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Released: 25-Jul-2017 9:00 AM EDT
The Sorenson Impact Center and Social Finance Announce Awardees of Pay for Success Structuring Grant
University of Utah, David Eccles School of Business

The Sorenson Impact Center and Social Finance have selected three organizations across the United States as winners of a nationwide Pay For Success competition.

Released: 17-Jul-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Harnessing the Wisdom of the Crowd to Forecast
University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business

Forecasters often overestimate how good they are at predicting geopolitical events—everything from who will become the next pope to who will win the next national election in Taiwan.

Released: 14-Jul-2017 1:30 PM EDT
Study: Banks Hired Risk Officers to Mitigate Risk in Years Before Collapse. It Didn’t Go So Well
American Sociological Association (ASA)

New research suggests a significant number of national and international American banks hired new Chief Risk Officers to mitigate risk but may have actually helped lead the industry into widespread insolvency.

Released: 29-Jun-2017 7:05 AM EDT
Global Survey: Execs Reporting Significant Risks – But Less-Than-Robust Efforts to Address Them
North Carolina State University

A global survey of executives finds that most view the world as increasingly risky, with many reporting a “significant operational surprise” over the past five years. However, the majority of executives also report that their organizations are not developing more robust risk management processes.

Released: 28-Jun-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Investors: Be Wary of Auditor Dismissals for the Rest of the Year
University of Notre Dame

Research by Jeffrey Burks of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business and Jennifer Sustersic Stevens of Ohio University finds that the end of the second fiscal quarter marks a sharp dividing line for auditor dismissals.

Released: 20-Jun-2017 5:05 PM EDT
Key Skill to Attain Virtual Team Leadership Is Ability to Type Fast
University of Iowa

A new study from the University of Iowa finds that to the fast typist go the leadership spoils. The study suggests that the fleet-fingered are more likely to emerge as the leaders of virtual work teams that have members scattered in multiple offices.

Released: 9-Jun-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Wells Fargo and the Public's Withdrawal of Trust
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Darden Professor Luann Lynch dissects the reasons behind Wells Fargo losing professional respect, the trust of the public, and its reputation in her case study called "The Wells Fargo Commercial Banking Scandal".

Released: 5-Jun-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Evaluating Research Ethics
West Virginia University - Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

Five years after the implementation of a congressional mandate, West Virginia University researchers found that the majority of top U.S. research universities have not complied with the National Science Foundation’s policy on instruction in the responsible conduct of research.

Released: 1-Jun-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Merrick Rosenberg, CEO and Co-Founder of Take Flight Learning, Recipient of 2017 HR Consultant of the Year Award
Take Flight Learning

Merrick Rosenberg, CEO and co-founder of Take Flight Learning (TFL), the leading DISC training company in the United States, is the recipient of the 2017 HR Consultant of the Year Award.

Released: 1-Jun-2017 9:05 AM EDT
How to Use Collaborative Creativity to Solve Problems and Innovate
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Darden Professor Jeanne Liedtka and her co-authors detail why organizations should consider design thinking

31-May-2017 4:05 PM EDT
International Technology Companies Struggling to Balance Productivity with Worker Quality of Life
University of Louisville

Researchers have completed an intensive four year study (funded by National Science Foundation) that addresses the conundrum between worker productivity and the need for work life balance. Although they studies the crucial global Information Technology (IT) workforce, the key findings apply to all workers.

Released: 25-May-2017 7:50 AM EDT
Study Uncovers Large-Scale Volatility Index (VIX) Manipulation
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

Newly examined aggregate evidence points to large-scale potential manipulation of the CBOE’s Volatility Index (VIX), according to a study from The University of Texas at Austin.

Released: 22-May-2017 1:20 PM EDT
Researchers Find Computer Code That Volkswagen Used to Cheat Emissions Tests
University of California San Diego

An international team of researchers has uncovered the mechanism that allowed Volkswagen to circumvent U.S. and European emission tests over at least six years before the Environmental Protection Agency put the company on notice in 2015 for violating the Clean Air Act. During a year-long investigation, researchers found code that allowed a car’s onboard computer to determine that the vehicle was undergoing an emissions test.

Released: 18-May-2017 1:05 PM EDT
What You Need to Know Before Joining a Corporate Board
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

UVA Darden alumni Charles Foster, Sally Robling and Bill Hawkins joined Alumni Career Services Executive Director Jen Coleman for a discussion on the responsibility of corporate boards.

Released: 16-May-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Great Expectations Force Risky Business Acquisitions
University of Georgia

A good reputation can be bad for business, according to new research from the University of Georgia.

Released: 8-May-2017 11:05 AM EDT
5 Reasons Your Next Job Is Agile
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Professor Alex Cowan explains why agile thinking is so important, even essential, to innovation in organizations — in the very near future even more than the present.

Released: 5-May-2017 8:05 AM EDT
UVA Darden Professor’s Testimony Influential in Landmark Amazon Tax Case
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Professor Ron Wilcox provided expert testimony on behalf of the IRS

Released: 3-May-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Envy Pushes Job Seekers to Fake Their Résumés
University at Buffalo

Job seekers who stay in the search longer or see their peers getting hired may falsify their résumés, according to new research from the University at Buffalo School of Management.

Released: 21-Apr-2017 9:05 AM EDT
Greenwashing: In the Eye of the Beholder
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Professor Mike Lenox explains the practice of “greenwashing” and discusses how companies can engage in sustainable practices while delivering products consumers will actually buy: win-win-win for the consumer, producer and environment.

Released: 11-Apr-2017 3:05 PM EDT
‘Our Declaration’ Selected for One Book Program
Northwestern University

Author Danielle Allen argues for defense of equality as cornerstone of democracy.

Released: 11-Apr-2017 1:05 PM EDT
United Airlines in PR Nightmare
University of Louisville

The forcible removal of an airline passenger en route from Chicago to Louisivlle has gone viral and become a public relations nightmare for United Airlines. Two notable experts are available to offer analysis of the problem and what the airline should do next.

Released: 4-Apr-2017 12:05 PM EDT
In Negotiations, Two Jerks Are Better Than One
University of Georgia

Negotiations work best when both sides have matching personality traits—even if they’re both disagreeable—according to research from the University of Georgia Terry College of Business.

Released: 4-Apr-2017 9:00 AM EDT
IU's Kelley School Establishing Personal Leadership Center to Coach Business Professionals
Indiana University

Individualized coaching is a key part of graduate and undergraduate degree programs at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. But with the establishment of a new leadership center, the Kelley School will offer personalized executive coaching to business professionals looking to meet personal and business goals.

Released: 30-Mar-2017 9:05 AM EDT
Require Business Training for Medical Students, Who Will Need Such Skills to Lead Complex Health Care Enterprises, Johns Hopkins Experts Propose
Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School

Two Johns Hopkins University professors recommend a “Management 101” course be embedded into the curriculum of medical schools.

Released: 27-Mar-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Strategy Beyond Markets: The Intersection of Business, Public Policy and Ethics
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

UVA Darden Professor Mike Lenox explains why business leaders should develop a strategic approach beyond the core business issues of supply, demand and competition.

Released: 16-Mar-2017 8:00 AM EDT
Survey: Corporate Risks Rising – but Risk Management Efforts Not Keeping Pace
North Carolina State University

New research finds most executives see risks increasing in both number and complexity – but those same executives say their organizations’ risk management efforts may not be staying abreast of those risks.

Released: 14-Mar-2017 9:50 AM EDT
Active vs. Passive Funds: The Mutual Fund Shell Game
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Highlights Professor Pedro Matos’ research into supposedly actively managed funds and their performance against passively managed index funds — the first to examine the issue on a global scale.

13-Mar-2017 7:05 AM EDT
The Elephant in the Sale Room: New Report Calls for Significant Change to UK Regulations on the Sale of Ivory
University of Portsmouth

A new report out today (14 March) calls for a significant change to laws governing the sale of ivory in the UK.

Released: 22-Feb-2017 9:00 AM EST
Companies Located Near an IRS Office More Likely to Face an Audit and Avoid More Taxes
University of Kansas

Researchers examined tax records of public companies from fiscal years 1996 to 2012 and found a positive association between a company's geographic proximity to an IRS territory manager’s office and IRS audit likelihood as well as tax avoidance.

Released: 17-Feb-2017 2:05 PM EST
New Research Helps Organizations Deliver Stronger Diversity Training
University at Buffalo

While diversity training programs are a good way to build awareness of cultural differences, they usually are not as effective at changing attitudes and behaviors toward diverse groups in the workplace, according to new research from the University at Buffalo School of Management.

Released: 15-Feb-2017 1:05 PM EST
UCI Co-Launches Research Hub on Impact of New Technologies on Credit Unions
University of California, Irvine

Irvine, Calif., Feb. 15, 2017 — The Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion at the University of California, Irvine and the Filene Research Institute – a credit union and consumer finance think tank in Wisconsin – have launched a research hub at UCI dedicated to the study of how emerging technologies affect credit union business practices and clients.

Released: 1-Feb-2017 8:05 AM EST
Banks Hold Major Information Advantage Over Other Investors
University of Vermont

Maybe Gordon Gekko was right when he said that information was the most valuable commodity of all. A new study showing major investment advantages for banks in countries where public economic data is scarce seems to support that claim by the fictional corporate raider in the 1987 movie Wall Street.

Released: 31-Jan-2017 2:05 PM EST
Workplace Courage: When Vulnerability Signals Strength
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

UVA Darden Professor Jim Detert discusses workplace courage and a surprising behavior that makes for strong leadership: embracing voluntary vulnerability.

Released: 25-Jan-2017 10:05 AM EST
To Excel in the Smart Machine Age, We Need Others
University of Virginia Darden School of Business

An excerpt of Darden Professor Ed Hess’ new book, Humility Is the New Smart: Rethinking Human Excellence in the Smart Machine Age. In it, he explains why connecting with others and building trust will be so important to the workplace in the coming Smart Machine Age.

Released: 24-Jan-2017 1:05 PM EST
Babson College Welcomes Newest Cohort of Posse Scholars and Awards Four-Year, Full-Tuition Scholarships
Babson College

Ten high school seniors from New York City have been awarded Posse Scholarships at Babson College. The group, selected to be part of Babson Posse 14, will serve as the institution’s newest cohort of youth leaders joining the Class of 2021 in the Fall of 2017.

Released: 18-Jan-2017 12:05 PM EST
Study Finds Current Corporate Sustainability Reporting Misses the Mark
North Carolina State University

A new study finds that corporate sustainability reporting often focuses on issues that are unimportant to stakeholders, and offers specific suggestions to improve the content of future corporate sustainability reporting efforts.

Released: 11-Jan-2017 2:05 PM EST
Why Better Choices Depend on ‘Libertarian Paternalism’
University of Florida

Nudging people toward better behavior through policy can be effective, but can face resistance if people feel their autonomy is threatened.

Released: 9-Jan-2017 11:05 AM EST
Study Shows How Phishing Scams Thrive on Overconfidence
University of Texas at San Antonio

Overconfident e-mail recipients are helping phishing succeed

Released: 16-Dec-2016 11:05 AM EST
Crisis Communication Experts Debate Samsung Galaxy Note7 Global Response
University of Georgia

As holiday shoppers scurry to buy the newest electronic gadgets, crisis communication experts from the University of Georgia weighed in on the communication tactics of one of the most well-known global electronics brands-Samsung.

Released: 1-Dec-2016 8:05 AM EST
Meeting Customer Expectations Critical in Response to Data Breach, Study Finds
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Compensation in response to a data breach is most effective when it meets customers’ expectations for what is appropriate, according to a new study by information systems researchers at the University of Arkansas.

Released: 14-Nov-2016 2:05 PM EST
Companies Pushing 'Toddler Milk' Need Oversight, Experts Warn
Emory University

'A plumper baby is not necessarily a healthier baby'

Released: 7-Nov-2016 4:05 PM EST
Bankruptcy Expert Studies Trump Casinos
Temple University

A new study by a Temple University professor shows that Donald Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City lost more jobs and money than competitors’ casinos, while also going through more bankruptcies than any other major business in America.

Released: 31-Oct-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Horrible Bosses
University of Alabama, Culverhouse College of Commerce

Dr. Peter Harms enjoys the dark side of human behavior. The Culverhouse assistant professor of management likes it so much that his recent research delves into understanding the behaviors portrayed by leaders shown in movies like “Horrible Bosses” and “Horrible Bosses 2.”
