Curated News: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

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Newswise: Implantable device shrinks pancreatic tumors
Released: 13-Apr-2023 2:35 PM EDT
Implantable device shrinks pancreatic tumors
Houston Methodist

Houston Methodist nanomedicine researchers have found a way to tame pancreatic cancer - one of the most aggressive and difficult to treat cancers - by delivering immunotherapy directly into the tumor with a device that is smaller than a grain of rice.

Released: 13-Apr-2023 9:40 AM EDT
FSU researchers examine role of crucial hormone and exercise with $1.8 million NIH grant
Florida State University

A new, $1.8 million Florida State University study funded by the National Institutes of Health will examine the role adiponectin plays in the circulatory system of aging adults and how exercise affects its influence on vascular health. The research aims to offer more insight into how exercise brings benefits and explore how adiponectin can potentially be used for treatment.

Newswise: Research identifies new target that may prevent blood cancer
Released: 12-Apr-2023 4:50 PM EDT
Research identifies new target that may prevent blood cancer
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

An international coalition of biomedical researchers co-led by Alexander Bick, MD, PhD, at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has determined a new way to measure the growth rate of precancerous clones of blood stem cells that one day could help doctors lower their patients’ risk of blood cancer. The technique, called PACER, led to the identification of a gene that, when activated, drives clonal expansion.

Newswise: Cancer cells penetrate deep into their environment
Released: 12-Apr-2023 4:20 PM EDT
Cancer cells penetrate deep into their environment
Washington University in St. Louis

New research from the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis has found that cancer cells can sense a layer of cells beneath the top collagen layer on which they normally travel, while normal cells cannot.

7-Apr-2023 3:25 PM EDT
Is the Language You Speak Tied to Outcome After Stroke?
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

Studies have shown that Mexican Americans have worse outcomes after a stroke than non-Hispanic white Americans. A new study looks at whether the language Mexican American people speak is linked to how well they recover after a stroke. The study is published in the April 12, 2023, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology

Newswise: AI can spot early signs of Alzheimer’s in speech patterns, study shows
Released: 12-Apr-2023 1:30 PM EDT
AI can spot early signs of Alzheimer’s in speech patterns, study shows
UT Southwestern Medical Center

New technologies that can capture subtle changes in a patient’s voice may help physicians diagnose cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease before symptoms begin to show, according to a UT Southwestern Medical Center researcher who led a study published in the Alzheimer’s Association publication Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring.

Newswise: Whether Physical Exertion Feels ‘Easy’ or ‘Hard’ May Be Due to Dopamine Levels, Study Suggests
Released: 12-Apr-2023 1:00 PM EDT
Whether Physical Exertion Feels ‘Easy’ or ‘Hard’ May Be Due to Dopamine Levels, Study Suggests
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Dopamine, a brain chemical long associated with pleasure, motivation and reward-seeking, also appears to play an important role in why exercise and other physical efforts feel “easy” to some people and exhausting to others, according to results of a study of people with Parkinson’s disease led by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers. Parkinson’s disease is marked by a loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain over time.

Newswise: Cedars-Sinai Cancer Collaborates on a New Type of Clinical Trial
Released: 12-Apr-2023 12:45 PM EDT
Cedars-Sinai Cancer Collaborates on a New Type of Clinical Trial

Investigators from Cedars-Sinai Cancer are collaborating on a streamlined clinical trial design in a study called Pragmatica-Lung.

Newswise: New Study Flips the Script on Liver Cancer
Released: 12-Apr-2023 11:00 AM EDT
New Study Flips the Script on Liver Cancer
University of California San Diego

UC San Diego scientists find a protein associated with liver cancer may actually be the key to protecting against it. By blocking ferroptosis, a form of liver cell death, the protein prevents liver damage and its progression to cancer.

7-Apr-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Testing vaccine candidates quickly with lab-grown mini-organs
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have developed a new testing platform that encapsulates B cells — some of the most important components of the immune system — into miniature “organoids” to make vaccine screening quicker and greatly reduce the number of animals needed for testing.

Newswise: Untangling the Mystery of Sleep
Released: 11-Apr-2023 12:40 PM EDT
Untangling the Mystery of Sleep
Harvard Medical School

Sleep is one of the most essential human activities — so essential, in fact, that if we don’t get enough sleep for even one night, we may struggle to think, react, and otherwise make it through the day. Yet, despite its importance for function and survival, scientists still don’t fully understand how sleep works.

Newswise: VUMC-Led Trial Shows Two Investigational Drugs Are Ineffective for Treating Severe COVID-19
Released: 11-Apr-2023 12:00 PM EDT
VUMC-Led Trial Shows Two Investigational Drugs Are Ineffective for Treating Severe COVID-19
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

A study published April 11 in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) evaluated two drugs that act on the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) as potential treatments for severe COVID-19. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, enters pulmonary and myocardial cells through binding of its spike protein to the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). ACE2 is a vital enzyme that controls blood pressure and blood flow to multiple organs, including the lungs, heart and kidneys.

Released: 11-Apr-2023 6:00 AM EDT
Pesquisa descobre que pacientes com diversos tumores em um seio podem não precisar de mastectomia
Mayo Clinic

De acordo com uma pesquisa conduzida pela Aliança para Ensaios Clínicos em Oncologia e o Centro de Câncer da Mayo Clinic, pacientes com diversos tumores em um seio podem ser capazes de evitar uma mastectomia se os tumores puderem ser removidos enquanto uma quantidade suficiente de tecido mamário puder ser preservada.

Released: 11-Apr-2023 6:00 AM EDT
توصل بحث إلى أن النساء المصابات بأورام متعددة في أحد الثديين قد لا يضطررن إلى استئصاله.
Mayo Clinic

قد تتمكن النساء المصابات بأورام متعددة في أحد الثديين من تجنب استئصاله إذا أمكن استئصال هذه الأورام مع الاحتفاظ بأنسجة ثدي كافية، وذلك وفقًا لبحث قاده التحالف الطبي للتجارب السريرية في علم الأورام ومركز مايو كلينك الشامل للسرطان.

Released: 11-Apr-2023 6:00 AM EDT
Una investigación indica que las pacientes con varios tumores en una sola mama podrían no necesitar una mastectomía
Mayo Clinic

De acuerdo con la investigación dirigida por la Alianza para Ensayos Clínicos en Oncología y el Centro Oncológico Integral de Mayo Clinic, las pacientes que tengan varios tumores en una sola mama podrían evitar una mastectomía si los tumores se pueden extraer dejando bastante tejido mamario.

Newswise: Combination therapy overcomes BET inhibitor resistance
Released: 10-Apr-2023 5:05 PM EDT
Combination therapy overcomes BET inhibitor resistance
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists developed a combination therapy for a leukemia subtype harboring rearrangements in the KMT2A gene. The approach overcomes the cancer’s drug resistance, without adding toxicity. The study appears in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

Released: 10-Apr-2023 4:35 PM EDT
Identifying cancer genes’ multiple personalities
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Mutations in our genes can lead to severe problems, like colon or liver cancer. But cancer is very complex. Mutations in the same genes can lead to different subtypes of tumors in different people. Currently, scientists don’t have a good way to produce such tumor subtypes for study in the lab.

Released: 10-Apr-2023 3:15 PM EDT
Prior treatments influence immunotherapy response in advanced melanoma
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Research led by scientists at UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center found that responses to a type of immunotherapy called PD-1 checkpoint blockade in patients with advanced melanoma depended on whether or not they had previously received another immunotherapy – CTLA-4 blockade – as well as other factors.

Newswise: Scientists Enhance New Neurons to Restore Memory, Elevate Mood in Alzheimer’s Disease Research Model
Released: 10-Apr-2023 1:45 PM EDT
Scientists Enhance New Neurons to Restore Memory, Elevate Mood in Alzheimer’s Disease Research Model
University of North Carolina School of Medicine

UNC School of Medicine scientists demonstrated that stimulating a brain region called Supramammilary nucleus (SuM) located in the hypothalamus effectively enhanced adult-born neurons in the otherwise impaired Alzheimer’s brains of mice.

Released: 10-Apr-2023 12:35 PM EDT
Penn Medicine Study Reveals New Insights on Brain Development Sequence Through Adolescence
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Brain development follows a newly identified, non-uniform developmental sequence rendering youth to environmental impacts through adolescence.
