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Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Falling May Be Linked To Neurological Disorder In Elderly
University of Michigan

Nearly one in three people over age 65 and not living in a nursing home fall each year---and those falls often result in serious injury and significant cost. Now, through a series of studies, researchers have documented a strong link between falling and a neurological disorder called peripheral neuropathy.

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Terrapure Systems Developing On-Site Process to Decontaminate Water and Air Containing TCE, Other Hazardous Chemicals
Research Corporation Technologies

Research Corporation Technologies and Heritage Partners in Tucson, Ariz., have formed Terrapure Systems L.L.C. to develop an innovative process for cleaning contaminated ground water and industrial effluents without the need for off-site disposal of hazardous wastes.

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Young African-Americans Run Higher Risk of Stroke
University of Maryland, Baltimore

Two studies by University of Maryland neurologists-one completed and one just beginning-address the higher risk of stroke that young African-Americans face.

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Regional Cancer Center Consortium Formed to Study Biological Therapy of Cancer
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Roswell Park Cancer Institute will host the first meeting of a Regional Cancer Center Consortium for Biological Therapy of Cancer, February 19-21, in honor of the Institute's Centennial.

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Zeneca Pharmaceuticals Announces Cardio.Net, A New Interactive Internet Site for Health Care Professionals

A new interactive World Wide Web site sponsored by Zeneca ( offers doctors and allied health professionals access to up-to-the-minute information on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine.

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Sea Grant Story Idea Tip Sheet, Feb. 6, 1998
National Sea Grant College Program

Sea Grant Story Idea Tip Sheet Feb. 6, 1998 1) Ruffe Not As Great A Threat As Originally Thought 2) Estuaries, Ocean Current Crucial to Successful Shrimp Fishery 3) Researchers Seek Mass Production of Cancer-Fighting Marine Compounds

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Method for Biological Control of Milfoil Commercially Available
Middlebury College

An insect that serves as a biological control is part of a new program to combat invasive Eurasian water milfoil (EWM), a fresh water weed. The process is commercially available in the United States and Canada from EnviroScience Inc. of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, through a licensing agreement with Middlebury College of Middlebury, Vt.

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Holey silicon brightens future for computers, optical devices
Purdue University

A bright but frail member of the silicon family has found new vigor through a process developed at Purdue University, lighting the path to faster, smaller computers and new types of sensing devices. Purdue researcher Jillian Buriak has developed a way to stabilize the surface of porous silicon.

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
University of Wisconsin-Madison Business Students To Manage $10 Million Fixed-Income Fund
University of Wisconsin–Madison

In 1970, students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business were among the first in the country to have the opportunity to manage "real-world" equity portfolios. Now UW-Madison students will be among the first to manage a substantial fixed income fund.

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
McCaughey Book Pulls No Punches in Women's Self Defense
Virginia Tech

Society tends to assume that men are dangerous and women are helpless, and Martha McCaughey wants to change that image -- especially when it comes to women's defending themselves from male violence

Released: 6-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Books from the American Psychiatric Association Press, Inc.
American Psychiatric Association (APA)

The American Psychiatric Association Press has just released seven new books. Review copies are available for journalists.

5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Depression less frequent in stroke survivors involved in rehabilitation programs with social support
American Heart Association (AHA)

Stroke rehabilitation programs that include a heavy emphasis on support and social activities may lead to less depression in people who have a brain attack, according to a study in this month's Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Worm wizardry: World's most heat-tolerant creature suggests enzymes for drugs or industry, UD prof says
University of Delaware

In a steamy underwater hell west of Costa Rica, weird deep-sea worms survive temperatures nearly hot enough to boil water--too hot for any other complex creature on Earth--and they don't care if their `heads' are two-and-a-half times cooler than their `tails,' a University of Delaware researcher reports in the Feb. 5, 1998 issue of Nature.

5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Telemedicine On Ambulances May Save Stroke Patients
University of Maryland Medical Center

Doctors at the University of Maryland Medical Center are the first in the nation to use sophisticated video and computer technology to assess a stroke patientís condition during an ambulance ride, before arrival at the hospital. Two Maryland Express Care ambulances have been outfitted with digital cellular equipment that allows neurologists in their hospital office to see a stroke patient in real time video and speak to the emergency medical personnel on the ambulance as they rush the patient to the hospital.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
CD-ROM Ag journals for developing countries
Cornell University

Cornell University's Mann Library will digitize the contents of 125 agricultural journals to create The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library, or TEEAL, on CD-ROM, to be distributed to university libraries in developing countries.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
African-American Healthy Heart Month Watts
Wattshealth Systems

Highlighting recent heart disease treatment findings, WATTSHealth Systems, Inc. responds to a "cardiovascular crisis" by combining the interests of Black History Month and American Heart Month

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Dissolved organic matter in oceans may mitigate greenhouse effect
University of Washington

Vast amounts of dissolved organic matter in the ocean, once thought to be inert, may play a surprising role in mitigating the greenhouse effect, according to bioengineering researchers at the University of Washington, reporting in this week's (Feb. 5) issue of Nature.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Paul Robeson's Life and Legacy Celebrated
Long Island University Post (LIU Post)

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of singer/actor/activist Paul Robeson, Long Island University's Brooklyn Campus is presenting a free, all-day event celebrating his life.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Choose a Puppy Based on its Breeder, Veterinarian Advises
Purdue University

When selecting a puppy for a pet, choosing the breeder may be more important than choosing the breed, suggests a Purdue University animal behaviorist.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
White-Sided Dolphin Emergency on Cape Cod
New England Aquarium

White-Sided Dolphin Emergency on Cape Cod: A Stranding Update 71 dolphins dead in and around Wellfleet, Massachusetts

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Jordanian Princess and Islamic Specialist Teaches at Women's College
Agnes Scott College

It's not every day that a member of a royal family can be found teaching at an American college. But for the first half of February, students at Agnes Scott College will be taught by a Jordanian princess.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Breakthrough may lead to blood tests for heavy drinking
University of Iowa

A research team led by a University of Iowa College of Medicine researcher has discovered a combination of laboratory tests that may help identify heavy drinkers.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Heart Disease Prevention And Treatment Tip Sheet
University of Michigan

February is American Heart Month and the American Heart Association (AHA) has launched a nationwide campaign to educate people---especially women---about the dangers of heart disease and stroke.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Organ Rejection Drug Also Shows Promise For The Treatment Of Kidney Disease
Johns Hopkins Medicine

A Johns Hopkins evaluation of a drug commonly used to prevent rejection of kidney transplants has found that it also may help patients with severe symptoms of kidney disease.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
CRN Urges Federal Policy Makers to Incorporate Folic Acid, B6 Findings Into Life-Saving Health Messages
Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN)

High intakes of two B vitaminsæfolic acid and B6æcan reduce the risk of heart disease in women by 45 percent, announced Harvard University researchers in the February 4, 1998, Journal of the American Medical Association.

Released: 5-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Tip Sheet from New Scientist for 2-4-98
New Scientist

Tip Sheet from New Scientist for 2-4-98

4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
More Education, More Headaches
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Women get more tension headaches than men and people with advanced degrees suffer more often from tension headaches than the less educated, according to a recent study of tension headache prevalence conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health.

Released: 4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Physicians Announce New Specialty Referral Guidelines

New specialty referral guidelines for people with diabetes developed, approved and adopted by a consensus conference of more than 100 practicing primary care and specialty physicians representing private practice, hospital and managed care settings were announced today by Diabetes Treatment Centers of America (DTCA).

Released: 4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Cross-resistance dulls promise of new AIDS drugs; 'rescue therapies' sought
Stanford Medicine

STANFORD ó HIV strains that have developed resistance to a wide range of antiviral drugs constitute the gravest challenge now facing AIDS researchers in the battle against this deadly virus.

Released: 4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Heart-Attack Indicator Improves ER Diagnostic Accuracy
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center have shown that diagnostic accuracy of chest pain can be dramatically increased by using a clinical approach that combines the results of an echocardiogram with a simple blood test that measures a patient's troponin T, a protein released during cardiac cell injury.

Released: 4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Geology Department Takes Over Army Geographic Information System
Baylor University

Baylor geology doctoral candidates Bruce Byars and Steve Clamons and geology undergraduate Scott Cherry recently took over development of an internationally recognized Geographic Information System (GIS) called Geographic Resource Analysis Support System (GRASS).

Released: 4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Positive attitude on illness may help the elderly ward off depression
University of Utah

Older adults who have a positive attitude about their physical health may be at a lower risk for becoming depressed.

Released: 4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
News Briefs from Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic

News Briefs from Mayo Clinic; 1) Endoscopic surgery for adrenal tumors is better for patients 2) Simple test predicts survival in heart failure 3) Study finds good ice hockey goalies have high heart rates and share feelings

Released: 4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Strength training in a community-dwelling for older adults lowers the risk of falling.
University of Iowa

Dr. Kenneth Mobily, University of Iowa professor of sports, health, leisure and physical studies, has developed a low-tech, community-based strength training program that improves the physical condition and capabilities in older folks and helps prevent falls.

Released: 4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Standard Users Certified
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Promoting quality assurance in the application of manufacturing standards, ASME International (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) this year will continue the Program for Certification of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Professionals (GDTP).

Released: 4-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Naval Engineering Structure Cited
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

A facility used to test the sea-keeping qualities of ships and submarines has been cited for historical significance by ASME International (American Society of Mechanical Engineers).

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Salve from serpents? UD studies may explain why viper-venom protein stops tumor spread in mice
University of Delaware

Viper snakes can kill, but a protein in their venom prevents the spread of tumors in laboratory mice, and a molecular 'portrait' now under development may explain why, according to a University of Delaware scientist profiled in the new issue of Cardiology Today, mailed Feb. 4.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Bi-monthly boosts of aspirin benefit heart
American Heart Association (AHA)

-- Individuals who take low-dose aspirin to stave off repeat heart attacks or strokes should substitute a higher booster dose twice a month to increase the drug's effectiveness, say researchers today reporting in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Los Alamos Catches Clues to Dreaded Diseases
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Scientists have advanced standard PCR DNA analysis to enable them to identify different strains of pathogens from tiny, and in some cases many-years-old, tissue samples, providing a new tool for identifying sources of outbreaks.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Childhood asthma hospitalization trends offer clues to improving care
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Low asthma hospitalization rates for Northern New England children may offer lessons for managing asthma that can benefit others nationwide, Dartmouth Medical School study finds.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Ant pheromone may aid Alzheimer's patients
Cornell University

The pheromone trail laid down by an Aphaenogaster rudis ant -- to help the ant and its recruited nest mates find their way back to prey they plan to kill -- contains a chemical now undergoing clinical trials as a possible Alzheimer's disease treatment, Cornell University chemists report in the January 1998 issue of the German journal Naturwissenschaften.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Common Cold Caused by Multiple Viruses
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)

A recent study investigating causes of the common cold affirms that most colds are caused by viruses, but only half are a result of infection with the rhinovirus.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
World's First "Blood Substitute" Receives FDA Approval For Treatment Of Canine Anemia
Burson-Marsteller, NYC

World'S First "Blood Substitute" Receives FDA approval For Treatment For Canine Treatment Of Canine Anemia. First in a New Category called "Oxygen Therapeutics"

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Journalists Seeking Psychiatric Experts On Clinton
American Psychiatric Association (APA)

In light of recent allegations about public figures, APA's Division of Public Affairs has been receiving calls from journalists asking for psychiatrists to speculate on alleged addictions or disorders.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
February 1, 1998 Annals of Internal Medicine TipSheet from the American College of Physicians
American College of Physicians (ACP)

1) For newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients initial therapy with oral medications is better and results in less reactions. 2) Heart surgery often leads to kidney problems or kidney failure. 3) Initial medical therapy is good for low-risk angina patients; angioplasty or bypass surgery is good for moderate-risk patients; and bypass surgery is reasonable for high-risk patients. 4) Firearm injury prevention should be a major public health issue for internists and other physicians.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Aviron Announces Avian Influenza Vaccine Collaboration
Fleishman-Hillard, New York

Aviron announced today that it is working with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to collaborate with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prepare two vaccine candidates for potential use in the event of a pandemic of the "Hong Kong flu" resulting from the avian A/Hong Kong/97 (H5N1) influenza virus.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
It doesn't add up: First study of talented youg mathematicians shows boys out-perform girls
University of Washington

In the first long-term study of mathematically precocious young children, University of Washington researchers have found significantly more boys than girls with very high levels of math talents, and discovered that even when children are given an enrichment program math-talented girls don't catch up with boys in the first two years of school.

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Folate and Vitamin B6 from diet and supplements in relation to risk of coronary heart disease among women
American Heart Association (AHA)

A study of 80,082 female nurses over a 14-year period has indicated that increased intake of two vitamins, folate and vitamin B-6, is predictive of reduced risk of coronary heart disease (heart attack or death from coronary heart disease).

Released: 3-Feb-1998 12:00 AM EST
Texas Builds a Better Way to Launch a New Career
University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business

Texas now has one of the country's most advanced and professional environments for moving new graduates into the workplace with the grand opening of its new Corporate Interviewing Center February 5.

Released: 31-Jan-1998 12:00 AM EST
University of Arizona professor's research shows root motivation for killing may be same for murders and executions
University of Arizona

New research relates executions to parental models of care and compassion, says a psychology professor at The University of Arizona in Tucson. Following the release earlier this week of a study on clemency issues surrounding capital murder cases, Professor Gary Schwartz says he has found evidence that correlates public willingness to execute certain condemned prisoners as a function of personal and parental justice and compassion.
