Feature Channels: Crime and Forensic Science

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Released: 1-Nov-2018 2:05 PM EDT
No Justice Beyond the Jail Walls
University of Delaware

University of Delaware Professor Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve's new story, "The Waiting Room," looks at mistreatment at Cook County Jail in Chicago, the largest in the nation. She found that injustices continued beyond the prison walls. The story is part of a Marshall Project series released this week.

Released: 30-Oct-2018 11:40 AM EDT
Suicide More Prevalent Than Homicide in US, but Most Americans Don’t Know It
University of Washington

First-of-its kind research, led by the University of Washington, Northeastern University and Harvard University, delves into public perceptions of gun violence and the leading causes of death in the U.S.

Released: 30-Oct-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Tulane University Awarded $2.3 Million to Study Whether Clearing Blight Stems Teen Violence in New Orleans
Tulane University

The National Institutes of Health has awarded Tulane University a $2.3 million grant to study whether maintaining vacant lots and fixing up blighted properties in high-crime areas can also reduce incidents of youth and family violence within those neighborhoods.

Released: 30-Oct-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Teach ‘Machines’ to Detect Medicare Fraud
Florida Atlantic University

Like a “needle in a haystack,” human auditors have the painstaking task of manually checking thousands of Medicare claims for specific patterns that could indicate foul play or fraudulent behaviors. Currently, fraud enforcement efforts rely heavily on health care professionals coming forward with information about Medicare fraud. Researchers are the first to use big data from Medicare Part B and employ advanced data analytics and machine learning to automate the fraud detection process.

26-Oct-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Mass Shootings May Trigger Unnecessary Blood Donations
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Mass shootings often trigger a sharp increase in blood donations for affected communities but more than 15 percent of the product intended to save lives could be discarded, according to a study released today in The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.

Released: 25-Oct-2018 3:50 PM EDT
Identifying, Reducing Flow of Counterfeit Goods
South Dakota State University

Graduate students will gain the skills to help identify and reduce the flow of counterfeit through the NSF Research Traineeship program. This compliments what the South Dakota Center for Security Printing and Anti-Counterfeiting Technology is already doing.

Released: 24-Oct-2018 7:05 PM EDT
Deaths due to tainted herbal medicine under-recorded
University of Adelaide

A University of Adelaide forensic pathologist is warning that potentially harmful substances found in herbal medicines may be playing a bigger role in deaths of ‘health tourists’ than previously thought.

Released: 11-Oct-2018 3:45 PM EDT
White Americans See Many Immigrants as 'Illegal' Until Proven Otherwise, Survey Finds
Washington University in St. Louis

Fueled by political rhetoric evoking dangerous criminal immigrants, many white Americans assume low-status immigrants from Mexico, El Salvador, Syria, Somalia and other countries President Donald Trump labeled "shithole" nations have no legal right to be in the United States, new research in the journal American Sociological Review suggests.

Released: 11-Oct-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Chicago Police Superintendent to keynote UIC’s annual Bridging the Gap symposium
University of Illinois Chicago

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson will be the keynote speaker at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s annual Bridging the Gap symposium, which focuses on health issues in underrepresented minority communities. This year the conference will address gun violence.

Released: 11-Oct-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Professor Helps Young People Raise Their Voice Against Gun Violence
Bowling Green State University

Ethnomusicologist Dr. Katherine Meizel helped young people nationwide to raise their voices against gun violence.

Released: 9-Oct-2018 1:00 PM EDT
Study Uncovers ‘Sextortion’ Prevalence in Teens
Florida Atlantic University

Sextortion, the threatened distribution of explicit, intimate and embarrassing sexual images without consent, is the fastest-growing cyberthreat to children. This study is the first to examine the prevalence and effects of sextortion among teens, using data from 5,568 middle and high school students in the U.S. Findings show that more males than females participated in sextortion both as a victim and as an offender. Overall, sextortion occurred within the context of an existing friendship (romantic or otherwise).

Released: 8-Oct-2018 2:05 PM EDT
Political Scientist Carol Nackenoff on Fraught Consequences of Kavanaugh Confirmation
Swarthmore College

On Saturday afternoon, Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court by a 50-48 vote in the Senate, almost strictly along party lines. Marked by allegations of sexual assault and sustained partisan acrimony

Released: 4-Oct-2018 1:05 PM EDT
A New and Dire Diagnosis: Human Trafficking
UC San Diego Health

Starting in the fall of 2018, UC San Diego Health will be the first health system in San Diego County to implement a policy ensuring that all mandatory reporters are responsible for reporting cases of suspected human trafficking. This policy will be a coordinated effort of administrative and professional staff at all points of entry into the health system.

Released: 2-Oct-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Professor, MSD High School Senior Collaborate on Homicide Trends
Florida Atlantic University

An FAU professor and a high school senior from MSD have published a study on homicide rates in Baltimore and New York City. They note marked differences between these “peer” cities according to 19 population-based characteristics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The root causes for these differences are complex and multifactorial, and raise several major clinical and contemporary medical policy issues. The vast majority of these U.S. homicides are attributable to firearms.

2-Oct-2018 12:05 AM EDT
Psychiatrists Work to Alleviate the Mental Health Burden of Discrimination and Hate Crimes
NYU Langone Health

With reports of discrimination and hate crimes on the rise, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals say they feel compelled to retool their practices as “safe spaces” where they can better attend to the needs of traumatized patients.

25-Sep-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Baltimore Liquor Stores Linked More to Violent Crime Than Bars and Restaurants
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A new study from researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY) found that alcohol outlets in Baltimore that sell alcohol for off-premise consumption (such as liquor stores and beer and wine stores) have a stronger association with incidences of violent crimes, including homicides, aggravated assaults, sexual assaults, and robbery, than alcohol outlets in Baltimore where alcohol is bought and consumed on-site, such as bars and restaurants.

21-Sep-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Alcohol Outlets such as Liquor Stores are More Often Associated with Violent Crimes
Research Society on Alcoholism

Previous research has shown that violent crimes are associated with greater access to alcohol outlets. It is unclear, however, whether on-premise outlets such as bars, or off-premise outlets such as liquor stores, have a stronger association with violent crimes. This study used more precise measurement of outlet locations to examine associations between violent crimes and access to different types of alcohol outlets in Baltimore, Maryland.

Released: 25-Sep-2018 10:00 AM EDT
Elizabeth Smart speaking at Iowa State on Oct. 5
Iowa State University

In 2002, 14-year-old Elizabeth Smart was abducted from her home and spent nine months in captivity. Her kidnapping became one of the most-followed child abduction cases in history. On Oct. 5, Smart is bringing her message of empowerment to Iowa State University.

Released: 19-Sep-2018 4:05 PM EDT
DNA testing of illegal ivory seized by law enforcement links multiple ivory shipments to same dealers
University of Washington

An international team led by scientists at the University of Washington reports that DNA test results of large ivory seizures made by law enforcement have linked multiple ivory shipments over the three-year period to the same network of dealers operating out of a handful of African ports.

Released: 19-Sep-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Crime, Not Money, Drives Migration From El Salvador and Honduras
Vanderbilt University

A new analysis of data from the Latin American Public Opinion Project's AmericasBarometer survey shows that immigration policies designed to deter economic migrants do not dissuade migrants fleeing crime from seeking asylum.

Released: 13-Sep-2018 4:45 PM EDT
Study Confirms Adopting Truth Commissions and Justice Measures in Post-Authoritarian Regimes Lowers Homicide Rates
University of Notre Dame

According to new research led by Notre Dame Associate Professor Guillermo Trejo, nations that adopt transitional justice measures, such as truth commissions and judicial prosecutions for past human rights violations, experience lower homicide rates and lower levels of criminal violence.

Released: 11-Sep-2018 11:05 AM EDT
WashU Expert: Threatening the International Criminal Court could further isolate the U.S.
Washington University in St. Louis

The Trump administration’s national security adviser John Bolton, a longtime critic of the International Criminal Court (ICC), threatened Sept. 10 to impose sanctions on court personnel if the court continues with an investigation into alleged U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan.Bolton’s speech is likely to act as a boomerang, upsetting the 123 countries that are States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, most of which are close U.

Released: 5-Sep-2018 11:35 AM EDT
Does Neuroscience Hold the Key to Understanding the Criminal Mind?
Cornell University

A new study shows a difference between how risk is cognitively processed by self-reported law-abiding citizens and self-reported lawbreakers, allowing researchers to better view and understand the criminal mind.

Released: 5-Sep-2018 10:05 AM EDT
People Who Embrace Traditional Masculinity Beliefs Less Likely to Report Rape to Authorities
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Even in cases where a rape has clearly taken place, traditional beliefs and assumptions about masculinity can cause both witnesses and victims to be uncertain about reporting it, according to new research conducted at Binghamton University, State University at New York.

Released: 4-Sep-2018 10:05 AM EDT
AI speeds effort to protect endangered elephants
Cornell University

Cornell University’s Elephant Listening Project tracks African forest elephants with acoustic sensors, but the forests are so remote and the sound files so huge it takes months to collect and analyze the data – too long to rescue the animals from poachers or other threats. Now scientists can learn critical information about the elephants’ habits and patterns in a fifth of the time. A startup, Conservation Metrics, developed a tool that uses artificial intelligence to distinguish the low-frequency, long-duration elephant calls from other rainforest sounds.

Released: 30-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
UA Research to Study Impact ‘War on Drugs’ Has on Smuggling Routes
University of Alabama

Researchers at The University of Alabama are bringing together their expertise in geography, modeling and criminal activity to better understand how enforcement activity influences drug trafficking in Central America.

Released: 29-Aug-2018 10:30 AM EDT
ORNL researchers enable real-time forensic analysis with new cybersecurity tool
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Researchers at ORNL have developed a new cybersecurity tool called Akatosh that automates the process of analyzing computer networks to detect malware. The tool collects historical information on host systems on the network to immediately show changes that transpired leading up to and during a cyber attack, which saves precious time and resources previously spent manually searching the network for changes.

Released: 28-Aug-2018 10:05 AM EDT
S&T Develops the First Line of Defense Against Acts of Targeted Violence
Homeland Security's Science And Technology Directorate

Since 2010, the U.S. government has invested more than $20 million into understanding all forms of radicalization to violence, as well as effective prevention and intervention measures. Federal agencies such as the DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) are at the forefront of this work.

20-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Embargoed AJPH research: Long gun age restrictions, social media bots and anti-vaccine conversations, smoke-free colleges, opioid policies, drinking water
American Public Health Association (APHA)

In this issue, find research on school shootings and long gun age restrictions, Russian anti-vaccine trolls, smoke-free colleges and more.

Released: 23-Aug-2018 2:05 PM EDT
APA Voices Opposition to Using Federal Funds for Schools to Buy Guns
American Psychological Association (APA)

WASHINGTON – The American Psychological Association called on Congress and the administration to back away from a reported plan to allow states to use federal funding to purchase guns for educators.

Released: 22-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Resource Scarcity Increases Support for Death Penalty
Arizona State University (ASU)

ASU psychologists and legal scholars have identified a novel influence for death penalty beliefs: the availability of resources in the environment. Most research on death penalty attitudes focuses on cultural, political or religious influences. A series of four experiments using archival and experimental methods consistently found actual and perceived resource availability in the environment predicted the endorsement of the death penalty.

Released: 16-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
West Virginia Innocence Project Client Freed From Prison
West Virginia University

The Innocence Project law clinic at the West Virginia University College of Law has helped free a client from prison after proving he was convicted of a crime he did not commit.

Released: 15-Aug-2018 12:00 AM EDT
Common WiFi Can Detect Weapons, Bombs and Chemicals in Bags
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Ordinary WiFi can easily detect weapons, bombs and explosive chemicals in bags at museums, stadiums, theme parks, schools and other public venues, according to a Rutgers University–New Brunswick-led study. The researchers’ suspicious object detection system is easy to set up, reduces security screening costs and avoids invading privacy such as when screeners open and inspect bags, backpacks and luggage. Traditional screening typically requires high staffing levels and costly specialized equipment.

Released: 13-Aug-2018 12:00 PM EDT
Are U.S. Cities Getting More or Less Violent? New Database Offers Mixed, But Optimistic, Picture
New York University

Violence has fallen in nearly all major U.S. cities since 1991. However, recent fluctuations in violence in selected cities point to temporary disruptions in this 17-year decline.

Released: 13-Aug-2018 10:00 AM EDT
Sight Unseen: Novel Method Detects Evidence of Unmarked Human Graves
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

A new approach to find unmarked gravesites could help narrow the scope and potentially speed up the search for clues during crime scene investigations. Geospatial researchers with the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and forensic scientists at University of Tennessee used LIDAR to detect telltale signs of recently buried human remains.
