Feature Channels: Alcohol and Alcoholism

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Released: 20-Feb-2015 8:00 AM EST
Powder vs. Crack: NYU Study Identifies Arrest Risk Disparity for Cocaine Use
New York University

Crack users are much more likely to experience arrest than powder cocaine users, and being poor is the true overwhelming correlate, not being black or a minority.

Released: 18-Feb-2015 11:00 AM EST
The Medical Minute: The Perils of Powdered Caffeine and Alcohol
Penn State Health

Alcohol and caffeine have joined the ranks of milk, juice and other substances that now come in powdered form. Of the two, caffeine is more concerning, says one Penn State Hershey physician.

11-Feb-2015 1:00 PM EST
Marijuana Use Is Associated with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Adolescents
Nationwide Children's Hospital

A study published recently by researchers from Nationwide Children’s Hospital, found 10 percent of adolescents sent to a Sleep Center for evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness with testing results consistent with narcolepsy had urine drug screens positive for marijuana.

Released: 13-Feb-2015 12:00 PM EST
SLU Scientist Finds Higher Opioid Doses Associated with Increase in Depression
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Patients who increased doses of opioid medicines to manage chronic pain were more likely to experience an increase in depression, according to Saint Louis University findings in Pain.

Released: 11-Feb-2015 12:00 PM EST
Meth Messes Up Brains of Youths Far More than Adults
University of Utah Health

In a study with chronic adolescent and adult meth users in South Korea, MRI brain scans showed decreased thickness in the gray matter of younger users’ frontal cortex. Adult brains showed less damage.

Released: 4-Feb-2015 2:00 PM EST
RIA Neuroscience Study Points to Possible Use of Medical Marijuana for Depression
University at Buffalo

Scientists at the University at Buffalo’s Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) are studying chronic stress and depression, with a focus on endocannabinoids, which are brain chemicals similar to substances in marijuana.

2-Feb-2015 9:00 AM EST
Cocaine Users Have Impaired Ability to Predict Loss
Mount Sinai Health System

Cocaine addicted individuals may continue their habit despite unfavorable consequences like imprisonment or loss of relationships because their brain circuits responsible for predicting emotional loss are impaired, according to a study conducted at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and published today in The Journal of Neuroscience.

Released: 2-Feb-2015 8:35 AM EST
Expert: Rate of Cannabis Use Skyrockets Among Ontario Adults
Greenestone Healthcare Corp

Expert can harness her extensive experience working with addiction and mental health a residential treatment center in Canada to discuss the implications of a sharp rise in the use of marijuana among the adult population in Ontario, and whether marijuana has been given a “free pass” as a largely harmless drug leading to greater consequences.

Released: 29-Jan-2015 1:00 PM EST
Guidelines for Super Bowl Drinking
Loyola Medicine

The festive atmosphere of many Super Bowl parties may make guests more likely to drink to excess during Sunday’s big game, according to primary care experts from Loyola University Health System (LUHS).

Released: 22-Jan-2015 5:40 PM EST
Pro-Marijuana ‘Tweets’ Are Sky-High on Twitter
Washington University in St. Louis

Analyzing every marijuana-related Twitter message sent during a one-month period in early 2014, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine have found that the “Twitterverse” is a pot-friendly place. In that time, more than 7 million tweets referenced marijuana, with 15 times as many pro-pot tweets sent as anti-pot tweets.

Released: 21-Jan-2015 4:00 PM EST
Classic Psychedelic Use Found to Be Protective with Regard to Psychological Distress and Suicidality, Study Finds
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Classic psychedelic drugs include LSD, psilocybin and mescaline. This new School of Public Health research is published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.

Released: 19-Jan-2015 3:20 PM EST
Lung Transplant Patients Who Receive Organs From Heavy Drinkers May Be at Risk for Worse Outcomes
Loyola Medicine

Lung transplant patients who receive lungs from heavy drinkers are nearly nine times more likely to experience a life-threatening complication called primary graft dysfunction. The study raises the question whether a history of alcohol abuse should exclude use of donor lungs.

Released: 8-Jan-2015 12:00 PM EST
Alcohol Warnings From Parents Matter
University at Buffalo

Parenting practices and restrictions when it comes to alcohol use can make a difference with adolescent drinking, and there is considerable value to consistent and sustained parental attitudes about drinking, according to new UB research.

Released: 7-Jan-2015 12:00 PM EST
Breaking Bad: “Dry” Counties See Rise in Meth Labs
University of Louisville

The Wall Street Journal reports that a recent economic study found that Kentucky’s “dry” counties, where alcohol sales are banned, have more meth lab seizures per capita than do the state’s “wet” counties where liquor is legal.

Released: 2-Jan-2015 6:00 PM EST
Liver Cirrhosis More Common ThanPreviously Thought, Study Finds
Loyola Medicine

Cirrhosis of the liver is more common than previously thought, affecting more than 633,000 adults yearly. And surprisingly, 69 percent of the adults identified as possibly having cirrhosis may not know they have this disease.

Released: 26-Dec-2014 10:00 AM EST
Before Drinking on New Year's Eve, Young Adults Should Read this Study
Loyola Medicine

Binge drinking in young, healthy adults significantly disrupts the immune system, a new study has found. While drinkers generally understand how binge drinking alters behavior, there is less awareness of alcohol’s harmful effects in other areas, such as the immune system.

Released: 16-Dec-2014 12:00 PM EST
Meth Users Face Substantially Higher Risk for Parkinson's Disease
University of Utah Health

In addition to incurring serious dental problems, memory loss and other physical and mental issues, methamphetamine users are three times more at risk for getting Parkinson’s disease than non-illicit drug users.

Released: 16-Dec-2014 9:15 AM EST
Cocaine, Amphetamine Users More Likely to Take Their Own Lives
Universite de Montreal

Stimulants use such as cocaine and amphetamine is associated with a nearly two-fold greater likelihood of suicidal behaviour amongst people who inject drugs, say researchers at the University of Montreal and the CHUM Research Centre. Drug addiction had already been identified as a major risk factor for suicide, and it is in fact the cause of ten percent of deaths among drug users. The data from this groundbreaking study could help develop and evaluate more appropriate suicide prevention efforts in this highly vulnerable population.

Released: 16-Dec-2014 12:05 AM EST
E-Cigarettes Surpass Tobacco Cigarettes Among Teens
University of Michigan

In 2014, more teens use e-cigarettes than traditional, tobacco cigarettes or any other tobacco product—the first time a U.S. national study shows that teen use of e-cigarettes surpasses use of tobacco cigarettes.

Released: 16-Dec-2014 12:05 AM EST
Use of Alcohol, Cigarettes, Number of Illicit Drugs Declines Among U.S. Teens
University of Michigan

A national survey of students in U.S. middle schools and high schools shows some important improvements in levels of substance use.

Released: 15-Dec-2014 3:00 PM EST
Study Links ADHD and Conduct Disorder With Increased Alcohol and Tobacco Use in Young Teens
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

A new study links ADHD and conduct disorder in young adolescents with increased alcohol and tobacco use. The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center study is among the first to assess such an association in this age group.

Released: 10-Dec-2014 5:05 PM EST
MU Researchers Find Alcohol Interferes with the Body's Ability to Regulate Sleep
University of Missouri Health

Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine have found that drinking alcohol to fall asleep interferes with sleep homeostasis, the body’s sleep-regulating mechanism.

4-Dec-2014 4:00 PM EST
Primary Care Doctors Report Prescribing Fewer Opioids for Pain
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Nine in 10 primary care physicians say that prescription drug abuse is a moderate or big problem in their communities and nearly half say they are less likely to prescribe opioids to treat pain compared to a year ago, new Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health research suggests.

Released: 8-Dec-2014 1:00 PM EST
Does Smoking Hamper Treatment for Alcohol Abuse?
University at Buffalo

A new study has shown that smoking can inhibit the success of treatment for alcohol abuse, putting people who are addicted to both tobacco and alcohol in a double bind.

Released: 1-Dec-2014 5:05 PM EST
MU Researchers Identify Epigenetic Changes Caused by Binge Drinking
University of Missouri Health

Researchers at the University of Missouri School of Medicine have identified epigenetic protein changes caused by binge drinking, a discovery that could lead to treatments for alcohol-related liver diseases.

Released: 1-Dec-2014 3:00 PM EST
Natural “High” Could Avoid Chronic Marijuana Use
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Replenishing the supply of a molecule that normally activates cannabinoid receptors in the brain could relieve mood and anxiety disorders and enable some people to quit using marijuana, a Vanderbilt University study suggest

Released: 1-Dec-2014 8:15 AM EST
Unhappy Hour: Non-Drinkers Devise Strategies to Navigate Booze-Centered Work Events
North Carolina State University

From holiday parties to happy hours, social events with co-workers often revolve around alcohol, which can put non-drinkers in an awkward position. A new study shows that tensions in these environments lead non-drinkers to develop techniques to fit in socially without taking a drink.

Released: 24-Nov-2014 10:00 AM EST
Sorting Through Recycling Bins to Learn about Alcohol Use
Ohio State University

When researchers wanted to verify alcohol-use survey results at a senior housing center, they came up with a novel way to measure residents’ drinking: Count the empty bottles in recycling bins.

Released: 24-Nov-2014 10:00 AM EST
Does Dip Decrease or Deepen Addiction to Nicotine?
West Virginia University - Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

Smokeless tobacco products are marketed as a way for smokers to cut back on the negative effects of tobacco, while still being able to use it. Is that really the case? A professor in the Department of Psychology at West Virginia University is investigating whether smokers are using smokeless tobacco products as a replacement, or supplement to cigarettes.

21-Nov-2014 3:00 PM EST
Quitting Cigarettes Tougher for Heavy-Drinking Smokers, but Phone Counseling Can Help
Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital

Smokers who drink heavily have a tougher time quitting cigarettes than smokers who drink moderately or not at all. However, a multi-center study led by researchers in Yale Cancer Center and Yale School of Medicine found that modifying tobacco-oriented telephone counseling to help hazardous drinkers can help them quit smoking.

Released: 18-Nov-2014 12:00 PM EST
Pre-Thanksgiving Drinking Ritual is a Real Buzz Kill
Loyola Medicine

The day before Thanksgiving, nicknamed Blackout Wednesday, is a time when college students are home and reunite with friends over beers or alcoholic beverages in bars and restaurants. But what often starts out as a joyous celebration all too often ends up as a senseless tragedy.

13-Nov-2014 5:00 PM EST
Reported Opioid Abuse in Pregnant Women More Than Doubles in 14 Years
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)

The number of pregnant women who abuse or are dependent on opioids (narcotics) jumped 127 percent in 14 years, leading to an increased risk of maternal death and stillbirth among other serious problems, according to a review of more than 57 million American women admitted for delivery. The results were published in the December issue of Anesthesiology, the official medical journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists® (ASA®).

11-Nov-2014 12:00 PM EST
Alcohol Taxes Can Improve Health, Lead to More Jobs
American Public Health Association (APHA)

Embargoed research from APHA's 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nov. 15-19.

12-Nov-2014 11:00 AM EST
Young Bar Patrons More Likely to Smoke and Use Multiple Tobacco Products
American Public Health Association (APHA)

Embargoed research from APHA's 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nov. 15-19

Released: 4-Nov-2014 12:00 PM EST
Mayo Clinic Researchers Discover Genetic Markers for Alcoholism Recovery
Mayo Clinic

In an international study, Mayo Clinic researchers and collaborators have identified genetic markers that may help in identifying individuals who could benefit from the alcoholism treatment drug acamprosate. The findings, published in the journal Translational Psychiatry, show that patients carrying these genetic variants have longer periods of abstinence during the first three months of acamprosate treatment.

Released: 3-Nov-2014 8:00 PM EST
TSRI Study Shows How Exercise Could Reduce Relapse During Meth Withdrawal
Scripps Research Institute

Scripps Research Institute scientists have found that even brief workouts can reduce the risk of relapse in rats withdrawing from methamphetamine. Team found exercise affected neurons in a brain region never before associated with meth withdrawal, suggesting a new direction for drug development.

Released: 3-Nov-2014 3:40 PM EST
Youth Pastors Feel Ill-Equipped to Help Young People Cope with Mental Health Issues, Baylor Study Finds
Baylor University

Many mental health disorders first surface during adolescence, and college and youth pastors are in a good position to offer help or steer youths elsewhere to find it. But many of those pastors feel ill-prepared to recognize and treat mental illness, according to a Baylor University study.

Released: 30-Oct-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Sanford Study Reveals Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevalence in U.S.
Sanford Health

Nearly 5 percent of U.S. children may be affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, according to a new study co-authored by Sanford Research’s Gene Hoyme, M.D., and Amy Elliott, Ph.D., and published by Pediatrics.

Released: 29-Oct-2014 3:00 PM EDT
Bar Attendance Supports Heavy Drinking by Young Adults Along US-Mexico Border
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

New research from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health, released Tuesday in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, shows that higher levels of drinking among United States-Mexico border young adults are closely linked to their patterns of bar attendance, but not to how they think about drinking.

Released: 28-Oct-2014 6:00 PM EDT
National Association of State Controlled Substances Authorities Endorses Federation of State Medical Boards Model Policy on Opioid Prescribing
Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB)

The National Association of State Controlled Substances Authorities (NASCSA) formally endorsed the Federation of State Medical Boards’ (FSMB) Model Policy on the Use of Opioid Analgesics in the Treatment of Chronic Pain by unanimous vote during its annual meeting in Savannah last week. NASCSA provides an educational forum through which state and federal agencies and others work to increase the effectiveness of efforts to prevent and control drug diversion and abuse.

Released: 28-Oct-2014 11:35 AM EDT
Teen Anti-Substance Abuse Program Proves Successful
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

Middle school children learn about illegal substances and may avoid alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs through a Florida 4-H program, administered by UF/IFAS.

Released: 22-Oct-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Baby Cries Show Evidence of Cocaine Exposure During Pregnancy
University of North Carolina Health Care System

A new study conducted by University of North Carolina School of Medicine researchers provides the first known evidence of how a similar acoustic characteristic in the cry sounds of human infants and rat pups may be used to detect the harmful effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on nervous system development.

14-Oct-2014 9:00 AM EDT
Binge Drinking in Young Men Linked with Increased Risk of Hypertension
American Society of Nephrology (ASN)

Binge drinking in early adulthood is associated with an increased likelihood of high blood pressure in males.

17-Oct-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Researchers Identify Key Factor in Transition from Moderate to Problem Drinking
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

A team of UC San Francisco researchers has found that a tiny segment of genetic material known as a microRNA plays a central role in the transition from moderate drinking to binge drinking and other alcohol use disorders.

Released: 14-Oct-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Three Studies Shed New Light on the Effectiveness of Cannabis in Epilepsy
American Epilepsy Society (AES)

In advance of the American Epilepsy Society’s (AES) Annual Meeting in December, the organization has offered highlights of groundbreaking research being studied at a number of institutions regarding the effectiveness of cannibidiol (CBD) and its derivatives as a viable treatment for people with epilepsy.

Released: 3-Oct-2014 4:00 PM EDT
High Alcohol Consumption Associated with an Increased Risk of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Men
Moffitt Cancer Center

Men who consume more alcohol have a greater risk of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, according to a recent study by Moffitt Cancer Center researchers.

Released: 1-Oct-2014 9:35 AM EDT
NYU Study Finds Relationship Between Neighborhood Drug Sales and Drug Use
New York University

The study looks at neighborhood factors as a cause to explain illicit drug use, exploring the associations between the perceived frequency of drug sales, drug use, and peer attitudes towards drug use.

Released: 25-Sep-2014 1:00 PM EDT
The Dangers of Teens Using Weed
Loyola Medicine

Whether states should legalize marijuana for recreational and medical use is a hot topic across the country. As the debates continue a potentially dangerous environment is being created where more preteens, teens and young adults are beginning to use the substance with the feeling that it is safe.

Released: 23-Sep-2014 1:00 PM EDT
Teens World-Wide Self-Medicate with Over-the-Counter and Prescription Drugs
Health Behavior News Service

Adolescents around the world are frequently using over-the-counter and prescription medications without a doctor’s order, a risky practice that can lead to overuse and abuse and is often continued into adulthood, reveals a new review in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
