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Released: 20-Nov-2017 10:05 AM EST
Save the Date: Acoustical Society of America Fall Meeting in New Orleans, Dec. 4-8
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

Acoustical waves and vibrations allow us to hear and experience the world with fuller sensory stimulation. Acoustics has applications that cover a broad spectrum of topics including anthropogenic noise in marine environments, the dangers of hospital noise, and auditory sensitivity after drinking. The Acoustical Society of America’s fall meeting this year will showcase the diversity of sound and its applications, held Dec. 4-8, 2017, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Released: 17-Nov-2017 12:05 PM EST
The Challenge of Estimating Alaska’s Soil Carbon Stocks
Department of Energy, Office of Science

A geospatial analysis determined the optimal distribution of sites needed to reliably estimate Alaska’s vast soil carbon.

14-Nov-2017 5:00 PM EST
A Popular Tool to Trace Earth’s Oxygen History Can Give False Positives
Georgia Institute of Technology

If someone cries "Eureka!" because it looks like oxygen appeared in Earth's ancient atmosphere long before the body of evidence indicated, consider this: If it was a chromium isotope system reading that caused the enthusiasm, it might need to be curbed.

Released: 16-Nov-2017 10:05 AM EST
Aquatic Plant May Help Remove Contaminants From Lakes
South Dakota State University

A tiny aquatic plant called duckweed might be a viable option for remove phosphorus, nitrates, nitrites and even heavy metals from lakes, ponds and slow-moving waterbodies.

Released: 15-Nov-2017 3:30 PM EST
Salt Pond in Antarctica, Among the Saltiest Waters on Earth, Is Fed From Beneath
University of Washington

One of the saltiest bodies on Earth, an analog to how water might exist on Mars, shows signs of being one piece of a larger aquifer.

Released: 13-Nov-2017 12:05 PM EST
UWM Geologists Uncover Antarctica’s Fossil Forests
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Prehistoric polar forests were built for survival, but were not hardy enough to live in ultra-high concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide. A UWM geologist is studying the tree fossil record in Antarctica from a mass extinction 250 million years ago, looking for clues to how greenhouse gases affected plants -- then and now.

Released: 9-Nov-2017 10:05 AM EST
JHU Scientist Crowdsources Rocks Harboring Earthly “Extraterrestrials”
 Johns Hopkins University

Crowdsourcing created an online photography archive, financed a British rock band’s tour and advanced a search for intelligent life on other planets. Now a biologist is hoping the approach can help her find rocks. But not just any rocks.

8-Nov-2017 8:55 AM EST
Closing the Rural Health Gap: Media Update from RWJF and Partners on Rural Health Disparities

Rural counties continue to rank lowest among counties across the U.S., in terms of health outcomes. A group of national organizations including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the National 4-H Council are leading the way to close the rural health gap.

Released: 7-Nov-2017 2:05 PM EST
New Approach to Geoengineering Simulations Is Significant Step Forward
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Using a sophisticated computer model, scientists have demonstrated for the first time that a new research approach to geoengineering could potentially be used to limit Earth’s warming to a specific target while reducing some of the risks and concerns identified in past studies, including uneven cooling of the globe.

2-Nov-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Cool Idea: Magma Held in ‘Cold Storage’ Before Giant Volcano Eruption
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Long Valley, California, has long defined the “super-eruption.” About 765,000 years ago, a pool of molten rock exploded into the sky. Within one nightmarish week, 760 cubic kilometers of lava and ash spewed out in the kind of volcanic cataclysm we hope never to witness. A new study shows that the giant body of magma — molten rock — at Long Valley was much cooler before the eruption than previously thought.

Released: 25-Oct-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Aitape Skull Likely Belongs to World’s Oldest Tsunami Victim
University of Notre Dame

Mark Golitko, assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Notre Dame, worked with colleagues from the Field Museum in Chicago and institutes in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea to study the Aitape skull and the area it was found in.

Released: 23-Oct-2017 8:00 AM EDT
50 Simulations of the ‘Really Big One’ Show How a 9.0 Cascadia Earthquake Could Play Out
University of Washington

The largest number yet of detailed simulations for how a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake might play out provides a clearer picture of what the region can expect when the fault unleashes a 9.0 earthquake.

Released: 17-Oct-2017 5:05 AM EDT
Microbes Leave "Fingerprints" on Martian Rocks
University of Vienna

Scientists around Tetyana Milojevic from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna are in search of unique biosignatures, which are left on synthetic extraterrestrial minerals by microbial activity. The biochemist and astrobiologist investigates these signatures at her own miniaturized "Mars farm" where she can observe interactions between the archaeon Metallosphaera sedula and Mars-like rocks. These microbes are capable of oxidizing and integrating metals into their metabolism. The original research was currently published in the journal "Frontiers in Microbiology".

Released: 12-Oct-2017 4:40 PM EDT
Is It Gonna Blow? Measuring Volcanic Emissions From Space
Michigan Technological University

Carbon dioxide measured by a NASA satellite pinpoints sources of the gas from human and volcanic activities, which may help monitor greenhouse gases responsible for climate change.

Released: 11-Oct-2017 11:00 AM EDT
Tracking the Viral Parasites of Giant Viruses over Time
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Viruses exist amidst all bacteria, usually in a 10-fold excess and include virophages which live in giant viruses and use their machinery to replicate and spread. In Nature Communications, a team including DOE JGI researchers reports effectively doubling the number of known virophages.

6-Oct-2017 10:00 AM EDT
Researchers Map the Illegal Use of Natural Resources in the Protected Brazilian Amazon

New research published in the open access peer-reviewed journal PeerJ uses law enforcement data collected from 2010 to 2015 to understand the geographical distribution of the illegal use of natural resources across the region’s protected area network.

Released: 5-Oct-2017 4:50 PM EDT
Old Faithful’s Geological Heart Revealed
University of Utah

University of Utah scientists have mapped the near-surface geology around Old Faithful, revealing the reservoir of heated water that feeds the geyser’s surface vent and how the ground shaking behaves in between eruptions. The map was made possible by a dense network of portable seismographs and by new seismic analysis techniques.

Released: 4-Oct-2017 10:05 AM EDT
In Iceland Stream, Possible Glimpse Of Warming Future
University of Alabama

When a normally cold stream in Iceland was warmed, the make-up of life inside changed as larger organisms thrived while smaller ones struggled. The findings carry implications for life in a warming climate.

Released: 3-Oct-2017 10:45 AM EDT
Large Volcanic Eruptions in Tropics Can Trigger El Niño Events
Rutgers University

Explosive volcanic eruptions in the tropics can lead to El Niño events, those notorious warming periods in the Pacific Ocean with dramatic global impacts on the climate, according to a new study.

Released: 2-Oct-2017 7:05 AM EDT
Scientists Find Evidence that Siberian Volcanic Eruptions Caused Extinction 250 Million Years Ago
New York University

A team of scientists has found new evidence that the Great Permian Extinction, which occurred approximately 250 million years ago, was caused by massive volcanic eruptions that led to significant environmental changes.

Released: 28-Sep-2017 9:05 AM EDT
Where Is All the Water From?
West Virginia University - Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

West Virginia University geology researchers are measuring the quantity and quality of the water along Peters Mountain in collaboration with the Indian Creek Watershed Association.

Released: 28-Sep-2017 12:05 AM EDT
Mapping the Thylacine’s Mysterious Loss From Mainland
University of Adelaide

Ancient DNA extracted from fossil bones and museum specimens has shed new light on the mysterious loss of the Tasmanian tiger (thylacine) from Australia’s mainland.

Released: 27-Sep-2017 4:05 PM EDT
University of Arkansas Engineering Professor Going to Mexico to Study Effects of Earthquake
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Last week’s magnitude 7.1 earthquake near Puebla, Mexico, killed and injured hundreds of people and caused widespread damage to structures in Mexico City. Civil engineering professor Clint Wood, a geotechnical-engineering specialist, will travel to Mexico City this week to study the earthquake’s impact on buildings and infrastructure in the area.

Released: 26-Sep-2017 10:05 AM EDT
NSF Grant Supports Biochemistry Research and Mentoring Outreach
Wake Forest University

The National Science Foundation recently awarded a $680,000 grant to Wake Forest University Associate Professor of Chemistry Patricia Dos Santos. In addition to funding research that helps scientists better understand life on earth, the grant also enables her to mentor students from other Triad-area colleges.

Released: 26-Sep-2017 8:05 AM EDT
WVU professors to present at 2017 Shale Insight Conference
West Virginia University - Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

West Virginia University professors Paul Ziemkiewicz, Shikha Sharma and Tim Carr will present research on technology in the shale industry at the Shale Insight Conference on Wednesday, Sept. 27 in Pittsburgh, Pa.

25-Sep-2017 8:05 PM EDT
Escaping Wildfires
University of Utah

The U-led study is the first attempt to map escape routes for wildland fire fighters from an aerial perspective. The researchers used LiDAR technology to analyze the terrain slope, ground surface roughness and vegetation density of a fire-prone region in central Utah, and assessed how each landscape condition impeded a person’s ability to travel.

Released: 25-Sep-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Iron Seeding of the Pacific Ocean May Have Played a Role in Global Climate Change
Texas A&M University

A Texas A&M University research team has examined a 100,000-year-old ocean core and found that there have been at least eight occurrences of iron penetrating the Pacific Ocean, each likely associated with abrupt global climate change over thousands of years.

Released: 25-Sep-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Scientists Monitor Silicon Valley’s Underground Water Reserves — From Space
University at Buffalo

Satellite data shows underground water reserves in California’s Silicon Valley rebounded quickly after the recent severe drought. The research points to the success of aggressive conservation measures and lays the groundwork for low-cost monitoring of subterranean water reserves around the world.

22-Sep-2017 9:35 AM EDT
Which Came First: Big Brains or Demanding Environments?
Washington University in St. Louis

Researchers in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis are challenging the notion that environment drives the evolution of brain size. A new study was released Sept. 25 in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.

Released: 22-Sep-2017 2:00 PM EDT
Hacking a Pressure Sensor to Track Gradual Motion Along Marine Faults
University of Washington

Oceanographers and a Seattle engineering company are testing a simple technique to track seafloor movement in earthquake-prone coastal areas.

15-Sep-2017 10:45 AM EDT
Deep Roots in Plants Driven by Soil Hydrology
Rutgers University

Searching for water, some tree roots probe hundreds of feet deep and many trees send roots through cracks in rocks, according to a new study led by a Rutgers University-New Brunswick professor. Moreover, the depth of plant roots, which varies between species and soil conditions, will play a key role in plants’ adaptation to climate change, said Ying Fan Reinfelder, a professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Department of Environmental Sciences.

Released: 18-Sep-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Missouri S&T Geologist Leads $2.1M National Science Foundation Research Effort to Study Earth’s Greatest Mass Extinction
Missouri University of Science and Technology

Missouri S&T geologist Dr. Wan Yang has devoted his academic career to unlocking the mysteries of thePermian mass extinction more than 250 million years ago. That geological odyssey now finds him leading an 11-institution consortium that’s been collectively awarded a $2.1 million National Science Foundation research grant.

Released: 17-Sep-2017 9:05 PM EDT
Unlocking South Australia’s Copper Resources
University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide will lead a $14.6 million research consortium to develop advanced technologies to boost South Australia’s copper production and develop a globally competitive mining technology services sector in the state.

Released: 13-Sep-2017 3:40 PM EDT
Measuring a Crucial Mineral in the Mantle
University of Delaware

New research led by the University of Delaware resolves debate over the strength of olivine, the most abundant mineral in the Earth's mantle. Measuring olivine’s strength is critical to understanding how strong tectonic plates are, which matters to how plates break and create subduction zones.

Released: 12-Sep-2017 4:25 PM EDT
Tulane Student Hopes Research Will Lead to Protection From Volcanos, Earthquakes
Tulane University

East Africa may be a long way from the Crescent City but it is top of mind for Tulane PhD student Sarah Oliva, who is studying data from volcanoes and earthquakes in that region. Her goal is a better understanding of how a 3,000-kilometer long deep valley– the East African rift system— formed. Ultimately, she hopes her research will enable her to work with scientists and help governments protect residents living near the rift.

Released: 8-Sep-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Clay Minerals and Metal Oxides Change How Uranium Travels Through Sediments
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Montmorillonite clays prevent uranium from precipitating from liquids, letting it travel with groundwater.

Released: 7-Sep-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Critical Materials Institute Develops New Acid-Free Magnet Recycling Process
Ames National Laboratory

A new rare-earth magnet recycling process developed by researchers at the Critical Materials Institute (CMI) dissolves magnets in an acid-free solution and recovers high purity rare earth elements.

Released: 7-Sep-2017 11:05 AM EDT
UCI, JPL Investigators Find Direct Evidence of Sea Level ‘Fingerprints’
University of California, Irvine

Researchers from the University of California, Irvine and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have reported the first observation of sea level “fingerprints,” tell-tale differences in sea level rise around the world in response to changes in continental water and ice sheet mass. The team’s findings were published today in the American Geophysical Union journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Released: 7-Sep-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Geologists Seek Answers with Largest Deployment of Seismometers Along Alaskan Peninsula
Cornell University

Using a fleet of airplanes, ships and intrepid scientists, Cornell is leading the largest single deployment of seismometers along the Alaskan Peninsula – a $4.5 million endeavor that geologists from across the country hope will solve long-standing mysteries about the region and the planet.

Released: 5-Sep-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Vernal Pool Research Leads Professor to Israel
California State University, Sacramento

It may seem counterintuitive, but Sacramento State Professor Jamie Kneitel is traveling to Israel this fall to learn more about seasonal wetlands in California, as well as those elsewhere in the world.
