Feature Channels: Gender Issues

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Released: 13-Jul-2016 4:05 PM EDT
More Proof That Male and Female Brains Are Wired Differently
UCLA School of Nursing

While measuring brain activity with magnetic resonance imaging during blood pressure trials, UCLA researchers found that men and women had opposite responses in the right front of the insular cortex, a part of the brain integral to the experience of emotions, blood pressure control, and self-awareness.

Released: 12-Jul-2016 9:55 AM EDT
Workplace Climate, Not Women's 'Nature,' Responsible for Gender-Based Job Stress
Indiana University

A study by an Indiana University sociologist subjected both men and women to the negative social conditions that many women report experiencing in male-dominated occupations. The result: Men showed the same physiological stress response to the conditions as did women.

Released: 11-Jul-2016 4:35 PM EDT
RTI International to Fund and Conduct Research on Victimization Among the LGBTQ Community
RTI International

In the wake of mass murder in Orlando and the passage of House Bill 2 in North Carolina, a law requiring individuals to use the bathroom corresponding to the sex listed on their birth certificate, RTI International will self-fund research to better understand the LGBTQ community and violence in the United States.

Released: 6-Jul-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Role of Gender, Aging in Heart Failure Focus of Study
University of Guelph

Why do women have lower rates of heart failure than men for most of their lives? University of Guelph researchers have uncovered a possible clue – an actin binding protein called “CapZ” that also protects against heart attacks.Now they’ll be studying how its levels are affected by gender and aging, backed by a prestigious Catalyst Grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Their research may lead to new therapeutic treatments for reducing heart problems and extending lives of both men and women.

Released: 30-Jun-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Blue-Collar Training in High School Leaves Women Behind, UT Study Says
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

Vocational training without a strong college-preparatory focus in blue-collar community high schools led some millennials to face wider gender employment and wage gaps than their peers, according to sociologists at The University of Texas at Austin.

Released: 29-Jun-2016 12:05 PM EDT
Blue-Collar Training in High School Leaves Women Behind
American Sociological Association (ASA)

What’s the best way to prepare high schoolers for jobs in the 21st century? Education leaders and the general public have been debating this question with more heat in recent years, clashing over whether to focus on college preparation or vocational training, especially training linked to blue-collar jobs. The way the pendulum swings may have profound consequences for young women, according to new Cornell University research.

Released: 29-Jun-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Blue-Collar Training in High School Leaves Women Behind
Cornell University

ITHACA, N.Y. – What’s the best way to prepare high schoolers for jobs in the 21st century? Education leaders and the general public have been debating this question with more heat in recent years, clashing over whether to focus on college preparation or vocational training, especially training linked to blue-collar jobs.

Released: 27-Jun-2016 5:05 PM EDT
LGBT Rights and Protections Are Scarce in Constitutions Around the World, UCLA Study Finds
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Only five countries in the world have constitutions that explicitly guarantee equality for citizens on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Released: 17-Jun-2016 10:05 AM EDT
Dealing with Sexism and Gender Issues in the Classroom
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

New handbook for teachers is designed to help them deal with issues of gender identity, sexism and related questions that may come up in the classroom.

Released: 14-Jun-2016 8:50 AM EDT
Expert: Can Cancer Therapies Have a Different Effectiveness in Women?
Oncolytics Biotech

Expert can speak on the importance of including women in clinical studies, a measure that could lead to improved, women-specific treatments. Brad Thompson, Ph.D., president and CEO of Oncolytics Biotech Inc., has overseen studies in colorectal cancer and non-small cell lung cancer in which female patients showed a significant response (relative to male patients) to a treatment that included the company’s lead product, REOLYSIN®, a proprietary formulation of the human reovirus.

Released: 13-Jun-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Not Only in Hollywood: Gender Pay Gap Persists in the Arts
Lehigh University

The authors conclude: "Private employers in the arts would do well to look into the same affirmative action policies and income stabilization measures that appear to be effective in driving (relative) income parity in the governmental sector. Additional grants should be put in place to encourage the professional growth of female artists. Furthermore, if made better aware of these disparities, arts degree-granting institutions could place a heightened emphasis on building their students' self-promotional skills and enhancing their portfolios of other abilities necessary to be able to navigate the unique, contract-based trajectories of arts careers."

Released: 9-Jun-2016 6:05 PM EDT
Prioritizing Publishing: Group Aims to Help Women Faculty in Research
Texas Tech University

The Women Faculty Writing Program, the second of its kind in the nation, provides support, accountability, skills and sanctioned time for writing.

Released: 2-Jun-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Gender Gap Discovered in Science Exam Performance
Arizona State University (ASU)

Male students in undergraduate introductory biology courses are outperforming females at test time, but it may be due to how exams are designed rather than academic ability. In addition, high socioeconomic status students are performing better than lower-status students on those same tests.

Released: 1-Jun-2016 3:05 PM EDT
Women Find Men More Masculine When Wearing Deodorant
University of Stirling

New research by the University of Stirling has found that men who are perceived low in masculinity can significantly increase this by applying deodorant, but that this is not the case for men who already have high levels of masculinity.

Released: 26-May-2016 3:05 PM EDT
Stress Affects Males and Females Differently
Weizmann Institute of Science

Weizmann Institute of Science researchers found that a stress receptor in the brain regulates metabolic responses to stressful situations differently in male and female mice. The results could aid in the development of treatments for regulating hunger or stress responses, including anxiety and depression.

25-May-2016 2:00 PM EDT
‘Wonderful’ and ‘Thankful’ Versus ‘Battle’ and ‘Enemy’ -- Do Women and Men Communicate Differently?
Stony Brook University

In a computational analysis of the words used by more than 65,000 consenting Facebook users in some 10 million messages, it was discovered that women use language that is warmer and more agreeable than men.

13-May-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Exploring Gender Perception via Speech
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

We tend to perceive speakers as masculine or feminine rather quickly. These snap judgments are based on acoustic information from the speakers’ voices. But some vocal qualities deemed “feminine” can overlap with acoustic cues for “clear speech,” which is a set of changes speakers make when they suspect their listener is having a difficult time hearing. This overlap inspired researchers to explore gender perception via speech — largely to determine whether adopting clear speech could help transgender people who would like to sound more feminine.

Released: 24-May-2016 2:30 PM EDT
Sociologists Available to Discuss Transgender-Related Issues
American Sociological Association (ASA)

Earlier this year, North Carolina brought the transgender community into the spotlight by passing legislation requiring people to use public bathrooms that correspond with the gender on their birth certificates. The American Sociological Association (ASA) has sociologists available to discuss this and other transgender-related issues.

Released: 24-May-2016 1:00 PM EDT
Rutgers Cancer Institute Researcher Explores Gender Disparity in Lung Cancer
Rutgers Cancer Institute

Aiming to better understand gender differences in lung cancer, a Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey researcher is exploring whether radiation exposure from interventional cardiovascular procedures leads to increased risk of lung cancer in women as compared to men. The work is supported by an inaugural $400,000 LUNG FORCE Research Innovation Project award.

Released: 17-May-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Top Stories 5-17-2016
Newswise Trends

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Released: 16-May-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Why Is Female Sexuality More Flexible Than Male Sexuality?

A new evolutionary theory argues that women may have been evolutionarily designed to be sexually fluid--changing their sexual desires and identities from lesbian, to bisexual, to heterosexual and back again--in order to allow them to have sex with their co-wives in polygynous marriages, therefore reducing conflict and tension inherent in such marriages while at the same time successfully reproducing with their husbands in heterosexual unions.

Released: 16-May-2016 10:05 AM EDT
Top Stories 5-16-2016
Newswise Trends

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Released: 13-May-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Girls From Progressive Societies Do Better at Math
Queen Mary University of London

Research co-authored by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) has found that the 'maths gender gap' - the relative underperformance of girls at maths - is much wider in societies with poor rates of gender equality. Published today in the American Economic Review, the research shows that the performance gap between girls and boys is far less pronounced in societies that hold progressive and egalitarian views about the role of women.

Released: 13-May-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Top Stories 5-13-2016
Newswise Trends

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Released: 12-May-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Depressed Moms Not ‘in Sync’ with Their Kids, Children with ADHD Sleep Both Poorly and Less, Yeast Infection Linked to Mental Illness, and more in the Mental Health News Source

Depressed Moms Not ‘in Sync’ with Their Kids, Children with ADHD Sleep Both Poorly and Less, Yeast Infection Linked to Mental Illness, and more in the Mental Health News Source

Released: 11-May-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Top Stories 5-11-2016
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10-May-2016 9:00 AM EDT
Top Stories 5-10-2016
Newswise Trends

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9-May-2016 12:00 PM EDT
Can Gender Play a Role in Determining Cancer Treatment Choices?
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

It is well known that men and women differ in terms of cancer susceptibility, survival and mortality, but exactly why this occurs at a molecular level has been poorly understood.

Released: 5-May-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Why Are Women Less Likely to Be Prescribed Statins Than Men?
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Study pinpoints four factors that account for sex disparity in statin therapy.

Released: 5-May-2016 8:05 AM EDT
Type 2 Diabetes Drug Trials Unnecessarily Exclude Women
Penn State Health

While women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or may become pregnant are often excluded from clinical trials for type 2 diabetes drugs, the exclusion is not based on the risk of fetal harm, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers.

Released: 29-Apr-2016 1:05 PM EDT
New Data Improve Techniques for Determining Whether a Jaw Bone Comes From a Man or Woman
University of Granada

The scientific breakthrough, carried out by researchers at UGR and the Spanish National Research Council, is of great significance to the field of biological anthropology. It also has further implications for paleoanthropology, paleodemographics, forensic science and orthodontics, among other disciplines.

25-Apr-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Gender Differences and Relationship Power Could Be Key in Preventing HIV Among South African Adolescents
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Millions of those infected with HIV worldwide are young women, ages 15-24, according to the World Health Organization. Because the HIV epidemic overlaps with an epidemic of intimate partner violence (IPV) against women and girls, researchers have suspected a correlation between inequities in relationship power and the risky sexual behavior that can lead to HIV transmission.

15-Apr-2016 12:00 PM EDT
Penn Researchers Find Females More Resistant to Organ Damage Following Kidney Transplant
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

After a kidney transplant, women may experience decreased kidney damage from ischemia reperfusion injury compared to men due to the impact of gender-specific hormones, suggests a new preclinical study and an analysis of patient data published online in the Journal of Clinical Investigation from researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

12-Apr-2016 5:05 PM EDT
Why Education Doesn’t Bring Women Equal Pay
University of Vermont

Women are closing the education gap with men, but a global study on gender equality based on two decades of data from more than 150 countries shows these advances are failing to bring equal access to quality jobs and government representation.

11-Apr-2016 12:30 PM EDT
GW Physician Publishes Lancet Review Article on Testosterone Therapy for Transgender Men
George Washington University

George Washington University's Dr. Michael S. Irwig published a review article in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology journal on testosterone therapy for transgender men, calling for more research.

Released: 12-Apr-2016 10:45 AM EDT
For Kids Raised in Stable Families, No Difference in Well-Being with Same-Sex Versus Different-Sex Parents
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

Children raised by same-sex female parents with a stable family life show no difference in general health, emotional difficulties, coping and learning behavior, compared to children of different-sex parents in similarly stable relationships, concludes a study in the April Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, the official journal of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. The journal is published by Wolters Kluwer.

Released: 11-Apr-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Mothers Say Middle-Class Status Little Protection Against Gendered Racism for Black Boys
Syracuse University

Study reveals how African American mothers parent young sons -- via 'bias-preparation' strategies -- to navigate 'Thug' image and vulnerabilities of African American masculinity.

Released: 4-Apr-2016 9:05 PM EDT
Closer Examination Reveals Changes to the “Gender Gap” in Drinking
Research Society on Alcoholism

Previous research on an apparent narrowing of the historical “gender gap” in drinking prevalence found that girls were more likely to start drinking before 18 years of age compared to boys. This research seeks to extend these epidemiological findings by estimating the fine-grained, age-specific incidence of becoming a drinker among 12- to 24-year-old U.S. males and females, and comparing incidence estimates with prevalence proportions.

Released: 28-Mar-2016 12:05 PM EDT
Medical Student Queer Alliance’s #PushForPronouns Promotes Transgender Patient Health Equity
University of Vermont

The Northeast Medical Student Queer Alliance is launching a social media initiative to promote a culture of respect for transgender patients, 70 percent of whom experience discrimination when accessing medical care.
