Feature Channels: Mental Health

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Released: 15-Dec-2023 9:05 AM EST
Vets4Warriors Launches Inspirational PSA Campaign
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Vets4Warriors announced the launch of a powerful PSA campaign in cities across the country, aimed at destigmatizing mental health challenges and providing unwavering support for active-duty or transitioning service members, veterans, and their families.

Released: 14-Dec-2023 2:05 PM EST
مايو كلينك سؤال وجواب: تغيرات ومخاوف في مرحلة ما قبل انقطاع الطمث
Mayo Clinic

السادة مايو كلينك: أنا عمري 41 سنة، وفي موعدي الطبي السابق بقسم صحة المرأة، أخبروني أنني في مرحلة ما قبل انقطاع الطمث. ما معنى ذلك بالضبط؟ أنا لم أعاني من أية أعراض. ماذا أتوقع؟ هل يجب أن أفعل أي شيء للاستعداد لذلك؟

Released: 14-Dec-2023 1:05 PM EST
Physical and social activities promote healthy brain aging
University of Zurich

Physical exercise is associated with a variety of positive health aspects. Numerous studies have shown that regular physical activity has a preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and obesity.

Released: 14-Dec-2023 1:05 PM EST
Perguntas e respostas da Mayo Clinic: Transições e preocupações em relação à perimenopausa
Mayo Clinic

ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Tenho 41 anos e fui informada em minha última consulta de saúde da mulher que estava na perimenopausa. O que isso significa exatamente? Não tenho nenhum sintoma. O que deve acontecer daqui para frente? Há algo que eu deveria fazer para me preparar?

Newswise: Trauma Doesn’t Take a Holiday
Released: 14-Dec-2023 10:05 AM EST
Trauma Doesn’t Take a Holiday

The winter holiday season is a time to slow down, relax, and enjoy time with family and friends. That is, unless you’re a trauma surgeon.

Released: 14-Dec-2023 8:00 AM EST
Menstrual cycles affect day-to-day suicide risk, UIC researchers find
University of Illinois Chicago

Patients with a history of suicidality experience increased risk in the days surrounding menstruation

14-Nov-2023 1:00 PM EST
Early research shows Gen Z perceives more dangers in life than previous generations
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

As presented at the 2023 Society for Risk Analysis Annual Conference, Gabriel Rubin from Montclair State University conducted 40 interviews with members of Gen Z (as of publication) in an ongoing study about risk factors that have led to the current mental health crisis in young people.

Newswise: Case Western Reserve University lecturer partnering with Peace Corps to support Ukrainian university students amidst war
Released: 13-Dec-2023 10:05 AM EST
Case Western Reserve University lecturer partnering with Peace Corps to support Ukrainian university students amidst war
Case Western Reserve University

As the war in Ukraine continues to devastate communities, a Case Western Reserve University lecturer is partnering with the Peace Corps to help students there learn how to manage the intense emotions of the conflict.

10-Dec-2023 5:05 AM EST
Stressors Linked to Increased Drinking College Students during COVID Pandemic, Differ by Race
Research Society on Alcoholism

College students reporting increased mental distress during the pandemic also reported greater quantity and frequency of alcohol use, and distress was linked to certain pandemic-related factors which differed by race.

Released: 12-Dec-2023 3:05 PM EST
Feeling lonely? Chances are you lost both social support, personal control
University of Michigan

While the holiday season typically brings joy, cheer and celebration, a significant number of people feel lonely.

Released: 12-Dec-2023 7:05 AM EST
Health impacts of abuse more extensive than previously thought, research says
University of Birmingham

People who have been subject to abuse are more likely to experience physical and mental health effects than previously thought, according to a new study.

Released: 12-Dec-2023 7:05 AM EST
Inclusive content, peer support, media information literacy can combat health misinformation spread to adolescents on social media
Boston University School of Public Health

Social media has become one of the main sources of information for youth, a population that on average engages with platforms such as TikTok and Instagram for nearly five hours per day.

Released: 11-Dec-2023 6:05 PM EST
Novel compounds promise success in the fight against tuberculosis and depression
Technische Universität Dresden

Tuberculosis (TB) is a prevalent infectious disease that affects millions of people each year. It was previously the leading cause of death from a single pathogen before the COVID-19 pandemic. Detecting TB early is challenging because the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) can hide in human macrophages, which are part of the immune system

Released: 11-Dec-2023 5:05 PM EST
Nanoparticle-delivered RNA reduces neuroinflammation in lab tests
Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT

Some Covid-19 vaccines safely and effectively used lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to deliver messenger RNA to cells. A new MIT study shows that different nanoparticles could be used for a potential Alzheimer’s disease (AD) therapy.

Released: 11-Dec-2023 4:05 PM EST
Genetic “protection” against depression was no match for pandemic stress
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

Living through a historic pandemic while handling the stress of the first year of college sent one-third of students in a new study into clinical depression. That’s double the percentage seen in previous years of the same study.

Released: 11-Dec-2023 2:05 PM EST
Why get high? New study shows teens use cannabis for coping, enjoyment
UC Davis Health

A study in Psychology of Addictive Behaviors finds teens who have more demand for cannabis are likely to use it for enjoyment and coping. Understanding motives is important for addiction prevention.

Newswise: Researchers Compare Mental Illness, Gun Violence Rates in U.S., Australia and U.K.
Released: 11-Dec-2023 8:30 AM EST
Researchers Compare Mental Illness, Gun Violence Rates in U.S., Australia and U.K.
Florida Atlantic University

Mental illness rates were 15.7% in the U.S., 17.6% in Australia and 13.8% in the U.K. in 2019. Yet, the U.S. had 10 times higher death rates from gun violence than Australia and 40 times higher death rates than the U.K.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 4:00 PM EST
Wayne State University announces creation of two research centers and institutes that aim to impact the health of Detroiters and beyond
Wayne State University Division of Research

Wayne State University Interim Vice President for Research Timothy Stemmler, Ph.D., announced today the university’s Board of Governors approved the creation of two research initiatives that aim to improve the health and lives of the Detroit community and beyond.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 3:05 PM EST
Seu corpo sabe a diferença entre estresse bom e estresse ruim. E você?
Mayo Clinic

Pode ser uma surpresa para você, mas nem todo estresse é ruim. Níveis saudáveis de estresse ajudam a desenvolver resiliência, diz a cirurgiã Safia Debar, especialista em manejo do estresse na Mayo Clinic Healthcare em Londres.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 3:05 PM EST
Su cuerpo conoce la diferencia entre el estrés bueno y el estrés malo: ¿y usted?
Mayo Clinic

Puede resultar sorprendente, pero desde el punto de vista médico, no todo el estrés es malo. Los niveles saludables de estrés ayudan a desarrollar la resiliencia, dice la licenciada en Medicina y Cirugía Safia Debar, experta en el manejo del estrés de Mayo Clinic Healthcare en Londres. En esta alerta para los expertos, la Dra. Debar explica la diferencia entre el estrés bueno y el estrés malo y cómo saber cuando está en peligro de sufrir una sobrecarga.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 3:05 PM EST
جسمك يعرف الفارق بين الإجهاد النافع والضار: ماذا عنك؟
Mayo Clinic

قد يكون من المدهش أن تسمع ذلك، ولكن من الناحية الصحية، فالإجهاد ليس كله ضار. فمستويات الإجهاد الصحي تُساعد على بناء المرونة، كما تقول الدكتورة سافيا ديبر، خبيرة علاج الإجهاد لدى مركز مايو كلينك هيلثكير في لندن. وفي تنبيه الخبيرة الدكتورة ديبر هذا، فإنها تشرح الفارق بين الإجهاد النافع والضار وكيف تعرف أنك تتعرض لخطر الإجهاد المفرط.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 2:15 PM EST
Looking for unique stories about the winter holidays? Check out the Winter Holidays channel

It's the moooost wonderful time...of the year! Are you looking for new story ideas that are focused on the winter holiday season? Perhaps you're working on a story on on managing stress and anxiety? Perhaps you're working on a story on seasonal affective disorder? Or perhaps your editor asked you to write a story on tracking Santa? Look no further. Check out the Winter Holidays channel.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 11:50 AM EST
NIH Study Suggests Maternal Inflammation Risk Factors Associated With Children's Behavioral and Emotional Regulation

A study funded by the ECHO Program at the National Institutes of Health suggests that maternal health during pregnancy may be linked to dysregulation in children, affecting attention, anxiety, depression, and aggression beyond typical expectations for their age.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 9:00 AM EST
JMIR Mental Health Call for Papers Theme Issue on Affective Computing for Mental Well-Being
JMIR Publications

JMIR Mental Health, a premier SCIE/PubMed/Scopus-indexed, peer-reviewed journal with a unique focus on digital mental health, is inviting submissions to a new theme issue titled “Affective Computing for Mental Well-Being.”

Released: 6-Dec-2023 6:05 PM EST
Study finds individuals with acne face social and professional stigma
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

A new study highlights how stigmatizing attitudes about individuals with acne may influence social and professional perceptions.

Newswise: Understanding homelessness in Arizona
Released: 6-Dec-2023 4:05 PM EST
Understanding homelessness in Arizona
Northern Arizona University

The number of unhoused individuals in Arizona jumped almost 25 percent from between 2020 and 2022 as safe, affordable housing disappeared throughout the state. This is a thorny, multifaceted issue, and one that health sciences researcher Sara Shuman is tackling as part of a federal effort to better understand and address homelessness throughout the nation. With a focus on health equity, Shuman and her team will document the needs and experiences of people living in encampments and evaluate the strategies use to manage homeless encampments in Yuma, Pima and Maricopa counties. 

Released: 6-Dec-2023 3:05 PM EST
Can brain stimulation benefit individuals with schizophrenia?

Most people with schizophrenia have extensive impairment of memory, including prospective memory, which is the ability to remember to perform future activities.

Released: 6-Dec-2023 2:05 PM EST
Is a certain brain alteration involved in the effects of early negative life events on depressive symptoms later in life?

New research published in JCCP Advances indicates that experiencing negative life events (NLE) during childhood is linked with a higher risk of developing symptoms of depression during young adulthood. Thinning of the orbitofrontal cortex, a region in the brain that affects emotion, during adolescence was also associated with increased depressive symptoms later in life.

Newswise: Expert shares strategies for managing holiday stress and anxiety
Released: 6-Dec-2023 2:05 PM EST
Expert shares strategies for managing holiday stress and anxiety
Virginia Tech

The holiday season is often an overwhelming experience for many individuals. The combination of gift shopping, travel arrangements, and the expected anxiety of family and friends can create very stressful situations. Virginia Tech psychologist Rosanna Breaux shares her most effective tips for navigating seasonal stress.  “Planning and prioritizing what activities are the most important is a better strategy than exhaustingly trying to do everything and ending up not enjoying it,” says Breaux, a professor in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech.

Newswise: Study shows how birth control pills affect women’s psychological and biological responses to stress
Released: 6-Dec-2023 12:05 AM EST
Study shows how birth control pills affect women’s psychological and biological responses to stress
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A new UCLA Health study is shedding light on how using hormonal contraceptive pills may affect women’s responses to stress and their risk for inflammation-related illnesses.

Newswise: Real connections trump virtual gatherings: The magic of in-person events
Released: 5-Dec-2023 5:05 PM EST
Real connections trump virtual gatherings: The magic of in-person events
University of South Australia

Researchers at Flinders University and the University of South Australia examined whether attending an event virtually or in-person makes a difference to loneliness and social connectedness.

30-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
Depression, Constipation, and Urinary Tract Infections May Precede MS Diagnosis
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

In some diseases, the underlying processes can start years before a diagnosis is made. A new study finds that people who later develop multiple sclerosis (MS) are more likely to have conditions like depression, constipation and urinary tract infections five years before their MS diagnosis than people who do not develop MS.

Newswise: Incarcerated Women Punished at Higher Rates for Minor Infractions than Men, UTEP Study Shows
Released: 5-Dec-2023 2:05 PM EST
Incarcerated Women Punished at Higher Rates for Minor Infractions than Men, UTEP Study Shows
University of Texas at El Paso

A study led by Melinda Tasca, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Security Studies at The University of Texas at El Paso, and published in Justice Quarterly, revealed a gender disparity in prison infractions that disproportionately affects women.

Released: 5-Dec-2023 12:05 AM EST
Mental health crisis highlights access challenges
American Psychological Association (APA)

The ongoing mental health crisis is causing significant challenges for many psychologists as they grapple with demand fueled by patients presenting with increasingly severe symptoms year after year, according to APA’s 2023 Practitioner Pulse Survey.

Released: 4-Dec-2023 3:05 PM EST
Coverage of Bruce Willis’ frontotemporal degeneration shows media misconstrues the disease
Oxford University Press

A new paper in Innovation in Aging, published by Oxford University Press, shows that a great deal of media coverage of the actor Bruce Willis’ condition, frontotemporal degeneration, was inaccurate, revealing the public’s limited knowledge of the disease.

Newswise: How to Have a Safe and Healthy Holiday Season — Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Experts Are Available to Offer Advice for Families
Released: 4-Dec-2023 11:05 AM EST
How to Have a Safe and Healthy Holiday Season — Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Experts Are Available to Offer Advice for Families
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Johns Hopkins physicians can offer expert advice on how to have a healthy and safe holiday season.

Released: 4-Dec-2023 10:05 AM EST
What's behind the holiday-suicide myth
Annenberg Public Policy Center

For more than two decades, the Annenberg Public Policy Center has tracked the ways in which news organizations erroneously link the year-end holiday season with suicide, perpetuating the false holiday-suicide myth.

Newswise: UNC ObGyn, Orange County Department of Health Receive Funding to Reduce Inequities in Maternal Health Care and Outcomes
Released: 1-Dec-2023 4:05 PM EST
UNC ObGyn, Orange County Department of Health Receive Funding to Reduce Inequities in Maternal Health Care and Outcomes
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

The joint study between the UNC School of Medicine and the Orange County Health Department has been awarded a $21 million funding award from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to make pregnancy and birth safer for North Carolinians with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

29-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
Novel Screening Tool and Recovery Program May Help Reduce Mental Health Problems After Trauma
American College of Surgeons (ACS)

A novel screening tool helps to identify hospitalized trauma patients at high risk for later mental health problems, and an emotional recovery program for trauma patients is feasible, according to two studies published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons (JACS).

Released: 30-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
Scientists uncover how fermented-food bacteria can guard against depression, anxiety
University of Virginia Health System

University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have discovered how Lactobacillus, a bacterium found in fermented foods and yogurt, helps the body manage stress and may help prevent depression and anxiety.

Newswise: Traumatic Memories Are Represented Differently Than Regular Sad Memories in the Brains of People With PTSD, New Research Shows
28-Nov-2023 5:05 PM EST
Traumatic Memories Are Represented Differently Than Regular Sad Memories in the Brains of People With PTSD, New Research Shows
Mount Sinai Health System

A new analysis of the brain activity of people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the first to reveal that traumatic memories are represented in the brain in an entirely different way than sad autobiographical memories.
