released: 6-May-2015 12:05 PM EDT
A Better Way to Build DNA Scaffolds
McGill University

A new technique to create long strands of DNA could make it more economical to assemble DNA nanostructures for applications such as smart drug-delivery systems, according to a research team led by McGill University chemistry professor Hanadi Sleiman.

Released: 4-May-2015 11:45 AM EDT
U of A Researcher and Alumnus Find Evidence of Briny Water on Mars
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Data collected on Mars by NASA’s Curiosity rover and analyzed by University of Arkansas researchers indicate that water, in the form of brine, may exist under certain conditions on the planet’s surface.

Released: 4-May-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Scientists Dramatically Improve Method for Finding Common Genetic Alterations in Tumors
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists have developed a significantly better computer tool for finding genetic alterations that play an important role in many cancers but were difficult to identify with whole-genome sequencing. The findings appear today in the scientific journal Nature Methods. The tool is an algorithm called CONSERTING, short for Copy Number Segmentation by Regression Tree in Next Generation Sequencing.

Released: 4-May-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Discovery Could Help Reverse Glucocorticoid Resistance in Some Young Leukemia Patients
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Researchers led by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists have identified a mechanism that helps leukemia cells resist glucocorticoids, a finding that lays the foundation for more effective treatment of cancer and possibly a host of autoimmune diseases. The findings appear online today in the scientific journal Nature Genetics.

1-May-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Defects in Atomically Thin Semiconductor Emit Single Photons
University of Rochester

Researchers at the University of Rochester have shown that defects on an atomically thin semiconductor can produce light-emitting quantum dots. The quantum dots serve as a source of single photons and could be useful for the integration of quantum photonics with solid-state electronics - a combination known as integrated photonics.

Released: 4-May-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Mutations in Two Genes Linked to Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis and Telomere Shortening
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have identified mutations in two genes that cause a fatal lung scarring disease known as familial pulmonary fibrosis.

Released: 29-Apr-2015 6:05 PM EDT
UT Southwestern Scientists Identify Key Receptors Behind Development of Acute Myeloid Leukemia
UT Southwestern Medical Center

UT Southwestern Medical Center scientists have discovered that a certain class of receptors that inhibit immune response are crucial for the development of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the most common acute leukemia affecting adults.

Released: 29-Apr-2015 5:05 PM EDT
UTHealth Researchers Use ‘Knockout Humans’ to Connect Genes to Disease Risk
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) are helping to make precision medicine a reality by sequencing entire exomes of people to assess chronic disease risk and drug efficacy. The results of a study on this topic were published in Nature Genetics on Monday.

Released: 29-Apr-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Researchers Map Neural Circuit Involved in Combining Multiple Senses
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Studying fruit fly larvae, Janelia scientists have mapped the entire neural circuit involved in combining vibration and pain sensations used in triggering an escape behavior.

23-Apr-2015 4:05 PM EDT
Combined Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy Shows Promise for Advanced Prostate Cancers
UC San Diego Health

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report that blocking or removing immune-suppressing cells allows a special type of chemotherapy — and the immune cells it activates — to destroy prostate tumors. This novel combination therapy, termed chemoimmunotherapy, achieved near complete remission in mouse models of advanced prostate cancer. The study is published April 29 in Nature.

Released: 29-Apr-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Gene Therapy Clips Out Heart Failure Causing Gene Mutations
Mount Sinai Health System

New study in Nature Communications by Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai shows gene therapy can edit out genetic material linked to heart failure and replace it with the normal gene in human cardiac cells.

Released: 29-Apr-2015 5:00 AM EDT
University of Louisville Researchers Detail Role of Silica and Lung Cancer
University of Louisville

Researchers at the University of Louisville have detailed a critical connection associated with a major environmental cause of silicosis and a form of lung cancer. Their study is reported in today’s Nature Communications.

Released: 28-Apr-2015 2:05 PM EDT
U-Michigan Scientists Observe Deadly Dance Between Nerves and Cancer Cells
University of Michigan

In certain types of cancer, nerves and cancer cells enter an often lethal and intricate waltz where cancer cells and nerves move toward one another and eventually engage in such a way that the cancer cells enter the nerves.

Released: 28-Apr-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Scientists Find New Mutation That May Lead To Better Diabetes Medications and Prevention

An international team of scientists led by a Cedars-Sinai researcher has identified a new genetic mutation that appears to protect people from developing Type 2 diabetes.

Released: 28-Apr-2015 9:00 AM EDT
A Glitch in the Recycling
Ludwig Cancer Research

In studying the molecular biology of brain development, a team of researchers led by Ludwig Stockholm director Thomas Perlmann has discovered how disruption of a developmental mechanism alters the very nerve cells that are most affected in Parkinson’s disease. The results of their study, which took nearly four years to complete and involved the targeted manipulation of mouse genes to generate a model of the disease, are published in the current issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience.

Released: 27-Apr-2015 7:05 PM EDT
Tidal Tugs on Teflon Faults Drive Slow-Slipping Earthquakes
University of Washington

Teasing out how slow, silent earthquakes respond to tidal forces lets researchers calculate the friction inside the fault, which could help understand when and how the more hazardous earthquakes occur.

Released: 27-Apr-2015 5:05 PM EDT
Locusts Provide Insight Into Brain Response to Stimuli, Senses
Washington University in St. Louis

By training a type of grasshopper to recognize odors, a team of biomedical engineers at Washington University in St. Louis is learning more about the brain and how it processes information from its senses.

Released: 27-Apr-2015 5:05 PM EDT
Hate to Diet? It’s How We’re Wired
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Janelia Research Campus scientists have found that a set of neurons is responsible for the unpleasant feelings associated with hunger. The neurons do not drive an animal to eat, but rather teach an animal to respond to sensory cues that signal the presence of food.

Released: 27-Apr-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Supercomputer Helps Identify Materials to Improve Fuel Production
Argonne National Laboratory

ALCF resources being used to demonstrate a predictive modeling capability that can help accelerate the discovery of new materials to improve biofuel and petroleum production

Released: 27-Apr-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Finding the Body Clock’s Molecular Reset Button
McGill University

An international team of scientists has discovered what amounts to a molecular reset button for our internal body clock. Their findings reveal a potential target to treat a range of disorders, from sleep disturbances to other behavioral, cognitive, and metabolic abnormalities.

23-Apr-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Neurons Constantly Rewrite Their DNA
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Scientists have discovered that neurons are risk takers: They use minor “DNA surgeries” to toggle their activity levels all day, every day. Since these activity levels are important in learning, memory and brain disorders, the researchers think their finding will shed light on a range of important questions.

24-Apr-2015 11:00 AM EDT
How to Short Circuit Hunger
Beth Israel Lahey Health

The drive to tame gnawing hunger can sabotage even the best-intentioned dieter. Now, investigators have identified the brain circuit that underlies this powerful physiological state, providing a promising new target for the development of weight-loss drugs.

24-Apr-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Comes Clean
Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science

Columbia Engineering Professor James Hone led a team in 2013 that dramatically improved the performance of graphene by encapsulating it in boron nitride. They’ve now shown they can similarly improve the performance of another 2D material, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2. Their findings provide a demonstration of how to study all 2D materials and hold great promise for a broad range of applications including high-performance electronics, detection and emission of light, and chemical/bio-sensing. Nature Nanotechnology , week of April 27, 2015

Released: 27-Apr-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Artificial Spin Ice: A New Playground to Better Understand Magnetism
Department of Energy, Office of Science

For the first time, nanomagnet islands or arrays were arranged into an exotic structure (called “shakti”) that does not directly relate to any known natural material. The “shakti” artificial spin ice configuration was fabricated and reproduced experimentally. The arrays are theoretical predictions of multiple ground states that are characteristic of frustrated magnetic materials. The results open the door to experiments on other artificial spin-ice lattices, predicted to host interesting phenomena.

Released: 27-Apr-2015 8:05 AM EDT
New Magnetic Phase Confirms Theoretical Predictions Related to Unconventional Superconductivity
Department of Energy, Office of Science

The emergence of a new magnetic phase with a square lattice before the onset of superconductivity is revealed in some iron arsenide compounds, confirming theoretical predictions of the effects of doping on magnetic interactions between the iron atoms and their relationship to high temperature superconductivity. Understanding the origin of thermodynamic phases is vital in developing a unified theory for the elusive microscopic mechanism underlying high-temperature superconductivity.

Released: 24-Apr-2015 1:05 PM EDT
Direct Visualization of Magnetoelectric Domains
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Using a novel microscopy technique, scientists revealed a major enhancement of coupling between electric and magnetic dipoles. The discovery could lead to devices for use in computer memory or magnetic sensors.

22-Apr-2015 9:00 AM EDT
Understanding the Body’s Response to Worms and Allergies
University of Manchester

Research from The University of Manchester is bringing scientists a step closer to developing new therapies for controlling the body’s response to allergies and parasitic worm infections.
