Feature Channels: Alzheimer's and Dementia

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Released: 2-Jul-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Mid- to Late-Life Increases in Marker of Chronic Inflammation Tied to Dementia
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Researchers at Johns Hopkins have added to evidence that rising and chronic inflammation as measured by a biomarker in the blood in middle and late age are linked to visible structural changes in the brains of people with poor cognition and dementia.

28-Jun-2018 11:05 AM EDT
DBS Treatment May Slow the Progression of Parkinson’s Tremor in Early-Stage Patients
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) may slow the progression of tremor for early-stage Parkinson’s disease patients, according to a Vanderbilt University Medical Center study released in the June 29 online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 28-Jun-2018 5:05 PM EDT
BIDMC Research Brief Digest: June 2018
Beth Israel Lahey Health

A monthly roundup of research briefs showcasing recent scientific advances led by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center faculty.

Released: 28-Jun-2018 2:30 PM EDT
Obesity + Aging Linked to Alzheimer’s Markers in the Brain
American Physiological Society (APS)

A new study suggests that when a high-fat, high-sugar diet that leads to obesity is paired with normal aging, it may contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, researchers discovered that certain areas of the brain respond differently to risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s. The study is published in Physiological Reports.

Released: 28-Jun-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Study Provides Promise in Search for Simple, Early Test for Alzheimer's Disease
Indiana University

Researchers at Indiana University have found early evidence that tiny snippets of genetic material called microRNA may help with early of conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.

Released: 25-Jun-2018 8:05 AM EDT
Why the eye could be the window to brain degeneration such as Alzheimer’s disease
Queen's University Belfast

Researchers from Queen’s University Belfast have shown that the eye could be a surrogate for brain degeneration like Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

14-Jun-2018 11:00 AM EDT
Unusually High Levels of Herpesviruses Found in the Alzheimer’s Disease Brain
Mount Sinai Health System

Two strains of human herpesvirus—human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A) and human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7) —are found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease at levels up to twice as high as in those without Alzheimer’s, researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai report.

Released: 21-Jun-2018 8:05 AM EDT
Alzheimer’s breakthrough: brain metals that may drive disease progression revealed
University of Warwick

Alzheimer’s disease could be better treated, thanks to a breakthrough discovery of the properties of the metals in the brain involved in the progression of the neurodegenerative condition, by an international research collaboration including the University of Warwick.Dr Joanna Collingwood, from Warwick’s School of Engineering, was part of a research team which characterised iron species associated with the formation of amyloid protein plaques in the human brain – abnormal clusters of proteins in the brain.

Released: 20-Jun-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Deep Brain Stimulation showing promise for patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease over age 65
University Health Network (UHN)

An age group analysis of data from the ADvance trial has shown that participants over the age of 65 continue to derive the most benefit from Deep Brain Stimulation of the fornix (DBS-f), as observed in the data from the phase 2 findings (12 – 24 months) of the Phase II trial.

Released: 8-Jun-2018 8:05 PM EDT
Is it Alzheimer’s? Maybe not. Three treatable conditions can cause memory loss
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

When seniors experience memory problems, they may start worrying that they have Alzheimer’s disease. Indeed, Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of memory loss in the elderly – but sometimes an entirely different diagnosis is to blame.

Released: 8-Jun-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Wayne State researchers examine the role of glutamate in aging cognitive diseases
Wayne State University Division of Research

A research team at Wayne State University hopes to give clinicians tools for identifying the early signs of impending disease by measuring subtle deviations in the way the brain modulates its chemistry during the formation of new memories. Their research project, “Task-related modulation of hippocampal glutamate, subfield volumes and associative memory in younger and older adults: a longitudinal ¹H FMRS study,” was recently awarded a two-year, $423,500 grant from the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health.

Released: 6-Jun-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Grant to Stony Brook Medicine to Investigate Development of More Targeted Treatment
Stony Brook Medicine

The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) is awarding $206,184 over the next three years to Stony Brook Medicine to support an innovative Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging research project that will compare neurons from healthy controls and those with Alzheimer’s disease in an effort to improve drug development.

Released: 5-Jun-2018 10:00 AM EDT
Antimicrobials and Colon Effects, Copper and Alzheimer’s Disease, and More Featured in June 2018 Toxicological Sciences
Society of Toxicology

Copper exposure’s link Alzheimer’s disease, the effects of consumer microbials on the colon, a potential prostate-based activation of a carcinogen in cooked meat, and the impact of hydraulic fracturing mixtures on the immune system featured in latest issue of Toxicological Sciences.

Released: 4-Jun-2018 11:05 AM EDT
How Does Alcohol Influence the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease?
University of Illinois Chicago

Research from the University of Illinois at Chicago has found that some of the genes affected by alcohol and inflammation are also implicated in processes that clear amyloid beta — the protein that forms globs of plaques in the brain and which contributes to neuronal damage and the cognitive impairment associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Released: 4-Jun-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Leading Neuroscientist Responds to Common Myths About Alzheimer’s Disease
Florida Atlantic University

Approximately 47 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias. One of the most prominent neuroscientists in the country has developed eight myths and truths about AD to shed light on this form of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.

Released: 31-May-2018 8:05 PM EDT
UCLA offers online training videos for caregivers of people with dementia
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

The UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Program has been producing a series of online videos aimed at helping caregivers understand how to care for persons with dementia. They utilize actors who portray both dementia patients and their caregivers and cover a wide range of issues facing caregivers.

Released: 31-May-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Plant scientists use big data to map stress responses in corn
Iowa State University

Recently published research from Iowa State University plant scientists maps the stress response detected by the endoplasmic reticulum, an organelle in cells of corn seedlings. The study shows how cells transition from adaptation to death when faced with persistent stress and could help plant breeders develop stress-resistant crop varieties.

Released: 30-May-2018 1:05 PM EDT
What happens to plasmalogens, the phospholipids nobody likes to think about
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

In a paper to be published in the June 1 issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis provide the first report of an enzyme that breaks down plasmalogens, a breakthrough in understanding the molecular processes that occur during Alzheimer’s and other diseases.

28-May-2018 6:00 AM EDT
Understanding the Origin of Alzheimer’s, Looking for a Cure
Universite de Montreal

Researchers look at the promising role played by the BMI1 gene, which could someday help mitigate or even reverse the disease.

Released: 29-May-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Genes Found Related to the Reduction of Proteins That Contribute to Alzheimer’s Onset

In the ongoing quest for a successful treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, a team of scientists from several leading research institutions have created a map of the molecular network in the aging brain.

Released: 22-May-2018 9:40 AM EDT
Subtle Hearing Loss While Young Changes Brain Function, Study Finds
Ohio State University

New research from The Ohio State University has found that young people with subtle hearing loss – the kind they aren’t even aware of – are putting demands on their brains that typically wouldn’t be seen until later in life.

17-May-2018 4:30 PM EDT
Study Predicts Most People with Earliest Alzheimer’s Signs Won’t Develop Dementia Associated with the Disease
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

UCLA researchers lay out the probabilities that a person will develop Alzheimer’s disease dementia based on age, gender and the results of biomarker tests, which can detect the presence of certain protein fragments in brain and spinal fluid or for brain cell changes linked with the disease.

Released: 21-May-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Graduate Presents Alzheimer's Research at Harvard, Capitol Hill
Wichita State University

Wichita State graduate Abdul-Mannaan Giles was selected out of 400 national entries to present his research to members of Congress on Capitol Hill.

Released: 18-May-2018 7:05 PM EDT
Researchers Identify Gene That Helps Prevent Brain Disease
University of California San Diego

Scientists have identified a gene that helps prevent the harmful buildup of proteins that can lead to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. As published in Nature, the researchers found that the “Ankrd16” gene acts like a failsafe in proofreading and correcting errors to avoid the abnormal production of improper proteins.

10-May-2018 4:15 PM EDT
For Older Adults, a Better Diet May Prevent Brain Shrinkage
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People who eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, nuts and fish may have bigger brains, according to a study published in the May 16, 2018, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Released: 14-May-2018 9:00 AM EDT
UCLA Geriatrics Receives $13.6 Million to Evaluate Approaches to Dementia Care
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

The UCLA Division of Geriatrics has received a five-year, $13.6 million award from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to compare Alzheimer’s disease care delivered through a health system with care that occurs in a community-based setting.

9-May-2018 6:00 AM EDT
Atrial Fibrillation Patients Diagnosed with Carotid Atery Disease Face Increased Risk of Dementia, New Study Finds
Intermountain Medical Center

Atrial fibrillation patients who are diagnosed with carotid artery disease face higher risks for developing dementia, according to new research from the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute in Salt Lake City.

Released: 11-May-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Exploring the Connection Between Diet, Gut Microbes and Cognitive Decline

Are abnormal intestinal microorganisms a risk factor for developing cognitive impairment? Researchers at Rush University Medical Center are trying to answer that question with a new study that will explore how the intestinal microbiota – the bacteria in the intestine –influence the progression of cognitive decline and the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Released: 10-May-2018 3:30 PM EDT
Untangling Brain Neuron Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Researchers describe changes in hippocampal neurons early after pathogenic alpha-synuclein aggregates begin to appear. This understanding could point to novel therapeutic treatments to prevent or reverse neuronal defects and halt development of dementia.

10-May-2018 1:00 PM EDT
Tau-Tolly Microtubular!
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Structural model of physiological tau-microtubule interactions sheds light on neurological diseases that correlate with their disruption

Released: 10-May-2018 12:05 PM EDT
IU Scientists Find First Evidence Animals Can Mentally Replay Past Events
Indiana University

The ability to test human types of memory in animals will strengthen the search for drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease.

8-May-2018 6:30 PM EDT
Lab-on-a-Chip Device Mimics Eye Damage Due to Intense Light
Houston Methodist

Houston Methodist researchers developed a new lab-on-a-chip technology that could quickly screen possible drugs to repair damaged neuron and retinal connections, like what is seen in people with macular degeneration or who’ve had too much exposure to the glare of electronic screens.

9-May-2018 12:05 PM EDT
The Joy of Neurons: A Simplified 'Cookbook' for Engineering Brain Cells to Study Disease
Scripps Research Institute

The new research opens the door to studying common brain conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, addiction and Alzheimer’s disease under reproducible conditions in a dish.

Released: 9-May-2018 12:05 PM EDT
SLAC’s X-ray Laser Opens New View on Proteins Related to Alzheimer’s Disease
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

An international research team has come up with a new method with potential for revealing the structure of individual amyloid fibrils with powerful beams of X-ray laser light.

Released: 7-May-2018 4:25 PM EDT
Study Provides Robust Evidence of Sex Differences with Alzheimer’s Gene
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

The APOE gene, the strongest genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, may play a more prominent role in disease development among women than men, according to new research from the Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center.

Released: 4-May-2018 1:05 PM EDT
ProMedica and The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences Open $57 Million Joint Neurosciences Center

The new 122,000-square-foot, three-story Neurosciences Center provides a highly collaborative environment for clinical care, research and academic services related to neurological disorders and diseases.

Released: 2-May-2018 1:05 PM EDT
How a Small Molecule Halts the Spread of a Toxic Protein Associated with Alzheimer’s Progression
UCLA School of Nursing

Researchers at the UCLA School of Nursing and the department of neurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA have reported a promising drug strategy that blocks tau transmission. The study was published online in the journal Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.

Released: 2-May-2018 6:00 AM EDT
NeuroVision Announces a $15 Million Series C Financing with a first close of $11.2 Million

NeuroVision Imaging Inc. has announced a Series C financing round of $15 million with an initial close of $11.2 million. The round is led by Wildcat Capital Management with funding from several new investment groups. The financing provides support for NeuroVision as it seeks validation and regulatory approval for its breakthrough, low-cost, noninvasive, eye imaging system for measuring retinal autofluorescence that can detect amyloid beta (Aβ) plaque in the eye.

Released: 2-May-2018 2:05 AM EDT
New Leads on Treating Dementia and Alzheimer’s
University of Adelaide

A new research study by scientists in Australia and the US provides an explanation for why clinical trials of drugs reducing proteins in the brain that were thought to cause dementia and Alzheimer’s have failed. The study has opened the way for potential new treatments with existing drugs.

26-Apr-2018 5:05 PM EDT
“Smart” Dresser Prototype Guides People with Dementia in Getting Dressed
New York University

A new study published in JMIR Medical Informatics describes how a “smart home” prototype may help people with dementia dress themselves through automated assistance, enabling them to maintain independence and dignity and providing their caregivers with a much-needed respite.

25-Apr-2018 1:30 PM EDT
Music Activates Regions of the Brain Spared by Alzheimer’s Disease
University of Utah Health

Researchers at the University of Utah Health are looking to the salience network of the brain to develop music-based treatments to help alleviate anxiety in patients with dementia. Their research will appear in the April online issue of The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease.

23-Apr-2018 2:05 PM EDT
Brain Structure Linked to Symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People with restless legs syndrome may have changes in a portion of the brain that processes sensory information, according to a study published in the April 25, 2018, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

23-Apr-2018 3:05 AM EDT
New Guideline: Start Taking MS Drugs Early On
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

For most people, it’s better to start taking drugs for multiple sclerosis (MS) early on rather than letting the disease run its course, according to a new guideline for treating MS from the American Academy of Neurology. The guideline is published in the April 23, 2018, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, and presented at the 70th AAN Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, April 21 to April 27, 2018. The guideline is endorsed by the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Released: 20-Apr-2018 10:05 AM EDT
San Diego Leaders, Researchers Announce Milestone Grant as Alzheimer's Crisis Widens
Sanford Burnham Prebys

A coalition of brain scientists and civic leaders, including Mayor Kevin Faulconer and county Supervisors Dianne Jacob and Kristin Gaspar, announced that the federal government has awarded a $1.3 million grant to Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute to advance the local search for a cure for Alzheimer's.

15-Apr-2018 11:05 PM EDT
Evidence Shows Non-invasive Nerve Stimulation May Help with Hand Tremor
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People with tremors in their hands from a condition called essential tremor may find some relief from a new, non-invasive type of nerve stimulation, according to a preliminary scientific abstract released today that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 70th Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, April 21 to 27, 2018.

15-Apr-2018 11:05 PM EDT
Preliminary Study Suggests Drug May Help Babies with Spinal Muscular Atrophy
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

A preliminary study suggests that an investigational drug may help increase protein levels in babies with spinal muscular atrophy. The open-label study is released today and will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 70th Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, April 21 to 27, 2018.

15-Apr-2018 10:05 PM EDT
A Single Concussion May Increase Risk of Parkinson’s Disease
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People who have been diagnosed with a mild concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury, may have a 56 percent increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, according to a study published in the April 18, 2018, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

15-Apr-2018 11:05 PM EDT
When Others Fail, New Migraine Treatment May Work
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People who have tried unsuccessfully to prevent migraine with other treatments may find relief with a drug called erenumab, according to a preliminary study released today that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 70th Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, April 21 to 27, 2018.

Released: 16-Apr-2018 8:45 AM EDT
Researchers Propose New Definition of Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers announce new definition of Alzheimer’s disease.
