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Released: 20-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Author Recalls Horror in Rwanda
University of Alabama at Birmingham

In his new book ìSacrifice as Terror: The Rwandan Genocide of 1994î (1999), UAB anthropologist Chris Taylor gives a personal account of his life in Rwanda leading up to and during the massacre of the Tutsi minority that left a million people dead.

Released: 16-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
More Older People Die from Fire
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A study by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) has found that older people have a higher rate of death from fire-related injury than any other age group. Details of the study are published in the November issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Released: 13-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
The History of Tea in China
University of Alabama at Birmingham

In the eighth and ninth century, tea in China was more often brewed as a hearty soup than a hot beverage, says Alan Atkinson, Ph.D., UAB professor of art history and tea expert.

Released: 13-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Aspirin Overuse Can Be Dangerous
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Many patients who are treated for gastrointestinal bleeding fail to inform their doctor that they have been taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, says Basil Hirschowitz, M.D., a UAB gastroenterologist.

Released: 13-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Employee Fraud Costs Millions
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Fraud costs businesses billions of dollars, but that estimate reflects only the cases that are detected - a mere 10-15 percent of all fraud committed in businesses across the country.

Released: 13-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Kids at Risk for Harm at School
University of Alabama at Birmingham

National statistics show that 40 percent of violent crimes against kids, ages 12-19, occur in or around schools. But kids who believe they cannot walk away from a fight are paricularly vulnerable, according to a study by UAB sociologist Kevin Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., in the October Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Released: 13-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Cutting the Cost of Managed Care
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UnitedHealth Group, the second largest health insurer in the United States, has announced that it will give doctors final say on what treatments are medically necessary.

Released: 13-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Tips to Avoid Holiday Overeating
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Even if your holiday calendar is full, you can avoid weight gain this season. "Never go to a party hungry -- eat something before you go," says UAB registered dietitian Kathy Hubbert, RD, MS.

Released: 30-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
HIV among Women on the Rise
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Women now account for 40 percent of newly diagnosed HIV infections in the world and represent the most rapidly growing segment of the HIV-infected population.

Released: 30-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Hot Jobs Going Unfilled
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Some incredibly lucrative jobs often go unfilled because college students don't even know the jobs or their $3.5 trillion-a-year industry exist.

Released: 30-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Millennium Fear -- 1000 A.D.
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Fear for mankind's fate at the turn of a new millennium is nothing new, but its cause has changed. Today we fear a technological breakdown, 1,000 years ago Europeans feared the wrath of God, says a UAB professor of arts and humanities.

Released: 30-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Helping Kids Overcome Stage Fright
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Performing in a school production can help children develop poise and self-confidence. But for some, the thought of standing in front of a live audience is terrifying.

Released: 30-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Rare Text Survives Millennium
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB's Reynolds Historical Library has a treasure trove of medical texts that have survived the ages, including a copy of the rare Rhazes "Ninth Book of the Al'-Mansuri," currently being restored.

Released: 30-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Test Men for Infertility First
University of Alabama at Birmingham

When a couple can't conceive and seek infertility help, it's the male partner who should be evaluated first, says a UAB urologist.

Released: 22-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Man's Quest to Understand the Mysteries of the Body
University of Alabama at Birmingham

From mystery and magic to microscopes and MRI's, mankind's basis for medical knowledge has come far in the last 1000 years.

Released: 9-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Book Details Union's Stand on Equality
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Alabama history, even during years of segregation, can't always be viewed in black and white, concludes a new book of essays, "It Is Union and Liberty: Alabama Coal Miners and the UMW."

Released: 9-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
The Art of Outdoor Sculpture
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A UAB associate professor of art says it is usually a combination of elements that make an outdoor sculpture pleasing.

Released: 9-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Counselors Needed to Curb Violence
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The FBI will issue reports this fall and early next year on identifying potentially violent teens and strategies for school security.

Released: 9-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Game Meats a Shot at Good Nutrition
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Hunting for nutritionally sound but adventurous dinner fare? As hunting season gets underway, a UAB registered dietitian says game meats might fit the bill.

Released: 9-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Safer Emergency Heart Diagnosis
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Emergency Department quandary: Patients arrive with chest pain and shortness of breath but initial blood tests and an electrocardiogram do not confirm a heart attack.

Released: 9-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
New, Easier Syphilis Treatment
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Findings of a UAB study show the oral antibiotic azithromycin is an effective alternative to injections of penicillin in preventing syphilis in people recently exposed to the disease.

Released: 2-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Living Organ Donors Needed
University of Alabama at Birmingham

As transplant waiting lists grow even longer and the supply of cadaver donors remains fairly stable, major centers are increasingly turning to the patients' family and friends for help.

Released: 2-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Book Chronicles Teen Drinking
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Experts say teen drinking is a pervasive problem in the United States. Health professionals, counselors and others who deal with the issue -- because of time constraints and the proliferation of profession-specific journals -- are often unaware of relevant research on teen drinking in other fields.

Released: 2-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Book Traces Klan's Quiet Years
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Despite its reputation for single-minded hatred of blacks, the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama actually focused its hate on many targets, ranging from blacks to Catholics to women alleged to have loose morals, according to a new book by Glenn Feldman, Ph.D., assistant professor in the UAB Center for Labor Education and Research (CLEAR).

Released: 1-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison to speak at UAB Oct. 30
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Alys Robinson Stephens Performing Arts Center and the Alabama Humanities Foundation present a Silver Anniversary Gala featuring Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison at 8 p.m. Oct. 30 at the center. The gala celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Alabama Humanities Foundation.

Released: 1-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Legendary Violinist Itzhak Perlman Performs at UAB Gala Oct. 28
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Alys Robinson Stephens Performing Arts Center presents an evening with legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman Oct. 28 in the Jemison Concert Hall. Tickets are $500 per person for a cocktail reception, gourmet dinner, performance and dessert with Perlman.

Released: 29-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Economist Makes Business of Web-Based Forecasting
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A University of Alabama at Birmingham economist has created an Internet tool that provides quick economic forecasting from wide-ranging data to students and clients around the world. Economagic L.L.C. is a new web-based business.

Released: 25-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Medical Tips from University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. brush smarter, not harder, 2. cranberry medicine

Released: 25-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Take the Scare Out of Halloween
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB child psychologist Vivian Friedman, Ph.D., suggests that when it comes to children, parents avoid an emphasis on scary stories.

Released: 25-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
What It Takes to Compete
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Graduates with a combination of computer savvy and pre-technology skills in such fields as quantitative analysis, accounting and communications will have an edge in an increasingly competitive market, said Lance Nail, Ph.D., finance professor in the UAB School of Business.

Released: 25-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Lotto Things to Think About
University of Alabama at Birmingham

A state-run lottery isn't likely to create gambling addicts, says a UAB addiction counselor, but it should bring more people into treatment for compulsive gambling disorders.

Released: 25-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Pumpkin Carving, Preservation
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Alan Atkinson, Ph.D., of UAB Department of Art and Art History is nationally know for his pumpkin carving ability and has suggestions on how to make the most of your pumpkin this season.

Released: 18-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Coping with Floyd
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The first thing survivors of Hurricane Floyd will need is "three squares and a place to sleep," says UAB psychiatrist Doug Sargent, M.D.

Released: 18-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Training Nurses to Teach
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Not only is there a shortage of nurses, there is also a nationwide shortage of academic faculty to teach nursing students. "Faculty shortages are an issue in general for higher education," says a UAB expert in nursing education.

Released: 18-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
From Anthropology to Economics
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Anthropology Meets Marketing 2. Information Download

Released: 18-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
There's an Artist in Everyone
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Many people don't consider themselves creative, but that's a misconception, says a UAB art historian.

Released: 18-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Trimming the Milk Mustache
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Got osteoporosis? Then drink milk. At least that's the message from the dairy industry and the USDA.

Released: 10-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Medical Tips from UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Research on black men and AIDS; 2. Osteoarthritis and the knee; 3. New prostate cancer drug; 4. Surviving football

Released: 10-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Super Diamonds
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Diamonds' strength under pressure makes them ideal for building superconducting metals and protecting astronauts from the rigors of space.

Released: 1-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Quake In Turkey, Resurgence of Islamist Party?
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB political scientist Nikolaos Zahariadis says the recent tragedy in Turkey could strengthen the Islamist leaders in that country.

Released: 31-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
No Ethical Choice
University of Alabama at Birmingham

You may think you work for an ethical company, but your perceptions may be based solely on how well they treat you.

Released: 31-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Medical Tips From UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. UAB Site of Leukemia Study, 2. Belly Up to Breakfast, 3. Ozone: How Bad is Bad?

Released: 31-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips from UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1- Music may not increase intelligence, but it can be an aid to concentration, 2- ancient Philistines may have eaten dogs.

Released: 17-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Arts & Humanities Tips From UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Refresh by Reframing 2. Write a Book, Make Millions, Retire

Released: 17-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Internet Regulation By Choice Or Fiat
University of Alabama at Birmingham

As use of the Internet grows, so will its uses for making money, advertising, and distribution of extreme materials.

Released: 17-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Picking the Right Preschool
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Selecting the right early learning environment is an important step in preparing a child for elementary school, say UAB developmental psychologists and authors of a new book, "Going to School -- How to Help Your Child Succeed."

Released: 17-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Medical Tips From UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Respiratory-Spinal Connection 2. Rediagnosing Crimes Against Children

Released: 13-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Complexity of Ground Level Ozone Problem Clouds Solution
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The biggest factor in ground level ozone the one that canít be controlled, the one that can make ozone even from the hydrocarbons naturally released from trees, the factor most responsible for reducing ozone emissions, is the weather said a professor at the UAB School of Engineering.

Released: 7-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Social & Behavioral Science Tips From UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Why answer "why?" 2. Help for kids who hate school, 3. It's a tv, not a baby sitter.

Released: 7-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Arts & Entertainment Tips From UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Cool off with a little culture, 2. Gross is "in," 3. MP3 a hit with internet bootleggers.
